
音标: 英 [ˈbʌsləʊd] 美 [ˈbʌsˌlod]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 公共汽车运载量

n. the quantity of cargo or the number of passengers that a bus can carry


1. Now there's busloads of people just to do the music.


2. We got a busload of strigoi on their way right now.


3. Busloads of my friends are headed to the state meeting tomorrow.


4. You told me you are personally responsible for an actual busload of innocent people dying.

可是是你亲口告诉的我 你得对那一车枉死的无辜者负责的

5. There's a busload of unarmed civilians, including women and children, headed your way.

有整整一车没有武器的平民 包括女人和儿童 正往你们那去

6. The only thing that could hurt us is if she drudges up a busload of nuns who were on their way to feeding the homeless, when they happened to pass by the murder scene.

唯一可能伤害我们的是 她雇来一大堆修女 她们在给流浪汉发放食物的路上 碰巧经过了犯罪现场

7. Not to mention the company videographer, several foreign investors, and a busload of troubled teens will be there to hang on your every word.

还有公司摄影师 几个国外投资人 以及一群问题少年 都会来听你演讲
