
单词 outer
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space. 美国国家航空航天局继续努力,想与外太空智慧生物取得联系。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕You can throw away the tough outer leaves of the cabbage. 你可以把卷心菜外面老的叶子扔掉。朗文写作活用〔Oceanus〕A Titan god of the outer sea encircling the earth and the father of the Oceanides and the river gods.奥西娜斯:环绕地球的外部海域的泰坦神,为所有海洋女神和河神之父美国传统〔SUPPORT〕These poles hold up the outer part of the tent. 这些杆子支撑帐篷的外部。朗文写作活用〔T-shirt〕An outer shirt of a design similar to the T-shirt.样式类似T恤的外衣美国传统〔TRAVEL〕We passed a ferry full of people bound for one of the outer islands. 我们经过一艘渡船,船上满载着去一座边远岛屿的乘客。朗文写作活用〔Vidalia onion〕A large, white, sweet, delicately flavored onion, having a thin yellowish outer skin and poor storage qualities.维达利亚大葱:一种大的、白色、甜美的洋葱,有一层黄色的薄皮,很难储存美国传统〔adrenal cortex〕The outer portion of the adrenal glands that produces several steroid hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone.肾上腺皮质:肾上腺的外部,产生包括皮质甾醇和醛甾酮的多种类固醇激素美国传统〔adventitia〕The membranous outer covering of an organ or a blood vessel.外膜:器官或血管的膜状外表覆盖物美国传统〔amphithecium〕The outer layer of cells of the spore-containing capsule of a moss.蒴周层:藓类孢子囊的外层细胞美国传统〔amylopectin〕The outer portion of a starch granule consisting of insoluble, highly branched polysaccharides of high molecular weight.支链淀粉,淀粉粒纤维素:淀粉粒的外层部分,由不溶于水且高分支的高分子量多糖构成美国传统〔anima〕The unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality.灵气:人的无意识自我或真实的内在自我,与人的外在表现和外在性格相反美国传统〔anteroom〕An outer room that opens into another room, often used as a waiting room.前厅,候见室:通向另一个房间的靠外的房间,经常用作候见室美国传统〔apparel〕Clothing, especially outer garments; attire.衣服,衣着,服饰:衣服,尤指外套;盛装美国传统〔astrodynamics〕The dynamics of natural and human-made bodies in outer space.航天动力学,天体动力学:将天然及人工天体推入外层空间的动力学美国传统〔bailey〕The space enclosed by this outer wall.城廓中庭:用这种外墙围起来的空间美国传统〔batten〕One of several flexible strips of wood placed in pockets at the outer edge of a sail to keep it flat.木条,板条:几块放在船帆外部用以保持船帆平整的柔韧木条美国传统〔batter〕A slope, as of the outer face of a wall, that recedes from bottom to top.斜外墙:墙外表面的倾斜,从底部到顶部由于厚度减薄而形成的向后倾斜美国传统〔bearded iris〕Any of various irises characterized by a conspicuous region of hairs or hairlike structures on the lower parts of the three outer drooping perianth segments.鸢尾花:一种鸢尾植物,特征为在外部三层下垂的花被部分中,较低部分上具有显著毛状结构的美国传统〔beaver〕A napped wool fabric, similar to felt, used for outer garments.毛呢:一种类似于毛毡的拉毛毛织物,用作外衣美国传统〔bodice〕A woman's laced outer garment, worn like a vest over a blouse.紧身马甲:妇女穿的有花边的外衣,如背心一样穿在外衣的上面美国传统〔boltrope〕A rope sewn into the outer edge of a sail to prevent it from tearing.帆边绳:缝在风帆外部边缘上以防止其撕裂的绳子美国传统〔bottom round〕A cut of meat, such as steak, taken from the outer section of a round of beef.底部圆腿肉:一种从牛后腿外部切下来的肉块,如牛排美国传统〔bran〕The outer layers of the grain of cereals such as wheat, removed during the process of milling and used as a source of dietary fiber.糠:麦子等谷类植物种子的外壳,在加工过程中脱去,用作食物纤维的来源美国传统〔brown rice〕The whole grain of rice, from which the germ and outer layers containing the bran have not been removed; unpolished rice.糙米:指没去掉含麦麸的胚和外层表皮的谷子;糙米美国传统〔burn away〕The outer layer of wooden shingles burned away quickly in the fire. = The fire quickly burned the outer layer of wooden shingles away.