
单词 肆虐
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLIMB〕Hundreds of people clambered to the roof of the building to watch the fire spread. 数百人爬上大楼楼顶去看肆虐的大火。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕It wasn't military action but rampant disease that finally caused the population to surrender. 不是军事行动,而是肆虐的疾病使居民投降。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕A forest fire had been raging in the south and the sky in that direction had a deep red glow. 南面一场森林大火正在肆虐,那个方向的天空泛着深红色的火光。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The coast has been battered by torrential rain all week. 整整一周,大雨在沿海地区肆虐朗文写作活用〔about〕There's a lot of flu about.这一带流感肆虐牛津高阶〔absentee〕There are several absentees from school this week, because a lot of people have flu.因为流感肆虐,这星期有几个学生缺课。剑桥高阶〔around〕There's a lot of flu around (= a lot of people have it) at the moment.现在流感肆虐剑桥高阶〔batter〕A storm has been battering the coastline.暴风雨肆虐海岸线。外研社新世纪〔batter〕Severe winds have been battering the north coast.狂风一直在北海岸肆虐牛津高阶〔batter〕Storms battered the shore.暴风雨在海岸肆虐韦氏高阶〔beat〕Severe winds have been battering the coast.狂风一直在海岸肆虐牛津高阶〔blow over〕The storm raged all night but by morning it had blown over.暴风雨肆虐了一整夜,但到第二天早上就平息了。剑桥高阶〔boundary〕This is a disease that knows no boundaries.这种疾病到处肆虐韦氏高阶〔burn up〕Wildfires have been raging across the region burning up acres of forest.这个地区野火肆虐,已有数英亩森林被毁。韦氏高阶〔defy〕A forest fire raging in southern California is defying (= is not changed by) all attempts to control it.尽管采取了各种措施,加利福尼亚南部的一场森林大火依然在肆虐剑桥高阶〔endemic〕There is endemic racism/poverty/violence in many of the country's cities.该国很多城市中,种族主义猖獗/贫困现象普遍/暴力肆虐剑桥高阶〔epidemic〕Crime and poverty are epidemic in the city.犯罪和贫穷如瘟疫一般在这个城市肆虐剑桥高阶〔fact〕Despite the fact that the disease is so prevalent, treatment is still far from satisfactory.尽管疾病肆虐, 治疗却远不尽如人意。外研社新世纪〔fact〕Despite the fact that the disease is so prevalent, treatment is still far from satisfactory.尽管疾病肆虐,治疗却远不尽如人意。柯林斯高阶〔fire〕A massive forest fire is still raging in western Java.森林大火仍在爪哇岛西部肆虐朗文当代〔flood〕The fields were inundated by heavy floods.田野被肆虐的洪水淹没了。牛津搭配〔grip〕Winter still held them in its iron grip.严冬依然肆虐牛津搭配〔head〕The scourge of racial tyranny should never again be allowed to raise its ugly head in this land.绝不容许种族暴政再在这片土地上肆虐外研社新世纪〔indirect〕Indirect effects of the fighting include disease and food shortages.战争的间接后果包括疾病肆虐及食品短缺。剑桥高阶〔infestation〕There were signs of insect infestation.出现了害虫肆虐的迹象。韦氏高阶〔inheritance〕Starvation and disease over much of Europe and Asia was Truman's inheritance as President.杜鲁门继任总统时, 留给他的是亚洲和欧洲大部分地区饥饿与疾病肆虐的局面。外研社新世纪〔intensity〕The storm resumed with even greater intensity.风暴更猛烈地再度肆虐牛津高阶〔keel over〕The storm raged and they struggled to stop the boat from keeling over.风暴肆虐,他们努力使船免于倾覆。剑桥高阶〔lashing〕Lashing rain and fierce winds have battered parts of the country today.大雨狂风今天在这一带肆虐剑桥高阶〔mess〕The virus messed up my body so badly that they told me I was going to die.病毒在我体内肆虐,他们告诉我说我就要死了。麦克米伦高阶〔monstrously〕It was blowing a monstrous gale.狂风肆虐柯林斯高阶〔one〕One after another, tropical storms battered the Pacific coastline.热带风暴接二连三地在太平洋沿岸肆虐朗文当代〔overrun〕Locusts overran the prairie.蝗虫肆虐草原美国传统〔overrun〕Rats overran the ship.