
单词 迷惑
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFUSED〕She felt hurt and confused when her husband left her. 丈夫离她而去,她感觉既伤心又迷惑朗文写作活用〔CONFUSED〕She told him to leave, but he just sat there with a bemused expression on his face. 她叫他离开,但他只是坐在那里,一脸迷惑朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕As I studied more about their past, I became more puzzled, and the enigma expanded. 随着我对他们的过去研究更多,我更加感到迷惑不解,谜团扩大了。朗文写作活用〔Orphic〕Capable of casting a charm or spell; entrancing.迷惑的,受诱惑的:能够发出魅力或咒语的;迷惑美国传统〔a bit〕At first, I was a bit confused.起初,我有点儿迷惑韦氏高阶〔as to〕We are puzzled as to how it happened.关于它是如何发生的,我们很迷惑美国传统〔attract〕To possess or use the power of attraction.有吸引力,有迷惑力:拥有吸引力或运用吸引力美国传统〔baffle〕His reaction was one of bafflement.他的反应是迷惑不解。牛津高阶〔baffle〕To frustrate or check (a person) as by confusing or perplexing; stymie.使困惑,使为难:用混淆或困惑的方法迷惑或阻止(某人);使处于困境美国传统〔bewildering〕It was all very bewildering.这真让人迷惑不解。牛津搭配〔bewilderment〕He looked around in bewilderment.他迷惑地环顾四周。文馨英汉〔bewitchment〕A betwitching spell.符咒:有迷惑力的符咒美国传统〔bewitchment〕The act of bewitching.迷惑迷惑的行为美国传统〔bewitch〕To place under one's power by or as if by magic; cast a spell over.迷惑:通过或似通过魔力施加某人力量;用符咒迷惑美国传统〔blank〕Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about.史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。牛津高阶〔bother〕Her inability to understand the problem bothered her.她对这问题不能理解使她迷惑不已。21世纪英汉〔break〕We watched her puzzled face break gently into a smile.我们望着她迷惑的脸上轻轻绽放出了笑容。麦克米伦高阶〔buffalo〕To confuse; bewilder.迷惑;困惑美国传统〔bumfuzzle〕To confuse.混淆,迷惑美国传统〔captivate〕Her beauty captivated him.她的美貌把他迷惑住了。牛津同义词〔catch〕As she turned back she caught the puzzled look on her mother's face.她转过身来,看见母亲脸上迷惑的表情。柯林斯高阶〔catch〕To charm; captivate.迷惑;迷住美国传统〔closed book〕A person or thing that cannot be known or understood; something unfathomable or puzzling.完全不懂的人,不了解的事:无法认识或了解的人或物;深不可测或迷惑不解的东西美国传统〔confound〕The insides of a computer confound my wife.电脑的内部构造让我妻子很迷惑外研社新世纪〔confused〕Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.迷惑的:不能清楚地思考或不能理智或清晰地行为美国传统〔confused〕He looked at his father, who looked equally confused.他看了看父亲,父亲看起来也同样迷惑不解。牛津搭配〔confused〕She was starting to feel a bit confused.她开始感到有点迷惑不解。麦克米伦高阶〔confuse〕The general was trying to confuse the enemy.将军在设法迷惑敌人。韦氏高阶〔cottage〕Why heterosexual men go cottaging or cruising baffles most people.大多数人对异性恋者像同性恋者一样在公共厕所聚集或四出猎艳感到迷惑不解。21世纪英汉〔cross up〕The team crossed up their opponent by throwing the ball instead of running it.球队以抛球代替持球跑动进攻来迷惑对手。韦氏高阶〔device〕Their proposal was only a device to confuse the opposition.他们的建议只是为迷惑反对派而使用的花招而已。朗文当代〔devilish〕He was handsome, with a devilish charm.他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。