
音标: 英 ['maɪkrəʊmænɪdʒ] 美 ['maɪkroʊmænɪdʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 微观管理[处理]


1. You can't micromanage, we have too much to do.

你不能事事管着他 我们要忙的事很多

2. so you wouldn't be irritated by my micromanaging.


3. He has an excellent staff, and I don't micromanage him.

他有个很优秀的团队 我不想对他太过约束

4. It's also true that I micromanaged this case.


5. Even you don't get to micromanage the world.

即便是你 也不能管得那么细啊

6. The last thing we'd want is to micromanage you.


7. Came in and started micromanaging right from the start.

从最开始就 参与进来开始亲手处理

8. It's supposed to be tomorrow, but my partner, he keeps micromanaging me.

本来是安排在明天的 但我的搭档总是在微管理我

9. You still see me as some knucklehead kid that you have to micromanage.

你还是把我当一个 需要你看管的傻小孩

10. I live at home, too, and my mom has started micromanaging my life.

我也住家里 我妈已经开始渐渐接管我的生活了
