
音标: 英 ['leɪdɪbʌɡ] 美 [ˈledɪˌbʌɡ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 瓢虫

n. small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests


1. He saved a ladybug from a spiderweb.


2. You're so *all your parents are a ladybug and a tater tot.

你小到让人怀疑 你的父母是瓢虫和小炸土豆块

3. Granted it was for counting spots on a ladybug, but still, I nailed it.

尽管当时的题目只是数瓢虫背后有几个点 但我还是做到完美

4. And you need to go get your ladybug wand upstairs.


5. a little hole in the trunk and one time a ladybug flew in.

后备箱里有个小洞 一次有只瓢虫飞进去了

6. I'd rather do this the easy way and let you join these girls on the ladybug swing.

我倒想速战速决 这样你就能去瓢虫秋千那边跟孩子们玩

7. But in each one, every blade of grass, every ladybug, every detail has been precisely designed and calibrated for its residents.

但每个街区 每根草 每只瓢虫 每个细节 皆为居民精准调整与精心设计

8. In the poem, the ladybug can fly away from the *oke and fire, but her children burning is actually a reference to the larvae left behind on the plant, still trapped in their pupal cases.

在诗中 瓢虫能飞离烟雾和火灾 但它的孩子被烧死 指的是 留在植物上的幼虫 仍然被困在它们的蛹壳里