木片瓦的外层很快就被火烧光了。韦氏高阶〔by〕Always pick up a CD by the outer edge to avoid damaging the surface.拿CD时记住拿外缘,以避免刮伤表面。麦克米伦高阶〔cant〕An outer corner, as of a building.倾斜面:倾斜面,如一幢建筑的倾斜面美国传统〔cape〕A sleeveless outer garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders.斗篷,披肩:一种系于喉部、披在双肩上的无袖外套美国传统〔cashmere〕Fine, downy wool growing beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat.细羊毛:在克什米尔山羊的外层羊毛之下生长的细绒毛美国传统〔cervix〕A neck-shaped anatomical structure, such as the narrow outer end of the uterus.器官的颈部:一种颈状解剖结构,如子宫末端狭窄的外端美国传统〔chorion〕The outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. In placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta.绒毛膜:在爬行类动物、鸟类及哺乳类动物中包含胚胎的外膜,在有胎盘哺乳动物中与胎盘的发育有关美国传统〔cloak〕A loose outer garment, such as a cape.披风,斗篷:一种宽松的外衣,例如斗篷美国传统〔coat〕A sleeved outer garment extending from the shoulders to the waist or below.外套:带袖的外衣,从肩延伸到腰或腰以下美国传统〔cork〕The lightweight, elastic outer bark of the cork oak, used especially for bottle closures, insulation, floats, and crafts.软木:栓皮栎树的重量轻、有弹性的外皮,尤指用于瓶塞、绝缘、鱼漂和船艇的材料美国传统〔corset〕A medieval outer garment, especially a laced jacket or bodice.胸衣:一种中世纪外衣,尤指带花边的上衣或胸衣美国传统〔cortex〕The outer layer of an internal organ or body structure, as of the kidney or adrenal gland.皮层:内部器官或身体结构的外层,如肾或肾上腺皮层美国传统〔corticate〕Having a cortex or a similar specialized outer layer.有皮的:有皮的或具有相似的专门发育的外部覆盖的美国传统〔creature〕The film was about creatures from outer space.影片讲述的是来自外部空间的怪物。剑桥高阶〔creature〕They have been visited by creatures from outer space.有外星人拜访了他们。柯林斯高阶〔crocket〕A projecting ornament, usually in the form of a cusp or curling leaf, placed along outer angles of pinnacles and gables.卷叶饰:一种放置在小尖塔以及三角墙的外角上的、通常为尖头或卷叶状的突起饰物美国传统〔crow's-foot〕Often crow's-feet A lasting wrinkle or wrinkles formed at the outer corner of the eye. 常作 crow's-feet 眼角皱纹:在眼的外角形成的永久性皱纹美国传统〔crust〕The hard outer covering or integument of certain plants and animals, such as lichens and crustaceans.甲壳:某些植物或动物的硬的外层覆盖物或包裹物,如地衣和甲壳纲动物美国传统〔crust〕The hard outer portion or surface area of bread.面包皮:面包的表面区域的硬皮美国传统〔cuboid〕Anatomy A tarsal bone on the outer side of the foot in front of the calcaneus and behind the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.【解剖学】 骰骨:一块脚外侧的跗骨,位于跟骨之前、第四和第五跖骨之后美国传统〔curtain wall〕An outer or enclosing wall, especially one connecting two towers or turrets, as in a medieval fortification.间壁墙:外面或包围住的墙壁,特别是连接两个塔或塔楼的,如同在中古的筑垒上美国传统〔cutaway〕A model or diagram of an object with part of the outer layer removed so as to reveal the interior.剖面图:某物体的模型或图示,该物体外层的一部分被切除以便显示其内部美国传统〔decorticate〕To remove the bark, husk, or outer layer from; peel.剥皮:剥去…的树皮,外壳或外层表皮;剥皮美国传统〔dock in〕The two modules will dock in outer space.两个宇宙飞船上的舱将在外层空间对接。21世纪英汉〔dock〕The two modules docked in outer space.那两个航天舱在外层空间对接。英汉大词典〔dorsal〕Botany Of or on the outer surface, underside, or back of an organ.【植物学】 背部的:器官外表面的或器官外表面上、底面或器官的背部美国传统〔ecdysis〕The shedding of an outer integument or layer of skin, as by insects, crustaceans, and snakes; molting.