
音标: 英 [ˈledʒɪsleɪtʃə(r)] 美 [ˈlɛdʒɪˌsletʃɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 立法机关, 议会, 立法院
[法] 立法机构, 立法机关

n. persons who make or amend or repeal laws


1. They're bringing the bread to the legislature.


2. Now, you're a member of the legislature, that's not great.

你是立法机构的成员 这可不太妙

3. The day before yesterday, they wanted to make me their legislature.

前天 他们想让我做他们的长老

4. The prosecution of my client under the law runs contrary to the intention of the legislature.

使用这个法律来指控我的委托人 与立法的初衷相悖

5. He said laws could be extended when doing so would be closer to the legislature's intent than overturning would be.

他说如果延展法律可以更接近立法机关 的本意而非颠覆 那么就可以法外开恩

6. Because changing the law would have to go through the state legislature and attorney general's office.

因为 想要修改法律就必须要经过国家立法委员 和总检察长办公室

7. Wags, figure out how to use lobbyists to move the legislature through regular political channels.

瓦格斯 去搞清楚怎么利用*说客 通过正常的*手段来推动提案通过

8. The state legislature took the gray wolf off the endangered list as part of a backroom deal.

州执法部门暗度陈仓 将灰狼移出了濒危动物列表

9. Passing legislature, our city gets to keep 75% of its county tax revenue for eight years.

通过立法 八年来我们市能 保留近75%的税收收入

10. I am confident that the legislature will support me, at last, in taking the necessary steps to end the moratorium on executions.

我很有信心 立法机构最终会站在我这一边 采取必要措施 终结没有死刑的日子
