
音标: 英 [dʒi:z] 美 [dʒi:z]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


int. 呀


1. Jeez, she's only a few minutes late.

行了 她不过是迟到了几分钟

2. Jeez, it's hard to reach you up in those mountains.

你住在山里 联系上你真不容易

3. Jeez, I haven't seen you since graduation.

老天 我自从毕业之后就没见过你了

4. Jeez, I'm getting *arter by the minute.

天哪 我真是聪明绝顶啊

5. Jeez, I thought I was having a bad day.

天呐 我还以为我这一天会糟透了

6. Jeez. I am not having this for the next hundred miles.

天啊 再有几百英里我可受不了了

7. Jeez, I got off easy compared to you.

天呐 比起你来我还轻松些

8. All right, all right, all right, jeez.

好吧好吧 当我没说 老天

9. Jeez, I hope you're training for something.

天啊 你该不是在为什么事情做特训吧

10. Oh, jeez. I thought it could work. I did.

天啊 我以为会有用 我真那么认为
