ESOEuropean Southern Observatory
ESOElder Scrolls Online (gaming)
ESOEducación Secundaria Obligatoria (Spain: compulsory secondary education)
ESOEuropean Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
ESOEther Saga Online (gaming)
ESOEngineering Services Outsourcing
ESOEmployee Stock Option
ESOEdmonton Symphony Orchestra (Canada)
ESOElgin Symphony Orchestra (Elgin, IL)
ESOEnseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (Spain Eeducational system)
ESOEsophagectomy (surgical procedure)
ESOÉcole Supérieure d'Ostéopathie (French: Graduate School of Osteopathy)
ESOEuropean School of Oncology
ESOEnglish Symphony Orchestra
ESOEmegency Service Officer (various organizations)
ESOEducational Services Office(r)
ESOEssential Skills Ontario (Ontario, Canada)
ESOExecutive Support Officer (various locations)
ESOExecutive Stock Option
ESOEmergency Service Operations
ESOEnsemble Studios Online
ESOEquipment Smarter than Operator
ESOEast Side Office
ESOEnvironment Society of Oman
ESOExtended Sexual Orgasm
ESOEcord Science Operator
ESOElectrical Safety Office
ESOExternal Security Organization (Hezbollah)
ESOEquipment Superior to Operator
ESOEuropean Standardisation Organisation
ESOElectronic Sales Order
ESOExtended Security Option
ESOEvent Services Office (various schools)
ESOEntrepreneurial Support Organization (various organizations)
ESOEnvironmental Science Officer
ESOEcological Services Outsourcing (Italy)
ESOEast Side Oakland (California)
ESOExplosives Safety Officer
ESOEnterprise Service Optimization
ESOElectronics Supply Office
ESOEnligt Senare Order (Swedish: until further orders)
ESOEmergency Security Option(s)
ESOEmergency Service Override
ESOEuropean Settlements Office (banking)
ESOEstimated Sign Off
ESOEmergency Support Office
ESOEngine Shutdown Override
ESOExpanded Service Option (tape format for packaging software upgrades applied to IBM mainframe systems)
ESOElectronic Supply Officer
ESOEngage Standard Order
ESOExternal Signaling Option
ESOEqual Selection Opportunities
ESOEnvironmental Services Operations
ESOEvil Shop Owner