
单词 躲藏起来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔earth〕They've gone to earth, and we can't find them.他们已躲藏起来,我们没法找到他们。英汉大词典〔go into sth〕Repeated death threats have forced them to go into hiding.他们一再收到死亡威胁,只好躲藏起来剑桥高阶〔hiding〕He had to go into hiding because of his criticism of the rulers.他因批评那统治者而不得不躲藏起来文馨英汉〔shelter〕The fox was running for the shelter of the trees.狐狸朝树丛跑,想要躲藏起来牛津高阶〔underground〕The police became suspicious and he had to go underground.警方开始怀疑了,他不得不躲藏起来麦克米伦高阶

