AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone System (Cellular System)
AMPSAssessment of Motor and Process Skills
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Service
AMPSAnalog Mobil Phone Service
AMPSAutomatic Message Processing System
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Standard
AMPSAuction Market Preferred Stock
AMPSAuction Market Preferred Stock(s)
AMPSAviation Mission Planning System
AMPSAssociation of Motion Picture Sound (UK)
AMPSAnalog Mobile Phone System
AMPSArmor Modeling and Preservation Society (newsgroup)
AMPSAcronis Maintenance and Priority Support
AMPSAirborne Multisensor Pod System
AMPSAutomated Meteorological Profiling System (US NASA)
AMPSAmerican Mobile Phone Service (less common)
AMPSAutomated Mission Planning System
AMPSAutomatic Mapping and Planning System
AMPSAutomated Message Processing System
AMPS2-Acrylamido-2-Methyl-Propane-Sulfonic Acid
AMPSAccount Management Profile System (NYSE)
AMPSArvinMeritor Performance System
AMPSAlignment of Multiple Protein Sequences
AMPSAfloat Master Planning System
AMPSAnanda Marga Pracharaka Samgha (Sanskrit: Organization for the Propagation of the Path of Bliss; Bihar, India)
AMPSAdministrative Monetary Penalty System Program (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency)
AMPSAviation Mission Planning Station
AMPSAdvanced Mission Planning System
AMPSAdvanced Modular Power System
AMPSAutomated Managed Power System
AMPSAssociation of Management and Professional Staff (UK)
AMPSAbstract Meta-Physical Speculation
AMPSAutomated Medicaid Payment System (Electronic Claims System)
AMPSAirborne Multispectral Pushbroom Scanner
AMPSAir Movement Planning System
AMPSAtmospherics, Magnetospherics, and Plasmas in Space
AMPSAutomated Mounting & Positioning System
AMPSAviation Movement Planning System
AMPSAutomated Mishap Prevention System
AMPSAutomated Mailtray Processing System
AMPSAutomated Mobility Processing System
AMPSAutomated Message Processing Switch (US Military Communications System)
AMPSAlteration Management Planning System (US Navy)