
单词 装得
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADULT〕Will my tank be big enough for all these fish when they are fully grown? 等到这些鱼完全长成,我的鱼缸还能都装得下吗?朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕We hope to sell goods by packaging them attractively. 我们把商品包装得很美观,希望把它们卖出去。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕We've just had a new heating system installed, but unfortunately they didn't make a very good job of it. 我们刚刚请人安装了一套新的取暖系统,可惜他们装得不是很好。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Lea told him, completely straightfaced, that sunglasses are called moonglasses in Canada. 李装得一本正经的样子告诉他说,在加拿大太阳眼镜叫月亮眼镜。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕All the storage units were filled to capacity. 所有的存储器都装得满满的。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕My brother pretends he's tough, but he's actually pretty sensitive. 我哥哥装得坚强,可事实上他非常易生气。朗文写作活用〔appearance〕Although they were getting a divorce, my parents thought it was important to keep up appearances.尽管我父母在闹离婚,但他们觉得装得若无其事很重要。韦氏高阶〔appropriately〕The dinner is formal, so please dress appropriately.这是正式宴会,请着装得体。韦氏高阶〔backlash〕If a wheel is not true, it will shake, or have, what is called, backlash.轮子如果装得不准就会抖动,即发生所谓的游移。英汉大词典〔bottom〕He pretends to be very hard, but he's a kind man at bottom.他装得很严厉,而实质上是个好心肠的人。英汉大词典〔burst〕The plane was filled to bursting.飞机装得满满的。英汉大词典〔canister〕She bought a travel-bag large enough to contain the film canisters.她买了一只能装得下那些胶卷筒的旅行包。柯林斯高阶〔charge〕The cart was charged to the full.大马车上装得满满的。21世纪英汉〔daub〕He daubed his vice with show of virtue.他表面上装得道貌岸然以掩饰他的道德败坏行为。21世纪英汉〔disguise〕The hijackers were heavily disguised.劫持者伪装得严严实实。牛津高阶〔do (sth) up〕She always does her presents up beautifully in gold and silver paper.她总是用金银纸把礼物包装得非常精美。剑桥高阶〔ever〕In 1985 her first collection received rave reviews from Women's Wear Daily. Ever since, applause has never ceased.1985年她的首款系列时装得到《女性时装日报》的高度评价。从那时起,赞赏之声就一直不绝于耳。柯林斯高阶〔fool〕They made a fool of me by pretending I won the award.他们骗我假装得了奖金而愚弄我美国传统〔gentle〕His mouth looked deceptively gentle.他说话时看起来装得很温柔。牛津搭配〔go〕If you fill the box too full, the lid won't go on.如果你把箱子装得太满,盖子就盖不上。英汉大词典〔go〕Will these clothes go in your suitcase? 这些衣服装得进你的箱子吗?英汉大词典〔hang〕The window hangs well.这扇窗子安装得好。21世纪英汉〔hang〕This door hangs badly.这门装得不好。(或:这门开闭不灵。)英汉大词典〔hold〕This suitcase will hold all my clothes.这只衣箱装得下我所有的衣服。英汉大词典〔incorrectly〕He was told that the doors had been fitted incorrectly.他被告知那些门安装得不正确。外研社新世纪〔laden〕The lorry was fully laden.货车装得满满的。朗文当代〔loaded〕She came back carrying a loaded tray.她捧着一个装得满满的托盘回来了。朗文当代〔lock〕This suitcase won't lock because it is too full.衣箱装得太满了,锁不上。英汉大词典〔low〕He'll lie low and pretend he knows nothing about it.他会什么也不说,装得对那事一无所知。英汉大词典〔make〕She makes like she's the boss round here.她装得好像她是这里的老板。麦克米伦高阶〔overfill〕He had overfilled the jug.他把罐子装得太满了。朗文当代〔overfill〕He overfilled the pail and the water spilled out.他把桶装得太满,水都溢了出来。韦氏高阶〔overfill〕To fill (something) to overflowing.把…装得太满:把(某物)装得过满美国传统〔package〕The china needs to be packaged properly.瓷器需要包装得当。韦氏高阶〔play〕Don't you play the wise old professor with me.别对我装得像个睿智的老教授似的。英汉大词典〔play〕She was just playing the devoted mother.她只是装得像个尽心尽责的母亲似的。柯林斯高阶〔plumber〕The plumber did a good job installing the new bathroom suite.这个管子工把新浴室装得非常好。外研社新世纪〔plumb〕We've discovered that our house isn't plumbed properly.我们发现我们房子里的水管安装得有问题。剑桥高阶〔renunciative〕He had the prim renunciative mouth of someone who had eaten fish with bones in it.他是那种一本正经装得像是不沾荤腥的人,而实际上却是吃鱼不吐骨的馋鬼。英汉大词典〔repackage〕Their products are attractively repackaged.他们的产品重新包装得非常精美。21世纪英汉〔shut〕I can't shut my suitcase—it's too full.我的手提箱合不上,装得太满了。牛津高阶〔studied〕She spoke with studied politeness.她说话的时候故意装得很客气。朗文当代〔studied〕The government treated the news of defeat with studied indifference.政府对战败的消息故意装得满不在乎。英汉大词典〔take〕The boot can take at least three big suitcases.这个汽车后备箱至少装得下三个大手提箱。外研社新世纪〔tight〕My suitcase is packed so tight it might fall apart.我的手提箱装得太满了, 可能会撑开。外研社新世纪〔true〕If the door's not true, it won't close properly.门如果装得不正,就关不严。朗文当代〔true〕Is the beam (post) true? 横梁 (柱子) 安装得正吗?英汉大词典〔yourself〕Don't act sophisticated—just be yourself.不要装得老成持重,表现出你平常的样子就行了。牛津高阶〔zip〕This bag's too full, I can't zip it shut.这包装得太满,拉链都拉不上了。剑桥高阶Although she was desperate to win the contest, she pretended to be stoical about the outcome.虽然她拼命想赢得比赛,但她装得对结果毫不在乎。剑桥国际Anne simulated pleasure at seeing Simon, but really she wished he hadn't come.安妮看到西蒙时装得很高兴,但实际上她希望他不要来。剑桥国际Fill the bottle half full.把这个瓶子装得半满。剑桥国际I want the light fittings to be flush with the ceiling.我想把灯的各部件装得与天花板齐平。剑桥国际She likes to appear as if she knows all about the latest films and art exhibitions, but it's all a pose (= she's pretending and it's not true).她喜欢装得知道所有的新电影和艺术展,但这只是装腔作势而已。剑桥国际She presents such a cheerful front that you would never know she has cancer.她表面上装得那么高兴,以致你根本不会知道她患了癌症。剑桥国际Their products are always attractively packaged.他们的产品总是包装得很吸引人。剑桥国际They were unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.他们的婚姻并不幸福,但为了子女而装得一切正常。剑桥国际We've discovered that our house isn't plumbed properly.我们发现我们房子的水管安装得不对。剑桥国际

