
单词 loan
释义 loan n 1 [C] thing that is lent, esp a sum of money 借出物; (尤指)借款     I´m only asking for a loan I´ll pay you back. 我只要求借款--日後一定奉还.     a bank loan, ie money lent by a bank 银行贷款. 2 [U] lending or being lent (used esp as in the expressions shown) 借出(尤用於下列示例)     May I have the loan of (ie borrow) your bicycle? 可以借你的自行车用用吗?     Can we ask your father for the loan of his car? 我们可以向你父亲借用他的汽车吗?     It´s not my book I´ve got it on loan from the library. 那不是我的书--是从图书馆借来的. loan, v [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (esp US) (Brit fml 文) lend sth 借出某物     a painting graciously loaned by Her Majesty the Queen 女王陛下惠借的画.

