“give of”例句

单词 give of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔account〕No satisfactory account was given of these phenomena.对这些现象不曾提供令人满意的解释。英汉大词典〔given〕Ever since 1945, democracy has been assumed as a given of western societies.从1945年起, 西方社会就被想当然的认为是民主国家。外研社新世纪〔give〕Retired people are often willing to give of their time to help with community projects.退休老人愿意常抽出时间来帮助社区项目。朗文当代〔give〕She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of education.她确实抽出时间来帮忙。为了提高教育质量,他们奉献了自己美国传统〔give〕We're very grateful to all the people who have given of their time.我们非常感谢所有投入了宝贵时间的人。剑桥高阶〔mesh with〕This doesn't mesh with the idea that I was given of the work in this office.这个办公室的工作情况和过去告诉我的不一样。21世纪英汉〔near miss〕Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.本周早些时候两架客机在英格兰南部险些相撞,有关细节现已公布。柯林斯高阶The hotel we stayed in didn't fit the description that we'd been given of it.我们所呆的旅馆情况与所给的描述不相符。剑桥国际We're very grateful to all the people who have given of their time.我们对所有那些献出他们时间的人深表谢意。剑桥国际

