
单词 隐藏的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAMINE〕Some companies use hidden cameras in order to check up on their employees. 有些公司用隐藏的摄像机来监视雇员。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Under the lampshade Harry discovered a hidden microphone. 哈里在灯罩下面发现了一个隐藏的麦克风。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Is it true that the Chief of Police was in on the cover-up? 警察局长是否真的知道这个隐藏的事实?朗文写作活用〔ace〕A hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed.锦囊妙计:隐藏的优势或资源,一直保存到需要时美国传统〔affable〕Beneath his affable manner lies a very tough businessman.在他随和的举止后面隐藏的是一个非常厉害的生意人。麦克米伦高阶〔ambush〕A hidden peril or trap.隐藏的危险,隐藏的陷阱美国传统〔backfire〕His plan backfired when Sue discovered the hidden presents.当休发现隐藏的礼物时他的计划产生了适得其反的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔baffle〕I was completely baffled in my search for hidden treasure.我寻找隐藏的财宝的努力完全失败了。21世纪英汉〔banality〕Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.隐藏的喇叭里幽幽地传出平淡乏味的音乐。柯林斯高阶〔banal〕Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.隐藏的喇叭里幽幽地传出平淡乏味的音乐。外研社新世纪〔black economy〕A sizable hidden segment of a country's economy that operates on numerous unreported private cash transactions.黑色经济,非法经营:国家经济中相当数量被隐藏的部分,以未被告发的私人现金交易而进行美国传统〔camera〕They were caught speeding by hidden cameras.他们超速行驶,被隐藏的摄像头拍到了。柯林斯高阶〔covert〕Covered or covered over; sheltered.隐藏的或覆盖的;遮蔽的美国传统〔depth〕Her paintings reveal hidden depths(= unknown and interesting things about her character).她的画揭示出她隐藏的性格特征。牛津高阶〔facade〕I could sense the hostility lurking behind her polite facade.我能感觉到在她彬彬有礼的外表下隐藏的敌意。韦氏高阶〔ferret〕To drive out, as from a hiding place; expel.驱逐:从隐藏的地方赶出;驱逐美国传统〔frisk〕To search (a person) for something concealed, especially a weapon, by passing the hands quickly over clothes or through pockets.搜身:通过用手迅速查摸其衣服或口袋来检查(某人)隐藏的东西,尤指武器美国传统〔gem〕She worked in the antiques trade, searching out hidden gems in the most unlikely places.她从事古董行业,从最不起眼的地方搜寻出隐藏的宝物。牛津搭配〔gem〕The coffee house is a hidden gem (= something that not a lot of people know about).这个咖啡馆真是块隐藏的瑰宝。剑桥高阶〔hidden〕There were hidden microphones in the room to record their conversation.房间内有隐藏的话筒记录他们的对话。剑桥高阶〔hide〕Hypnotherapy can bring out previously hidden emotions.催眠疗法可以释放以前隐藏的情感。牛津搭配〔insight〕The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner.领悟:抓住事物内在的或隐藏的性质或靠直觉感受的行为或结果美国传统〔land mine〕Informal A concealed yet incipient crisis.【非正式用语】 隐藏的早期危机美国传统〔leprechaun〕One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to someone who catches him.矮妖精:爱尔兰民间传说中一种小精灵,可以向抓住它的人指示隐藏的宝藏美国传统〔manifest〕There is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested.没有什么不能公开而要隐藏的英汉大词典〔occult〕Hidden from view; concealed.隐藏的;隐藏于视野之外的美国传统〔on the face of it〕On the face of it, it seems like a bargain, but I bet there are hidden costs.从表面上看这好像是便宜,但我肯定其中有些隐藏的费用。剑桥高阶〔pitfall〕Several pitfalls remain in the way of an agreement.在达成协议的进程中还有几个隐藏的困难。英汉大词典〔pit〕A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall.陷阱:地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞;陷阱美国传统〔privacy〕The state of being concealed; secrecy.保密:隐藏的状况;隐匿美国传统〔recondite〕Concealed; hidden.隐秘的:掩盖着的;隐藏的美国传统〔secrecy〕The quality or condition of being secret or hidden; concealment.秘密:秘密的或被隐藏的特性或状态;掩藏美国传统〔secret〕Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.隐秘的:保持不被人知道或发现的;隐藏的美国传统〔smoke〕To force out of a place of hiding or concealment by or as if by the use of smoke.烟熏:用烟熏或似用烟熏逼迫从洞穴或隐藏的地方出来美国传统〔sniper〕A skilled military shooter detailed to spot and pick off enemy soldiers from a concealed place.狙击手:从隐藏的地方找好目标,并射杀敌军士兵的技术高明的射手美国传统〔sniper〕One who shoots at other people from a concealed place.射击者:从隐藏的地方向别人射击的人美国传统〔take〕To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses.详细分析研究:肢解或分析(如,一个理论),通常是籍此以发现隐藏的或固有的弊端或缺点美国传统〔treasure hunt〕A game in which the players attempt to find hidden articles by means of a series of clues.寻宝游戏:一种参加者通过一系列线索找到被隐藏的东西的游戏美国传统〔undertow〕The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics.隐藏的情绪是所有政治权术的一个方面。外研社新世纪〔wiretap〕To connect a concealed listening or recording device to.装设窃听器:把隐藏的窃听或录音装置与…相连接美国传统〔wish〕If you're the one who finds the hidden box, you get a wish.发现了隐藏的箱子的人可以实现一个愿望。牛津搭配The cleverly-concealed angle on her volley wrong-footed her opponent.她接球时巧妙隐藏的角度使对手错判来球方向。剑桥国际

