TBSMTivoli Business System Manager
TBSMTable Builder Services Message
TBSMTivoli Business Service Manager
TBSMtask-based specification methodology
TBSMTivoli Business Systems Manager
TBSMThe Batman/Superman Movie
TBSMTechnological and Base Sciences for the Medicine (Euro Mediterranean Scientific and Biomedical Institute)
TBSMTom Brown's School Museum (Oxfordshire, UK)
TBSMTibet Autonomus Regional Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
TBSMtotal body skeletal muscle
TBSMThe Bob Sakamano Movement
TBSMtracheo-bronchial smooth muscle
TBSMThe Bike Shed Mortdale (Mortdale, NSW, Australia)
TBSMTreasury and Balance Sheet Management
TBSMTheory-Based Software Metrics
TBSMThe Box Social Madness (band)
TBSMThe Bible Student Magazine (Bible Student Press)
TBSMToronto-Buffalo-Syracuse Metropolitan corridor (US-Canada)
TBSMtaux brut de scolarisation masculine
TBSMTotal Balance Sheet Management
TBSMtri-n-butylstannyl methacrylate
TBSMtime between scheduled maintenance
TBSMTime Based Service Manager (Mobiligent Solutions)