
音标: 英 ['rændl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 兰德尔(男子名, 等于Randal)


1. Randall, this is a very common problem.

兰德尔 这是个很常见的烦恼

2. Randall is... he's really into his work.

兰德尔他... 他很喜欢他的作品

3. Randall, I don't think that you should impose on them.

兰德尔 你不能提出这样不合适的请求

4. Randall, we're gonna be here for the weekend.

兰德尔 我们就在这待一个周末

5. Randall, we were clear this job was only temporary.

兰德尔 我们都知道这份工作只是暂时的

6. Randall, you said you would take the morning off so we could do this.

兰道尔 你说过你会 为这件事请一上午的假

7. Randall, these last few weeks with you have been perfect.

兰德尔 过去几个礼拜你的表现真是太好了

8. Randall didn't have his father when his children were born.


9. Randall has made it very clear who's more important to him.


10. Randall, I need to tell you something.

兰德尔 我有事要跟你说
