
音标: 英 [,skeilә'biliti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[计] 可伸缩性

n. the quality of being scalable


1. And that's primarily because scalability of the diagnostics is completely out of reach.

这主要是因为对他们来说 以显微镜作为诊断工具是完全不可能的

2. But without them, a scalable version would take years.

但没有投资人 想取得进展要花好多年时间

3. A better place through scalable, faulttolerant distributed databases with asset transactions.

通过资产交易中可扩展可容错的 分布式数据库 让世界更加美好

4. You know, tryin' to tryin' to figure out, uh, scalability or right? Is that whatever.

试图弄清 可伸缩性之类的
