
单词 齿间
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backwards〕Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.将牙线在齿间来回拉动。柯林斯高阶〔clamp〕The bit was clamped firmly between the horse's teeth.嚼子被牢牢地塞在马的上下牙齿间韦氏高阶〔clog〕The teeth of the saw were clogged with sawdust.锯齿间塞满了锯末。21世纪英汉〔edh〕A letter (ð) appearing in Old English, Old Saxon, Old Norse, and modern Icelandic to represent an interdental fricative.古代英语和冰岛语中的字母:古英语、古撒克逊语、古挪威语和现代冰岛语中的字母(ð),代表齿间擦音美国传统〔gap〕The little boy's teeth gapped when he smiled.那小男孩微笑时,牙齿间的缺口明显可见。英汉大词典〔interdental〕An interdental consonant.齿间辅音美国传统〔interdental〕Located or made for use between the teeth.齿间的:位于或用于齿间美国传统〔pawl〕A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion.掣爪,棘爪:一种枢轴或转轴器械,能与齿轮缺口或齿间吻合来前进或防止后移美国传统〔revolve〕Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth.莫妮卡拿起她的伯罗圆珠笔,放在牙齿间转动着。柯林斯高阶〔space〕He had spaces between his teeth.他的齿间有豁缝。英汉大词典〔vice〕He usually has a cigar butt viced in his teeth.他齿间常常叼一截雪茄。英汉大词典〔whistle〕Jenkins whistled through his teeth, impressed at last.詹金斯从齿间吹了一声口哨, 总算被打动了。外研社新世纪〔whistle〕To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips.吹口哨:通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音美国传统