牛津高阶〔disinterest〕His total disinterest in money puzzled his family.他对金钱毫无兴趣使他的家人感到迷惑不解。牛津高阶〔distort〕To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.曲解,歪曲,误传:给出假象或使人迷惑的原因;误传美国传统〔enchantment〕The state of being enchanted.迷惑,恍惚:处于入迷的状态美国传统〔exchange〕They exchanged some puzzled glances.他们迷惑不解地相互扫视了对方几眼。麦克米伦高阶〔excited〕He was puzzled but strangely excited by the commotion.他对骚乱迷惑不解,但被弄得莫名地兴奋。牛津搭配〔fake〕The runner faked the defender by stepping to his left and then cutting to the right.这名带球进攻球员假装要迈向左边,接着插到了右边,迷惑住了对方防守队员。韦氏高阶〔fascination〕An intensely interesting, attractive quality or trait.迷惑力:一种引起强烈兴趣,吸引人的品质或特点美国传统〔flummox〕To confuse; perplex.使混乱;迷惑美国传统〔fog〕A state of mental vagueness or bewilderment.迷惑,困惑:头脑模糊或迷乱的状态美国传统〔fox〕To baffle or confuse.使困惑或迷惑美国传统〔fox〕To trick or fool by ingenuity or cunning; outwit.使上当:以诡计或奸诈迷惑或愚弄;以智取胜美国传统〔frown〕He frowned as he read the instructions, as if puzzled.他看说明书时皱着眉头,一副迷惑不解的样子。剑桥高阶〔fuddle〕A state of confusion or intoxication.混乱或迷惑状态美国传统〔gee whiz〕Used to express mild surprise, amazement, or enthusiasm.哎呀:用来表达惊喜、迷惑或热情美国传统〔get〕To present a difficult problem to; puzzle.难住:使面对难题;使迷惑美国传统〔haste〕The haste of the decision left him bewildered.决定来得如此之快, 令他迷惑不解。外研社新世纪〔ha〕Used to express surprise, wonder, triumph, puzzlement, or pique.哈:用来表示惊讶,惊奇,欣喜若狂,迷惑或愠怒美国传统〔hoopla〕Talk intended to mislead or confuse.混淆视听的话:旨在误导或迷惑别人的言谈美国传统〔magic〕Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.有魔力的:拥有特殊的能产生令人无法预计或使人迷惑效果的能力的美国传统〔mislead〕Don't be misled by appearances, he's a good worker.不要被表象迷惑,他是一个非常能干的工人。朗文当代〔muddy〕To make obscure or confused.使迷惑:使难以理解或糊涂美国传统〔mumbo jumbo〕Language or ritualistic activity intended to confuse.迷惑人的做法:为迷惑而采用的语言或仪式活动美国传统〔mystification〕Some minerals, Pough explained to my mystification, are not truly black but only look so.看我迷惑不解, 珀夫解释说一些矿物质并非真的是黑色, 只是看起来是黑色的。外研社新世纪〔mystification〕The fact or condition of being mystified.迷惑,难解:被神秘化的事实或状态美国传统〔mystified〕He was trying to mystify his opponent.他在试图迷惑对手。21世纪英汉〔mystify〕Her disappearance has mystified her friends and neighbors.她的失踪使她的朋友和邻居迷惑不解。朗文当代〔mystify〕I was mystified by her decision.她的决定使我迷惑不解。剑桥高阶〔mystify〕The magician has been mystifying his audiences for years with his amazing tricks.那个魔术师的神奇戏法迷惑了观众很多年。韦氏高阶〔palaver〕He tried to charm her with flattering palaver.他曾试图用花言巧语迷惑她。外研社新世纪〔perplexity〕She looked at us in some perplexity.她有点迷惑不解地朝我们看。英汉大词典〔perplex〕Bankers are perplexed by the sudden rise in inflation.通货膨胀率的突然升高使银行家们迷惑不解。外研社新世纪〔philter〕To enchant with or as if with a philter.用春药迷惑:用春药或好象用春药迷惑美国传统〔plot〕The plot was a little confusing.情节有些令人迷惑朗文当代〔pull ... back〕Our force pulled back in order to mislead the enemy.我们的部队撤退是为了迷惑敌人。21世纪英汉〔puzzled〕Alice read the letter with a puzzled expression on her face.