
单词 parentage
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-〕He was born of Anglo-American parentage.他是英美混血儿。柯林斯高阶〔born〕He was born of humble parentage [French parents].他出生寒微[他的父母是法国人]。文馨英汉〔foundling〕A deserted or abandoned child of unknown parentage.弃婴,弃儿:一个不知父母为谁的弃婴美国传统〔offspring〕A child of particular parentage.特殊身世的孩子美国传统〔parentage〕Does this reflect a parentage of pragmatism or ideology?这是否反映了实用主义或意识形态的来源?外研社新世纪〔parentage〕He is of mixed Italian and English parentage.他是意英混血儿。麦克米伦高阶〔parentage〕He was born in France in 1670 of unknown parentage (=nobody knows who his parents were) .1670 年他出生于法国,家世不明。朗文当代〔parentage〕Nothing is known about her parentage and background.她的家世和来历不明。牛津高阶〔parentage〕She came of good parentage.她家世好。文馨英汉〔parentage〕She is of mixed Australian and Japanese parentage.她既有澳大利亚血统又有日本血统。剑桥高阶〔parentage〕She was of unknown parentage.她的出身不详。外研社新世纪〔parentage〕She's a Londoner of mixed parentage (English and Jamaican).她是个(英国和牙买加)混血伦敦人。外研社新世纪〔parentage〕The ballads are of common parentage.这些民谣出自同一来源。英汉大词典〔parentage〕The botanical grouping, parentage, origin, common names, and flowering times of each flower is recorded.每种花的植物组别、来源、产地、普通名称及花期都记录在案。外研社新世纪〔parentage〕The novel starts when a child of unknown parentage is left at the house of the local priest.小说是以一个双亲不明的孩子被遗弃在当地牧师的门前开始的。剑桥高阶〔parentage〕They still did not know her place of birth or her parentage.他们仍然不知道她的出生地, 也不知道她的出身如何。外研社新世纪〔parentage〕We are all the result of our parentage and upbringing.我们都是由各自的出身和教育造就的。柯林斯高阶It is not always possible to discover the true parentage (=who the real parents are) of an adopted child.不是总有可能发现养子的亲生父母。剑桥国际She is of mixed Australian and Japanese parentage.她既有澳洲血统又有日本血统。剑桥国际The novel starts when a child of unknown parentage is left at the house of the local priest.小说是以一个双亲不明的孩子被寄养在当地牧师家开始。剑桥国际They still did not know her place of birth or her parentage. 他们仍然不知道她的出身地和家庭门第。译典通

