
音标: 英 [ˈmaɪnəs] 美 [ˈmaɪnəs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 负号, 不足
a. 减的, 负的, 阴性的
prep. 减, 缺
[计] 负差

a. on the negative side or lower end of a scale
s. involving disadvantage or harm


1. Minus minus is a plus, which is a minus.

负数减负数就是加上去 然后还是负分

2. Those figures minus heads and minus hands have not been made invisible.

这些失去头部和双手的雕像 并未因此而消失不见

3. I was visiting just before spring, temperatures were between minus 25 and a balmy minus ten.

我来到这里时临近春天 低温零下二十五度 高温暖和些 零下十度

4. 100 minus 42 is 58 times 3 is 174 minus 32 is 142 divided by 7 is 20 and, and, and a bit.

100减42等于58乘以3是174减32 等于142除以7等于20 还还有余数

5. Now, if we wash the dough of all its starch, we can actually distill the wheat down, minus the water, minus the starch, and what we're left with is pure gluten.

现在 若我们去掉生面团中的所有淀粉 我们可以直接对小麦进行萃取 除去水分 除去淀粉 剩下的就是纯谷蛋白了

6. You are. I'm a minus here, I'm not a plus.

你能帮忙啊 我在这儿有害无益

7. It's, like, minus 60 to 70 up there.


8. So infinity minus infinity could be zero.


9. You keep the benefits, minus the leash.

你可以保留这个戒指带来的好处 不受约束

10. Yeah, minus five, because this is mine.

还得减5分 因为这是我的针线包