艾丽斯脸上带着迷惑的表情读了那封信。朗文当代〔puzzled〕He had a puzzled look on his face.他脸上露出了迷惑的表情。剑桥高阶〔puzzled〕I'm still puzzled as to why she said that.她为什么那么说我至今仍迷惑不解。剑桥高阶〔puzzle〕Something that baffles or confuses.难题:令人困惑或迷惑的事情美国传统〔puzzle〕They were puzzled at our interest in legal matters.他们对我们在法律问题上的兴趣感到迷惑不解。英汉大词典〔puzzle〕To be perplexed.迷惑,困扰美国传统〔reel〕Local people are still reeling at the news of his death.当地人仍对他的死讯感到迷惑不解。麦克米伦高阶〔reign〕Confusion reigned about how the debate would end.争论将如何结束, 人们普遍迷惑不解。外研社新世纪〔riddle〕One that is perplexing; an enigma.令人困扰的事物,迷惑不解的问题美国传统〔snare〕Something that serves to entangle the unwary.陷阱:用来迷惑没有防备的人或物的东西美国传统〔soubrette〕A saucy, coquettish, intriguing maidservant in comedies or comic opera.侍女:喜剧或喜剧歌剧中漂亮调皮、风流机灵、有迷惑力的女仆美国传统〔sputter〕Excited or confused utterance.兴奋或迷惑地说话美国传统〔sputter〕To spit out words or sounds in an excited or confused manner.语无伦次:因激动或迷惑而说的话或发出的声音美国传统〔sputter〕To utter in an excited or confused manner.语无论次地说:以一种兴奋中迷惑的态度叙说美国传统〔take in〕I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished.我十八九岁时结了婚,那时被他的魅力所迷惑——可他的魅力很快就荡然无存。柯林斯高阶〔tangle〕A jumbled or confused state or condition.混乱,慌乱:混乱或迷惑的状态美国传统〔throw〕It was the fact that she married that threw me.正是她已结婚这一事实使我迷惑不解。英汉大词典〔tizzy〕A state of nervous excitement or confusion; a dither.紧张:一种紧张兴奋或迷惑的状态;慌乱美国传统〔tree〕In a situation of great difficulty or perplexity; helpless.处于一个非常困难或迷惑的境地;无助的美国传统〔untangle〕To straighten out (something puzzling or complicated); clarify or resolve.理清:理清(某个让人迷惑或复杂难解的事物);澄清或解决美国传统〔war of nerves〕A conflict marked by psychological tactics, such as intimidation and threats, that is intended primarily to confuse one's enemy and erode that enemy's morale.心理战:以运用心理战术(如恐吓或危胁)为特点的战争,主要用以迷惑敌军,瓦解敌军士气美国传统〔wear〕His face wore a puzzled look.他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。牛津高阶〔wee〕She looked a wee bit confused.她看起来有些迷惑朗文当代〔wilder〕To become bewildered.迷惑,困惑美国传统〔wilder〕To bewilder; perplex.使迷惑;使困惑美国传统〔witching〕Having the power to charm or enchant; bewitching.迷人的:具有迷惑人的力量的;有诱惑力的;迷人的美国传统〔witch〕Informal A woman or girl considered bewitching.【非正式用语】 令人迷惑的女子:被认为令人着迷的女人或少女美国传统〔with〕You look puzzled - are you with me? 你看起来很迷惑——听懂我说什么了吗?剑桥高阶〔woozy〕Dizzy or queasy.迷惑的或令人作呕的美国传统For many years these questions puzzled geologists. 多年来这些问题令地质学家迷惑不解。译典通He turned to her in puzzlement (= a state of being unable to explain or understand something).他迷惑地向她请教。剑桥国际In spite of its dizzyingly complicated plot, it's one of the best movies I've ever seen.尽管复杂的情节令人迷惑,但这是我所看过的最好的影片之一。剑桥国际It's a puzzling situation.这是一种令人迷惑的形势。剑桥国际The capitalization of all nouns in German can be very confusing when you are just starting to learn the language.当你刚开始学德文时,名词的一律大写会令你十分迷惑剑桥国际

