“be mixed up in”例句

单词 be mixed up in
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the Cayman Islands. 他和开曼群岛的一些不诚实交易有瓜葛。朗文写作活用〔SUSPECT〕He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the City. 他卷入了伦敦城的几桩非法交易里。朗文写作活用〔deal〕He has been mixed up in several shady deals with arms dealers.他卷入了几宗与军火商的地下交易。牛津搭配〔lap〕I'll throw this into John's lap, I don't want to be mixed up in it.我将把此事推给约翰去办,我不愿牵连在里面。英汉大词典〔mix ... up〕I don't want to be mixed up in the affair.我不想卷入此事。21世纪英汉〔mixed up〕He's the last person I'd expect to be mixed up in something like this.他是我最想不到会牵涉进这种事情的人。朗文当代〔mixed up〕How could David be mixed up in a murder?戴维怎么可能卷入谋杀案?外研社新世纪〔turn on〕He turned on Pete and accused him of being mixed up in drugs.他怒斥皮特,指责他沾染毒品。柯林斯高阶

