
音标: 英 [ˌsəʊʃɪ'ælɪtɪ] 美 [ˌsoʊʃɪ'ælətɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 好交际, 社交性, 社交行为, 社会性, 群居性

n. the tendency to associate with others and to form social groups


1. I'm a social glue and a social laxative.


2. We are discussing social justice, not social engagements.

我们在讨论社会公正 不是社交活动

3. You should go to public school, and, you know, you're missing all the socialization, and I realize that though I went to school, and I know a lot of the socialization is not positive socialization in school.

你们应该去公共学校 你们都没有社交生活 虽然我上过学 但我发现学校中的很多社交 并没有多好 多积极

4. Can you page social work? I don't want a social worker.

请呼叫社工 我不要社工

5. There is no coincidence in the rise of social media and the rise of social violence.

社交媒体兴起 同时 社会暴力增长 这并非巧合

6. Being perceptive in one social dimension translates well to other social skills.

洞察感知某一社会层面 然后再将其翻译成其它的社交技巧

7. Chinese schools reinforce social cohesion and conformity with classes in social education.

中式学校通过社会教育课来加强 社会凝聚力与集体意识的培养

8. But both are arguments in the name of the social purpose, or the social mission or the common good, served by the institution.

但这两方面论述的出发点都是 学校肩负的社会目标 社会使命或者公共利益

9. They post long, drawnout messages on social media explaining why they're leaving social media.

他们会发很长很长的文字 解释为什么要退出社交网

10. And we mustn't forget that social connections, social interaction, or indeed the opposite not being lonely seems to be important for people's brain health.

另外一定不要忘记社会关系 社交 反言之 不要让自己孤单 这对大脑健康也很重要
