
音标: 英 [dɪ'kri:] 美 [dɪˈkri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 法令, 判决, 天意
vt. 颁布, 判决
vi. 发布命令

n. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
v. issue a decree


1. Then we'll stop them. It was your decree.

那我们就阻拦他们 那是你发布的命令

2. does not magically decree her a woman.


3. by my royal decree. It's not that simple.

和他的恶魔了 没那么简单

4. Because the gods have spoken and that is what they have to decreed.

因为圣旨已下 皇命难违

5. And in this matter, there is no one above my decree, not even you.

此事谁也不能违背我的命令 你也不行

6. Instruct the council to issue a decree.

通知御前会议 下达判决

7. I decree that hug time is all the time.


8. I decree the pledges clean the house with toothbrushes.

我决定让新人们用牙刷 清理整间房间

9. He couldn't decree laws and he was wracked by insecurity about himself as a man.

他不能颁布法律 他因极度缺乏作为男人的安全感而崩溃

10. But now I'm issuing a whole new decree.