蜕毛,蜕皮,蜕化:脱去一层外壳或皮层,如昆虫、甲壳纲动物和蛇的蜕皮;蜕毛美国传统〔ectocommensal〕A commensal organism that lives on the outer body surface of another organism.外共生体:生活在另一种生物体外表的共生生物美国传统〔envelope〕Biology An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane or the outer coat of a virus.【生物学】 膜,包袋:包裹性的结构或包皮,如膜或病毒的外壳美国传统〔epiblast〕The outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation.外胚层:囊胚的外层,在原肠胚形成之后生后外胚层组织美国传统〔epidermis〕An integument or outer layer of various invertebrates.表皮皮层:非脊椎动物最外层的皮层美国传统〔epidermis〕The outer, protective, nonvascular layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis.表皮:脊椎动物真皮之外的一层无血管的保护性皮层美国传统〔exfoliate〕This cream regenerates skin's appearance by exfoliating its outer layer.这种乳膏通过去除表层使皮肤再生。外研社新世纪〔exoskeleton〕A hard outer structure, such as the shell of an insect or a crustacean, that provides protection or support for an organism.外骨骼:为生物提供保护或支持的坚硬的外部结构,象甲壳类动物或昆虫的骨盘美国传统〔external〕Outer circumstances.外部环境美国传统〔external〕Relating to, existing on, or connected with the outside or an outer part; exterior.外面的,外在的:与外面或外部有关的,出现在外面或外部的,与外面或外部有联系的;外部的美国传统〔facing〕An outer layer or coating applied to a surface for protection or decoration.饰面,保护面:装在外面的外层或薄层,为了保护或装饰美国传统〔fall〕Botany The outer series of perianth in the irises and related plants.【植物学】 花被:蝴蝶花或相关植物外层常垂的花瓣美国传统〔fibrous〕The coconut has a fibrous outer covering.椰子有一个纤维质的外壳。朗文当代〔fibula〕The outer and narrower of two bones of the human lower leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.人的腓骨:人的小腿的两根骨头中较向外侧和较细的那根,从膝盖延伸到脚踝之间美国传统〔flannel〕Outer clothing, especially trousers, made of this cloth.法兰绒外衣:用这种布做成的外衣,尤指裤子美国传统〔flay〕To strip off the skin or outer covering of.剥皮:剥去皮或表部表层美国传统〔floss〕Short or waste silk fibers, especially from the outer surface of the cocoon of a silkworm.粗丝:尤指蚕茧的外层蚕衣的短或无用的丝纤维美国传统〔fly〕The outer edge of a flag.旗的边缘美国传统〔fly〕The span of a flag from the staff to the outer edge.旗子的横幅:从旗杆到外面的旗的宽度美国传统〔fore-edge painting〕A technique of painting a picture on the front outer edges of the leaves of a book, so that the picture is visible only when the leaves are fanned open.书口染色:在书页的外缘做画的技术,使得只有在翻开书页时才可看到图画美国传统〔fringe〕Scientists were measuring temperatures at the outer fringes of the atmosphere.科学家正在测量大气外层边缘的温度。韦氏高阶〔gallery〕A roofed promenade, especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported by arches or columns on the outer side.游廊,柱廊:有覆盖物的散步场所,尤指从建筑物侧墙延伸出去的由拱和柱在外侧支持的廊美国传统〔garment〕The outer garment was a loose-fitting robe.外套是一件宽松的长袍。朗文当代〔gland〕A device, such as the outer sleeve of a stuffing box, designed to prevent a fluid from leaking past a moving machine part.密封装置,密封套:一种装置,比如填充函的外套,设计出来以防止液体从一移动的机器零部件中渗漏出来美国传统〔gown〕A distinctive outer robe worn on ceremonial occasions, as by scholars or clerics.学士服、法服、礼服等:在一些庆祝仪式上,学者或教士穿着的与众不同的外衣美国传统〔guck〕The astronauts released the guck into outer space.宇航员们将废物排入外层空间。英汉大词典〔haik〕A large piece of cotton, silk, or wool cloth worn as an outer garment in Morocco.白罩袍:摩洛哥人当外套穿的一大块棉布,丝绸或羊毛织物美国传统〔hatcheck〕A room for checking hats and other outer garments.衣帽间:用于存放帽子或其他外套的房间美国传统〔helix〕Anatomy The folded rim of skin and cartilage around most of the outer ear.【解剖学】 耳轮:弯折的皮肤边缘,耳廓周围的软骨美国传统〔hem〕Turn under and hem the outer edges.