
单词 pram
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bash〕I accidentally bashed into a woman pushing a pram.我不小心撞到了一个正推着婴儿车的妇女。朗文当代〔bring along〕They brought along Laura Jane in a pram.他们把劳拉·简放在婴儿车里带来了。柯林斯高阶〔chuck〕We first met, it turns out, when he chucked me under the chin as I lay, all innocent, in my pram.原来, 我们的初次见面是那样的:我天真无邪地躺在摇篮里, 他轻轻摸了一下我的下巴。外研社新世纪〔cocooned〕My snugly cocooned baby slept in his pram.我的小宝贝包裹得既温暖又舒适, 正睡在婴儿车里。外研社新世纪〔condition〕Mum's still got our pram - it's very old, but it's in perfect condition.妈妈还留着我们的婴儿车——虽然很旧了,但仍然完好。剑桥高阶〔jiggle〕She jiggled the handle of the pram to make the baby stop crying.她摇动婴儿车的手柄想让宝宝不哭。朗文当代〔mess around〕I'd like to know who's been messing about with the pram.我想知道是谁在瞎摆弄这辆婴儿车。柯林斯高阶〔pram〕Dale has been throwing his toys out of his pram because he has been told his party have to stop over in Miami.当戴尔得知他们一行要在迈阿密短暂逗留时, 他像个孩子般大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔pram〕I saw her pushing a pram down the street.我看见她推着童车沿着街道走。剑桥高阶〔pram〕She was pushing her baby along in a pram.她把宝宝放在婴儿车里推着走。牛津搭配〔rock〕He rocked the pram for a while.他把婴儿车轻轻摇了一会儿。外研社新世纪〔turn〕We took turns (at, in 或 on) pushing the pram.我们轮流推童车。英汉大词典〔wheel〕She was wheeling a toy pram along the pavement.她正沿着人行道推一辆玩具婴儿车。外研社新世纪Always check before you buy that your child's pram conforms to the official safety standards.买婴儿车前要检验一下是否达到官方的安全标准。剑桥国际At first he was embarrassed to be seen pushing a pram down the street.被人看到在街上推童车,他开始有些尴尬。剑桥国际Gail's baby twins lay gurgling (with pleasure) in their pram.盖尔的双胞胎婴儿躺在他们的婴儿车里(快乐地)咯咯作声。剑桥国际I saw her last night wheeling a pram along Green Lane.我昨晚看到她推着一辆婴儿车走过格林小道。剑桥国际Parents with prams have made common cause with the disabled to get easier access to public buildings.手推婴儿车的父母与残疾人携手呼吁设置方便他们进入公共建筑的通道。剑桥国际She complained about the shop's cavalier treatment of people with prams.她抱怨这个商店漫不经心地对待推婴儿车的人们。剑桥国际

