
音标: 英 ['mæksilәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 颌的, 上颌骨的
n. 上颌骨

a. of or relating to the upper jaw


1. Both central and lateral maxillary incisors are implants.


2. Yes, the victim is missing a maxillary lateral incisor.

是的 死者缺失了一颗上颌骨侧切牙

3. There's something lodged between the left maxillary lateral incisor and the canine.

有东西卡在了 左上颌侧切牙和犬齿之间

4. In both these examples, the mandibular lower incisor is overlapped by the maxillary central incisor.

在这两个案件中 下颌切牙 都被上颚正门齿包住

5. The fractures extend all the way from the coronal suture, maxillary and zygomatic process.

这些裂痕一直延伸到了冠状缝 上颌和颧突处

6. The other 6 presented with pseudoaneury* of the internal maxillary artery, making them unrecognizable.

另外六人由于 出现了上颌动脉假动脉瘤的症状 因此无法辨认

7. Maxillary molars have been pulled and replaced with removable dentures, lots of gold.

上颌骨的臼齿被拔下来过 并用一副可摘除的假牙替换了 有很多金子哟