翻过来并在外侧缝上褶边。外研社新世纪〔horn〕The hard, smooth keratinous material forming the outer covering of the horns of cattle or related animals.角质物:覆盖于牛或其他相关动物的角上的,坚硬而又光滑的表层物质美国传统〔hot pants〕Very brief tight shorts worn by women as an outer garment.紧身短裤:妇女穿在外面的紧身短裤美国传统〔hull〕The outer casing of a rocket, guided missile, or spaceship.外壳:火箭,导弹或宇宙飞船的外壳美国传统〔hull〕The dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut; a husk.果皮,外皮:水果、种子或坚果的干外皮;果皮美国传统〔husk〕A shell or outer covering, especially when considered worthless.(无价值)外壳:外壳或荚,尤指没有利用价值的美国传统〔husk〕The outer membranous or green envelope of some fruits or seeds, as that of a walnut or an ear of corn.果壳,种膜:某些水果或种子的外膜或绿色的外壳,如胡桃或玉米穗的壳和膜美国传统〔inequality〕The outer surface, except for slight inequalities, may be either smooth to the touch or harsh.除了略微不齐整外, 外表面摸起来要么光滑, 要么粗糙。外研社新世纪〔infill〕There is room for infill between the new outer suburbs.在新建的远郊住宅区之间还有空地可以盖房。柯林斯高阶〔interlining〕An extra lining between the outer fabric and regular lining of a garment.内衬:衣物表面与正常衬料间的一层附加衬料美国传统〔jacket〕The outer metal shell or case of a bullet.弹壳:子弹的金属外壳或金属外层美国传统〔labia majora〕The two outer rounded folds of adipose tissue that lie on either side of the vaginal opening and form the external lateral boundaries of the vulva.大阴唇:在阴道口两侧的两片外面的圆形脂肪组织褶皱,构成了外阴外侧边界美国传统〔launch into〕They launched at least 2 spaceships into outer space each year.他们每年至少将2艘宇宙飞船发射到太空。21世纪英汉〔lemma〕The outer or lower of the two bracts that enclose the flower in a grass spikelet.外稃:在草的小穗状花序中,包围花朵的两瓣苞片中外面或下面的那一片美国传统〔limit〕This line of islands formed the outer limit of the empire.这一系列岛屿形成了该帝国的边界线。麦克米伦高阶〔malleolus〕Either of the two rounded protuberances on each side of the ankle, the inner formed by a projection of the tibia and the outer by a projection of the fibula.踝骨:在脚踝两侧的圆形突起之一,里面由胫骨的突出所形成,外面是由腓骨的突出所形成美国传统〔mantle〕A loose, sleeveless coat worn over outer garments; a cloak.斗篷:一种可穿在外衣外面的松弛的无袖衣服;斗篷美国传统〔mantle〕The outer covering of a wall.墙的外皮美国传统〔marginalize〕To relegate or confine to a lower or outer limit or edge, as of social standing.使处于社会边缘:被降低或限制在一个下限或外限或边缘,如社会地位美国传统〔naked〕Zoology Lacking outer covering such as scales, fur, feathers, or a shell.【动物学】 外部无遮盖的:缺乏外部覆盖物,如鳞、皮、毛或壳美国传统〔odontoblast〕One of the cells forming the outer surface of dental pulp that produces the dentin of a tooth.成牙质细胞:形成能制造牙质的牙髓表面的细胞美国传统〔outer〕Outer London/Mongolia 伦敦的外围地区;外蒙古牛津高阶〔outer〕A variety of accommodation exists in outer suburbs south of the river.河南面的远郊有各种各样的住所。外研社新世纪〔outer〕He's on the outer with his friends right now.他现在受到朋友们的排斥。外研社新世纪〔outer〕Her inner turmoil was masked by an outer calm.她内心的混乱被外表的平静掩盖了。韦氏高阶〔outer〕His inner conflict is related to struggles in the outer world.他内心的矛盾和外部世界的争斗有关系。朗文当代〔outer〕I removed the outer skin of the onion.我剥去了洋葱的外皮。韦氏高阶〔outer〕I walked along the outer edge of the track.我沿着跑道的外缘走。牛津高阶〔outer〕Peel off the outer plastic cover of the flex.剥掉花线的塑料外皮。外研社新世纪〔outer〕The building's outer walls and doors are all of brown glass.那座建筑物的外墙和门都是用茶色玻璃制成的。外研社新世纪〔outer〕The package's outer covering was damaged.包裹的外包装被损坏了。韦氏高阶〔outline〕A line marking the outer contours or boundaries of an object or a figure.