
音标: 英 [ˌmæskə'pəʊneɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. <意>马斯卡普尼干酪(一种牛奶软干酪)

n. soft mild Italian cream cheese


1. Bring out my mascarpone cream, mascarpone cheese, to which I'm going to add some cream to that.

拿出马斯卡朋奶酪 加一点奶油进去

2. My second pancake recipe, crab and mascarpone crepes.

我的第二个薄饼食谱 蟹肉及马斯卡邦尼奶酪可丽饼

3. In a separate bowl, put mascarpone, two eggs and whisk.

在另一个碗里放入玛斯卡彭乳酪 打两个鸡蛋搅拌均匀

4. I think I'll add a little scoopful of mascarpone straight in there, as well.

所以往里面加入一勺马斯卡彭奶酪 直接放入

5. Whisk together the mascarpone and double cream until light and fluffy and not too stiff.

搅拌马斯卡朋奶酪和高脂奶油 直至轻盈而蓬松 别太稠了

6. It's such a lovely bitterness and sweetness, then the scrumptiousness of the mascarpone goes really well together.

可爱的苦涩与甜蜜交织的味道 加上美味的马斯卡朋奶酪 简直是天作之合

7. My second simple pancake brunch recipe is succulent crab and mascarpone crepes.

我的第二种简单薄饼是 多汁蟹肉及马斯卡邦尼奶酪可丽饼

8. Start off with a little bit first, don't overwhelm the chocolate and then add the remaining mixture of the mascarpone and egg.

先加一点点 别盖过巧克力 接着... 把剩下的搅拌好的奶酪和鸡蛋全部加进去

9. For the topping, mix together mascarpone from the fridge, icing sugar, then stir in soft unsalted butter.

做蛋糕饰料 把冷藏的马斯卡朋奶酪 和糖粉混在一起 用无盐软黄油提味

10. I'm going to add a little mascarpone to the pear and apple,again, just to give it a little bit more liquid to it as well.

我要加一些马斯卡彭奶酪到苹果和梨子里 为了让它更具液态