这艘船老鼠肆虐韦氏高阶〔path〕A fierce fire is still raging through the forest, burning everything in its path (= as it moves forward).烈火仍在森林中肆虐,将沿途的一切都化为灰烬。剑桥高阶〔plague〕The east coast has been plagued by blizzards for most of this month.这个月的大部分时间里东海岸遭受了暴风雪的肆虐麦克米伦高阶〔plateau〕The summit is a windswept plateau of scattered rocks.山顶暴风肆虐,碎石散布。牛津搭配〔prevail〕The temptation to exploit consumers usually prevails unless it is curbed.剥削消费者的诱惑除非加以限制,否则就会肆虐英汉大词典〔quagmire〕Since the coup, the country has sunk deeper into a quagmire of violence and lawlessness.自政变以来,该国越来越陷入了一种暴力肆虐、法律缺失的境地。剑桥高阶〔rack〕The storm racked the town.暴风雨肆虐着这座镇子。外研社新世纪〔rack〕The storm racked the town.风暴在全城肆虐英汉大词典〔rage〕A flu epidemic is raging in/through local schools.一场流感在当地各学校肆虐剑桥高阶〔rage〕A flu epidemic raged through Europe.流感在整个欧洲肆虐牛津高阶〔rage〕A great cholera epidemic raged across Europe in 1831.1831 年霍乱大爆发,肆虐欧洲。朗文当代〔rage〕A storm was raging outside, but we were warm and comfortable indoors.虽然外面风暴肆虐,但我们在室内却温暖惬意。韦氏高阶〔rage〕Outside, a storm was raging.屋外,暴风雨猖狂肆虐朗文当代〔rage〕Outside, the storm continued to rage.屋外,暴风雨还在肆虐着。麦克米伦高阶〔rage〕The blizzard was still raging outside.外面暴风雪仍在肆虐牛津高阶〔rage〕The fire raged for hours.大火肆虐了几个小时。韦氏高阶〔rage〕The fire raged for twelve hours and fifteen people died.大火肆虐了十二个小时,造成十五人死亡。朗文当代〔rage〕The storm raged unabated.暴风雨继续肆虐牛津搭配〔rage〕The war rages on and the time has come to take sides.战乱肆虐,是时候表明立场了。柯林斯高阶〔rage〕The wind is in a rage.狂风肆虐英汉大词典〔rage〕Train services were halted as the fire raged for more than four hours.火灾肆虐超过4个小时,期间列车停止了运行。柯林斯高阶〔rampant〕Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.疾病在过分拥挤的城市中肆虐剑桥高阶〔ramp〕To act threateningly or violently; rage.暴跳,乱撞:有威胁性的或使用暴力的行动;肆虐美国传统〔ratty〕Infested with rats.鼠害成灾的,老鼠肆虐美国传统〔rave〕The storm raved itself out.暴风雨怒号肆虐一阵后停息了。英汉大词典〔rave〕The tempest raved and threatened to tear the little boat to pieces.暴风雨肆虐, 几乎要把小船撕成碎片。外研社新世纪〔raw〕The town was destroyed by the raw power of the tornado.镇子被肆虐的龙卷风所摧毁。韦氏高阶〔release〕The typhoon released its full fury.台风肆虐英汉大词典〔rife〕Dysentery and malaria are rife in the refugee camps.痢疾和疟疾在难民营肆虐剑桥高阶〔riot〕The plague was running riot in Europe.当时鼠疫正在欧洲肆虐英汉大词典〔roach〕He found his brother in a seedy, roach-infested apartment.他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。柯林斯高阶〔savage〕A hurricane savaged the city.飓风肆虐了这座城市。韦氏高阶〔squally〕The competitors had to contend with squally weather conditions.参赛者不得不应付狂风肆虐的天气条件。柯林斯高阶〔storm〕It stormed all night.暴风雨肆虐了一晚上。韦氏高阶〔storm〕The storm raged all night.暴风雨肆虐了整整一夜。牛津搭配〔torment〕The flies were a terrible torment.苍蝇一度肆虐牛津高阶〔unchecked〕The fire was allowed to burn unchecked.大火肆虐,不受控制。牛津高阶〔wildfire〕The recent wildfires were made worse by the strong winds.狂风使得近期发生的野火更加肆虐韦氏高阶〔wind〕There was a strong wind.狂风肆虐外研社新世纪〔wrath〕These buildings somehow survived the hurricane's wrath.这些建筑物神奇地逃过了飓风肆虐韦氏高阶Drought and famine stalked the land. 干旱和饥荒肆虐这片土地。译典通The room never looked the same after the havoc of the fire.大火肆虐之后房间已经面目全非。剑桥国际The storm raged all night but by morning it had blown over / blown itself out (= stopped) .暴风雨肆虐了整个晚上,但到早上就停止了。剑桥国际The war raged on, unchecked by the UN's efforts to stop it.战争继续肆虐, 并没有被联合国促使停火的努力制止。剑桥国际The wind is in a rage. 狂风肆虐译典通