轮廓线:标出物体或图形外部轮廓或界线的线美国传统〔outside〕On or to the outer or external side.在外面地或外侧地美国传统〔outsole〕The outer sole of a shoe or boot.鞋跟:鞋或靴的外底美国传统〔overall〕Chiefly British A loose-fitting protective outer garment; a smock.【多用于英国】 防护服,罩衫:一种宽松的起保护作用的外衣;罩衫美国传统〔overdress〕A skirted garment, such as a pinafore, worn over other outer clothing.外衣:穿在其它的外衣外面的裙式的衣服,如围裙美国传统〔overgrew〕The outer walls of the house are overgrown by vines.房子的外墙上长满了藤蔓。21世纪英汉〔over〕External; outer.外面的;外部的美国传统〔parget〕A cement mixture used to waterproof outer walls.涂料:一种用于外墙防水的水泥混合物美国传统〔parka〕A hooded fur pullover outer garment worn in the Arctic.毛皮风雪大衣,派克大衣:一种在北极地区穿的带风帽的皮外衣美国传统〔pelisse〕A long cloak or outer robe, usually of fur or with a fur lining.毛皮披风:一种通常是毛皮质或毛皮衬里的长披风或外袍美国传统〔penthouse〕Sports The sloping roof that rises from the inner wall to the outer wall surrounding three sides of the court in court tennis, off which the ball is served.【体育运动】 遮棚:围绕网球场三侧用以挡球的由外墙斜向内墙的倾斜屋顶美国传统〔pericranium〕The external periosteum that covers the outer surface of the skull.颅骨外骨膜:在颅骨外侧的骨膜美国传统〔periostracum〕The hard chitinous outer covering of the shell of many mollusks, especially freshwater ones, that protects the shell from the erosive action of water.角质层:许多软体动物,尤指淡水软体动物身体硬壳外包的一层物质,用以防止壳受水的侵蚀作用美国传统〔peripheral〕Of the surface or outer part of a body or organ; external.外表面的:身体或器官的外表面或外部的;外部的美国传统〔peripheral〕Related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary or periphery.周缘的:关于、位于或组成外部边界或周缘的美国传统〔periplast〕An outer layer surrounding the cell membrane of certain microorganisms, such as a spirochete.质膜:某些微生物,如螺旋体,包围细胞壁的外层膜美国传统〔peroneal〕Of or relating to the fibula or to the outer portion of the leg.腓骨的,腓侧的:腓骨的或小腿外侧部位的,或与之相关的美国传统〔photosphere〕The visible outer layer of a star, especially of the sun.光球:恒星的可见外层,尤指太阳的美国传统〔pingo〕An Arctic mound or conical hill, consisting of an outer layer of soil covering a core of solid ice.冰举丘:北冰洋土丘或丘状小山,由土壤外层履以固体冰丘组成美国传统〔plating〕The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.油轮外部金属板覆层破裂的那一瞬间, 油开始外溢。外研社新世纪〔plating〕The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.油轮外部金属板覆层破裂的那一瞬间,油开始外溢。柯林斯高阶〔polished〕Having the husk or outer layers removed. Used of grains of rice.碾净的:谷壳或外层被去除了的。用于大米米粒美国传统〔press〕The press are in the outer office, waiting for a statement.记者们在办公室外间等着声明的发表。英汉大词典〔primary〕One of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing.初级飞羽:鸟翅膀外边缘突出的主要飞羽美国传统〔railbird〕A horseracing enthusiast, especially one who watches races at the outer rail of the track.比赛狂:赛马的迷恋者,尤指在跑道外侧栅栏处观看比赛的人美国传统〔relocate〕About two thousand families will be relocated in the outer suburbs.约有两千户人家将迁至远郊区。21世纪英汉〔reveal〕The part of the side of a window or door opening that is between the outer surface of a wall and the window or door frame.(门,窗)框边:墙外表面和窗扇或门之间的部分美国传统〔rim〕The circular outer part of a wheel, furthest from the axle.轮缘:离中轴最远的轮状物的圆形外圈部分美国传统〔rocket〕The spacecraft rocketed into outer space.宇宙飞船冲进太空。韦氏高阶〔scapular〕A monk's sleeveless outer garment that hangs from the shoulders and sometimes has a cowl.无袖外衣:僧侣穿的一种无袖外衣,从肩部垂下,有时包括僧衣的头巾美国传统〔scarf〕To wrap (an outer garment) around one like a scarf.