“beach house”例句

单词 beach house
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔engulf〕The spring tide engulfed the beach houses.春潮吞没了海滩上的房子美国传统〔few〕Few of the beach houses still had lights on.海滩上的房子几乎没有亮着灯的了。柯林斯高阶〔ocean〕Our beach house is just a couple of miles from the ocean.我家滨海的房子离大海只有几英里。牛津高阶〔use〕They said we could have the use of their beach house whenever they weren't there.他们说他们不在的时候我们可以随时使用他们的海滨小屋。剑桥高阶The family has three homes--an apartment in New York, a country house in Pine Plains and a beach house in the Hamptons.这家人有3处住所----1套纽约公寓、1座松树平原的乡间别墅和1幢汉普顿斯的海滩别墅。剑桥国际

