
音标: 英 ['mændibl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 颚, 上颚, 嘴的上(或下)部
[医] 下颌骨

n the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth


1. An abrasion on the inferior margin of the mandible.


2. Those dripping mandibles are so cool and deadlylooking.

流着口水的下颌骨看上去真帅 一咬就毙命

3. Someone removed the mandible from the skull.


4. Deviations in the mandibles, the antennae, the body segmentation.

它的上颚、触须和身体分节 都是畸形的

5. The bullet broke your mandible and exited through your neck.

子弹打碎了你的下颌骨 从脖子穿出

6. Zack said he thought the mandible had been boiled.


7. But I'm almost positive there's a bilateral mandible fracture.

但是我基本确定 出现了双侧下颌骨骨折

8. These recent contusions are on the ribs, zygomatic, maxilla and mandible.

这些近期的擦伤位于肋骨 颧骨 上颌骨和下颌骨处

9. while its upper mandible is long and curved for winkling out grubs.

然而喙的上半部分 长而弯曲 易于剔出树中幼虫

10. Sorry, just working the oftneglected mandible area.

抱歉 就是*下常被忽视的下颌骨
