
音标: 英 [ˌkɒntrəˈseptɪv] 美 [ˌkɑntrəˈsɛptɪv]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 避孕的
n. 避孕剂, 避孕用具

n. an agent or device intended to prevent conception
s. capable of preventing conception or impregnation


1. Whether you are on a more oestrogenbased contraceptive pill, or you're a more progesteronebased contraceptive pill, or you're on progesterone, they all seem to give the side effect of water retention.

无论是吃雌激素类避孕药 还是吃孕激素类避孕药 还是吃孕激素 这些避孕药 都有水潴留的不良反应

2. He's open to taking the male contraceptive pill himself.


3. So it is very difficult, from the evidence, to tie this specifically to contraceptives.

从现有证据来看 很难将增重 与服用避孕药联系起来

4. contraception, and the ordination of women and married men.

避孕 以及任命女性或已婚男性担任圣职的立场

5. The punishment for contraception is being torn apart by dogs.


6. We're suing a major retailer that won't cover women's contraceptives.

我们在起诉一个不肯卖 女子避孕用品的大型零售商

7. Unlike other contraceptive methods, this one doesn't target testosterone.

不同于其他避孕方法 这种方法的目标不是*激素

8. With their family complete, they want to find a contraceptive that works for them both.

家庭圆满的他们 想找到对二人都有效的 避孕方法

9. But perhaps most worrying of all was the link between suicide and hormonal contraception.

但也许更令人担心的 是自杀与激素避孕药之间的联系

10. Women who take oral contraceptives and had blood clots take it.