用(一外罩)象围巾一样四周包起美国传统〔scarify〕Botany To slit or soften the outer coat of (seeds) in order to speed germination.【植物学】 划破(种子表皮)以促进发芽:为加速发芽使种子的外表开裂或软化美国传统〔sclerodermatous〕Zoology Having an outer covering of hard plates or bony scales.【动物学】 有硬皮(鳞甲)覆盖的:有硬皮或鳞甲作为外表覆盖物的美国传统〔seed coat〕The outer protective covering of a seed.种皮:种子外部保护性的表皮美国传统〔shard〕The elytron or outer wing covering of a beetle.甲虫的鞘翅或外层羽翼美国传统〔sheath〕The wire is covered by an outer plastic sheath.电线外面覆盖着一层塑料保护层。朗文当代〔shelf ice〕An extension of glacial ice into coastal waters that is in contact with the bottom near the shore but not toward the outer edge of the shelf.陆架冰:冰河的冰延伸入岸边水中的部分,它与接近浅滩的底部接触但不朝向陆架边缘美国传统〔skin〕The outer skin of the orange is called the 'zest'.橙子皮称为 zest。柯林斯高阶〔skirt〕The lower outer section of a rocket vehicle.火箭发动器外部的底座部分美国传统〔slough〕Snakes slough their outer layers of skin.蛇会蜕去表皮。英汉大词典〔slough〕The dead outer skin shed by a reptile or an amphibian.蜕皮:爬行动物或两栖动物蜕下的死皮美国传统〔smock〕A loose coatlike outer garment, often worn to protect the clothes while working.罩衣,工作服:一种宽松的大衣般的罩在外面的衣服,常常用来在工作时保护里面的衣服美国传统〔space probe〕A spacecraft carrying instruments intended for use in exploration of the physical properties of outer space or celestial bodies other than Earth.太空探测器:携带用于对地球外的太空和其他天体的物理性质进行探测的工具的航天器美国传统〔spacefaring〕The launching of vehicles into outer space.发射:将航空器发射入太空美国传统〔spall〕The outer layers of the wall are spalling off.墙的外层已在剥落。英汉大词典〔sporopollenin〕A polymer that constitutes the outer wall of spores and pollen grains.孢壁聚合物:形成孢子外壁和花粉物的聚合质美国传统〔stole〕A long robe or outer garment worn by matrons in ancient Rome.女长袍:古罗马已婚妇女穿的长袍或外套美国传统〔strengthen〕Metal supports were added to strengthen the outer walls.增加了金属支架以加固外墙。朗文当代〔superficies〕The outer surface of an area or a body.一地区或一躯体的表面美国传统〔surcoat〕A loose outer coat or gown.宽松的外套或罩袍美国传统〔surface〕He wiped the lock and all outer surfaces of the trunk.他擦了擦锁和箱子的表面。外研社新世纪〔surface〕The outer or the topmost boundary of an object.表面:物体的最外或最上边界美国传统〔table〕Anatomy The inner or outer flat layer of bones of the skull separated by the diploe.【解剖学】 骨板:被板障骨隔开的头盖骨的内层或外层扁平的骨头美国传统〔tack〕A rope for hauling the outer lower corner of a studdingsail to the boom.系帆索:用来将一张辅助帆外侧的下角拉上吊杆而设的绳索美国传统〔tegument〕A natural outer covering; an integument.外皮:天生的外部覆盖物;覆盖物美国传统〔testa〕The often thick or hard outer coat of a seed.外种皮:一粒种子的通常厚或坚硬的外壳美国传统〔theca〕A case, covering, or sheath, such as the pollen sac of an anther, the spore case of a moss, or the outer covering of the pupa of certain insects.壳,鞘:盖,表层或鞘,如花药的花粉囊,苔藓的孢子壳或菜昆虫的蛹外壳美国传统〔trash〕To cut off the outer leaves of (growing sugar cane).除去(生长中的甘蔗)的外层叶子美国传统〔travel〕The book discusses the future of travel in outer space.这本书探讨了太空旅行的未来。韦氏高阶〔tumble down〕The outer walls looked likely to tumble down in a stiff wind.外墙看起来一刮强风就会倒塌。柯林斯高阶〔tunic〕Botany A loose, membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus.【植物学】 皮膜:球茎或鳞茎,如洋葱、郁金香或番红花的球茎的一种松散的、薄膜状的外皮美国传统〔umbo〕Anatomy A small projection at the center of the outer surface of the eardrum.【解剖学】 鼓膜凸:鼓膜外表面中心的一个小突起美国传统〔undercoat〕A coat of sealing material applied to a surface before the outer coats, as of paint, are applied.