PIAFPortail International Archivistique Francophone (French)
PIAFPerth International Arts Festival (Australia)
PIAFPharmacological Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation
PIAFPictures in A Flash
PIAFPacific Islands Aids Foundation (Rarotonga, Cook Islands)
PIAFPHS Internet Access Forum
PIAFPolicy Internships and Fellowships
PIAFPour une Information Alternative, Forcément (Paris, France)
PIAFParallel Interactive Analysis Facility
PIAFPolicy Internships and Fellowships Program
PIAFPhotographic Index of Australian Fishes
PIAFPortland Indy Animation Festival (Portland, Oregon)
PIAFPrototype Image Applications Fast
PIAFProgramm für die Interfakultaere Ausbildung des Forschungsnachwuchses (German)
PIAFPrivate Investigators Association of Florida
PIAFSmall Parameters in hard problems: Design, analysis, Implementation and Application of Fixed-paramater alogorithms