EUTEuropeiska Unionens Officiella Tidning (Swedish: European Union's publisher)
EUTEquipment Under Test
EUTEindhoven University of Technology (Delft University of Technology)
EUTExpected Utility Theory
EUTEnd User Terminal
EUTEnd User Training
EUTEuthymol Toothpaste
EUTEnd-User Training Kit
EUTElectric Utility Technology
EUTEducation in the Unorganized Territory (Maine Department of Education)
EUTElement under Test
EUTEnd User Tool
EUTElectro Underground Tribal
EUTEuropean Urology Today
EUTEarly User Test
EUTExpansionist Universe Theory
EUTEscola Universitària de Turisme
EUTEnd User Transportation
EUTEnglish Usage Test
EUTEurotransit Virtual (UK)
EUTEspacio Exterior
EUTExit/Update Transaction File
EUTEuropean Utilities Inc
EUTExtreme Unreal Tournament