
音标: 英 ['mɜ:lɒt] 美 ['mɜ:lɒt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 墨尔乐(法国酿酒用葡萄品种名); 墨尔乐红葡萄酒

n. black wine grape originally from the region of Bordeaux
n. dry red wine made from a grape grown widely in Bordeaux and California


1. Yeah, I told him you were overcharging me for merlot.

是的 我说我买梅洛酒 你对我乱收费

2. Oh, no. I want a bubble bath and a merlot.

不 我想回去享受泡泡浴和红酒

3. I could splash some merlot strategically on the other boob so that it matches.

我可以策略性地在另一边胸部上洒点墨尔乐红酒 这样就对称了

4. I wonder if my handsome hu*andtobe loves merlot.


5. The magician is turning the water into merlot instead of rosé.


6. Olivia, we really do need to talk about your fondness for merlot.

奥利维亚 我们真得好好讨论下你酗酒的问题了
