ENFElephants Never Forget
ENFExpected Number of Failures
ENFEnforcement Action (Environmental Term AR 200-1)
ENFElks National Foundation
ENFÉcole de Natation Française (French: French School of Swimming)
ENFEncrypt File
ENFEnd Note Filter File
ENFÉcole de Navigation Française (French: French School of Navigation)
ENFEldorado National Forest (Placerville, CA)
ENFEuropean National Front (political organization)
ENFÉclaireurs Neutres de France (French Scouting association)
ENFElectrical Network Frequency
ENFEvent Notification Facility
ENFEquivalent Normal Form
ENFEquality Network Forum (Glasgow, Scotland)
ENFElegant Normal Form (Boolean expression)
ENFEmerging Neighbourhood Fund
ENFElectroNeuroFeedback (physiotherapy device)
ENFExternal Noise Field
ENFEquipment Not-Operationally-Ready to Fire
ENFEmbarrassed Naked Female
ENFEugene Noise Festival (Oregon)
ENFextended nuclear family