内涂层:在上漆或其它涂层之前涂于表面的密封材料美国传统〔underdress〕An outer garment, such as a dress beneath a tunic or coat, that is worn as part of a costume or suit.衬裙:穿在束腰长套衫或外套里边,作为装束或套装一部分的外衣美国传统〔undergarment〕A garment worn under outer garments, especially one worn next to the skin.内衣:外衣下边贴身穿着的衣服美国传统〔undergrowth〕A growth of short, fine hairs underlying the longer and thicker outer hairs of an animal's coat; underfur or underwool.细绒毛:动物外层浓密的长毛下生长的短而细的绒毛;细软绒毛或内层绒毛美国传统〔underhair〕A covering of soft downy hairs lying underneath the outer hairs of an animal's coat; an undercoat.底层绒毛:动物外层长毛下的一层细软绒毛浓密的绒毛美国传统〔underskirt〕One skirt of a layered gown over which outer skirts are formed and draped.衬裙:分层罩袍的一层裙子,外裙在其上形成和覆盖美国传统〔undersleeve〕An ornamental sleeve worn under another sleeve, designed to extend below or show through slashes in the outer sleeve.衬袖:穿在另一袖子内作装饰用的袖子,做成向下延伸或通过开叉在外袖里露出美国传统〔vacuity〕It's difficult to think of the great vacuities that exist in outer space.难以想像外层空间那寂寥渺茫的太空。英汉大词典〔vacuum bottle〕A bottle or flask having a vacuum between its inner and outer walls, designed to maintain the desired temperature of the contents.保温瓶,暖水瓶:在内壁和外壁之间有一真空层的瓶或热水瓶,这种设计是了保持瓶内期望的温度美国传统〔valence electron〕An electron in an outer shell of an atom that can participate in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.价电子:参与或其他原子形成化合键的原子外层电子壳层的电子美国传统〔vestibule〕A small entrance hall or passage between the outer door and the interior of a house or building.前厅:在外门和一间房子或建筑外部之间的一个小走廊厅或者通道美国传统〔waterproof〕Chiefly British A raincoat or other such outer garment.【多用于英国】 雨衣:雨衣或其它这样的外套美国传统〔white hole〕A hypothetical hole in outer space from which energy, stars, and other celestial matter emerge or explode.白洞:假想的外层空间的洞,从该洞中能量、星辰及其它天体物质显现或爆发美国传统〔white pepper〕Pepper ground from peppercorns from which the outer black layer has been removed.白胡椒粉:以已去掉外层黑壳的胡椒粒磨研而得的胡椒粉美国传统〔work on〕The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.科学家们仍致力于发明到达外层空间的新方法。21世纪英汉〔wrap〕A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat.外套,披肩:裹在或围在人身上的衣服,尤指外罩,如罩袍、大氅、披肩或大衣美国传统Some Western scientists believe that there are still a few cosmonauts of Russia operating independently in outer space. 有一些西方科学家认为太空中还有一些俄国宇航员在独立运作。译典通The outer door was wide open but the inner one was locked. 外边的门敞开著,但里面的门锁著。译典通The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science. 征服外层空间是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。译典通The egg has an elliptical outer appearance. 蛋有个椭圆形的外表。译典通The film was about creatures from outer space.影片主要讲述的是来自外空的生物。剑桥国际The two modules docked in outer space. 那两个航天舱在外层空间对接。译典通There are indications that the surface temperature (= the temperature on the outer part) of the Earth is increasing.有迹象表明地表温度正在不断上升。剑桥国际These bacteria have a tough outer shell made of intertwined sugar molecules.这些细菌有由糖分子组成的坚硬外壳。剑桥国际We read stories concerning visitors from outer space. 我们读了关于天外来客的故事。译典通We took a jet to the big island, then a propeller plane to the outer island.我们乘喷气式飞机到了大岛,然后乘螺旋桨飞机到了外岛。剑桥国际We witnessed a missile being launched into outer space. 我们目睹一枚飞弹向外太空发射。译典通

