
单词 远程
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANCED〕Smart machines and other appliances are operated via the Internet. 智能机器及其他电器用具可通过互联网远程操作。朗文写作活用〔APL〕A programming language designed for use at remote terminals. It has specific capabilities for handling arrays.APL语言:设计用于远程终端的一种程序语言,具有处理数组的特别功能美国传统〔BASIC〕A simplified user-level programming language often employed with remote or time-sharing computer centers.基本语言:一种简化的、使用者层的计算机程序语言,用于远程或分时的计算机中心美国传统〔DEW〕Distant early warning.远程预先警报美国传统〔FAR〕There are fears that the country has produced long-range missiles capable of reaching across the border. 人们担心该国已生产出能打过国界的远程导弹。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Fears of an invasion were heightened by long-range bomb attacks. 由于远程炸弹的袭击,人们对于入侵的恐惧更为强烈。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The technique is being described as a breakthrough in the field of tele-medicine. 这一技术被称为是远程医疗领域里的一个突破。朗文写作活用〔access〕She could work at home by remotely accessing the company's network.她可以通过远程登录公司网络在家上班。韦氏高阶〔access〕Users can access their voice mail remotely.用户可以远程获取语音邮件。朗文当代〔analogous〕Remote voting via the Internet is analogous to absentee voting and will have the same kinds of problems.通过因特网远程投票即类似于缺席投票,会出现同样的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔connect time〕The elapsed time during which a user of a remote terminal is connected with a time-sharing system.连接时间,接通时间,接通时间:使用远程终端机的用户与分时系统连接所需要的时间美国传统〔connected〕The computers are connected remotely by telephone line.这些计算机通过电话线实现远程连接。麦克米伦高阶〔connect〕A classroom modem allows you to connect remotely to the server.教室的调制解调器支持与服务器进行远程连接。牛津搭配〔country mile〕A very great distance.远程:很长一段距离美国传统〔discriminate〕Long-range missile attacks simply cannot discriminate between military and civilian targets.远程导弹攻击完全无法辨别军事目标和民用目标。麦克米伦高阶〔distanced〕I'm doing a theology degree by distance learning.我正通过远程教育课程攻读神学学位。柯林斯高阶〔distance〕The college offers a wide range of distance-learning courses.学院开设一系列远程学习课程。牛津搭配〔education〕Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.科技使人们可以获得各种层次的远程教育。牛津搭配〔flexibility〕The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers.远程学习的灵活性对于日理万机的经理人来说特别适合。柯林斯高阶〔flexibility〕The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers.远程学习的灵活性尤其适合忙碌的管理人员。外研社新世纪〔forward-looking〕Forward-looking industrialists build up reserves in times of expansion.有远程计划的事业家广筹准备金,以应将来扩充之需。文馨英汉〔fuel up〕The long-distance plane has to stop at London Airport to fuel up.远程飞机必须在伦敦机场停留加油。21世纪英汉〔long-range〕He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.他很想和美国达成协议,减少远程核导弹的数量。柯林斯高阶〔long-range〕He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.他急切希望与美国达成削减远程核导弹协议。外研社新世纪〔machine〕The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.这台机器可以远程操作和监控。柯林斯高阶〔machine〕The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.这台机器能远程操控。外研社新世纪〔mainframe〕The central processing unit of a computer exclusive of peripheral and remote devices.主机:计算机除了外部设备和远程设备以外的中央处理器美国传统〔obviousness〕It may be stating the obvious, but most teleworking at present is connected with computers.这一点或许人人皆知,但当前大部分远程办公都离不开计算机。柯林斯高阶〔plug into〕It is possible to plug into remote databases to pick up information.接入远程数据库来获取信息是可以办到的。柯林斯高阶〔plug into〕It is possible to plug into remote databases to pick up information.接入远程数据库来获取信息是有可能的。外研社新世纪〔range〕The missiles are effective over a long range.这些导弹可有效打击远程目标。牛津搭配〔remotely〕Most of our employees work remotely (= from home, using email and the phone).我们的员工绝大部分远程工作。剑桥高阶〔remotely〕The bomb had been detonated remotely.炸弹被远程引爆。麦克米伦高阶〔remotely〕The door can be unlocked remotely.这扇门可以远程开启。韦氏高阶〔remotely〕They can remotely monitor the building.他们可以远程监视这栋建筑。韦氏高阶〔remote〕Remote users cannot access these files.远程用户无权访问这些文件。韦氏高阶〔remote〕This enables you to get remote access to your email.这让你可以远程使用你的电子邮箱。剑桥高阶〔smoothly〕Their talks were aimed at smoothing the path towards a treaty to limit long-range weapons.他们的会谈旨在为缔结限制远程武器条约铺平道路。柯林斯高阶〔telecommute〕To engage in telecommuting.从事远程办公,从事远程交换美国传统〔telecommuting〕The practice of working at home by using a modem and a computer terminal connected with one's business office.远程办公,远程交换:通过与办公室连接的调制解调器和计算机终端而在家中工作美国传统〔teleconference〕Managers in Birmingham hold a teleconference with head office in Stuttgart every day.伯明翰的经理们每天都和斯图加特总部举行远程会议。外研社新世纪〔teleprocessing〕Computer service by means of terminals remote from the central computer.远程处理:使用中央计算机远程终端的计算机服务美国传统〔telnet〕A program that implements this protocol.远程登录程序:执行远程登录协议的程序美国传统〔time-sharing〕Computer Science A technique permitting many users simultaneous access to a central computer through remote terminals.【计算机科学】 分时,分时技术:一种使许多使用者通过远程终端同时使用中央计算机的技术美国传统〔upload〕To transfer (data or programs), usually from a peripheral computer or device to a central, often remote computer.上载:传递(数据或程序),通常是从辅助计算机或设备传递到中央的(通常为远程的)计算机美国传统A long-range missile requires a highly sophisticated guidance system to be sure of hitting its mark (= the place it is intended to hit).远程导弹要求高度精密的导航系统,以确保击中目标。剑桥国际An agreement has been signed limiting the development of new short-/medium-/long-range (= operating distance) weapons.限制开发新的短程/中程/远程武器的协议已经签署。剑桥国际Going on the expedition gives me a chance to use all the training I've had.远程考察使得我有机会运用我培训中所学的知识。剑桥国际Remote working is mainly about cutting costs.远程工作主要是为了削减成本。牛津商务Rifles are designed to be accurate at long distances.来复枪被设计用来远程精确射击。剑桥国际The US and Soviet governments are dismantling thousands of long-range nuclear weapons.美国和苏联政府正在拆除上千枚远程核武器。剑桥国际The airline plans to cut its long-haul fleet by a quarter.这家航空公司计划将其远程飞机的数目减少四分之一。牛津商务The battleship is armed with long range cruise missiles.战舰上配有远程巡航导弹。剑桥国际The company has set up remote data centers in Dallas and Orlando.这家公司在达拉斯和奥兰多设立了远程数据中心。牛津商务The company uses telematics to track the position of its vehicles at all times.公司利用远程信息处理技术随时跟踪其车辆的位置。牛津商务We are facing increasing demands for remote access from our branch offices, mobile workers and business partners.我们正面临来自分支机构、移动工作人员和生意伙伴日益增长的远程访问需求。牛津商务You can access the extranet remotely.你可以远程访问外部网。牛津商务

