
音标: 英 ['sʌlkəs] 美 ['sʌlkəs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[医] 沟

n. (anatomy) any of the narrow grooves in an organ or tissue especially those that mark the convolutions on the surface of the brain


1. In chimpanzees as in many primates, there is this big, deep sulcus here, the lunate sulcus.

在黑猩猩等哺乳动物的大脑 有一个很大很深的沟 叫月状沟

2. The lunate sulcus is a deep furrow in a primate's brain.


3. One important structure is called the lunate sulcus.

大脑有一个很重要的结构 叫月状沟

4. If you look carefully, what you've got here is a depression that could very likely be the lunate sulcus.

如果你仔细观察的话 可以看到这里有一条凹槽 很可能是月状沟

5. And that's why things like the socalled infamous lunate sulcus becomes important.

那就是为什么 月状沟如此重要

6. An incision 1 centimeter proximal to the coronal sulcus would afford excellent exposure.

在冠状沟下1厘米处进行环切 能够提供足够切面

7. Also, preauricular sulcus to the pelvis shows the victim gave birth five to eight years ago.

还有 盆骨的前耳状沟 显示死者五到八年前曾经生育过

8. Do a local block of the auricle by depositing a line of one percent xylocaine in the sulcus behind the auricle from the inferior to the superior pole.

做耳廓局部封闭 用百分之一的利多卡因 在耳廓后面的沟里画条线 从最上画到最下
