
音标: 英 ['treɪdə(r)] 美 [ˈtredɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 商人, 商船
[经] 交易者, 商船

n. someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold


1. So I could make the monkey think he's getting a bonus simply by having him trade with a trader who's starting with a single grape but then when the monkey pays this trader, she actually gives him an extra, so she gives him a bonus.

所以我可以让猴子认为他得到了奖励 只需让它与这位卖家交易 卖家一开始只出售一颗葡萄 但在猴子付过代币之后 她会再给猴子一颗 作为奖励

2. They had a trader spell these manacles.


3. Their traders are about to slug it out for charity.


4. So what do you do, sis? I'm a day trader.

你现在做什么 姐妹 我是当日交易员

5. I'm not certain he is ready to go against the traders.


6. He is a snakeoil trader, but a good one.

雖說是個騙子 但他很厲害

7. These marks mean I was a slave trader.


8. I'm a stock picker and an instinct trader.

我是拣股者 也是直觉很准的商人

9. He's a currency trader, and he likes the arts.

他是外汇交易员 喜欢艺术

10. I got into a disagreement with some ivory traders.

我跟一些象牙贩子 起了点争执
