
单词 manufacture
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AND/ALSO〕What's more this stuff is cheap to manufacture so we should make a big profit. 而且,这东西生产起来成本也低,所以我们应该能赚到大钱。朗文写作活用〔Bakelite〕A trademark used for any of a group of synthetic resins and plastics found in a variety of manufactured articles.电木,酚醛树脂:一种商标,用于存在于各种加工制造物品中的任何一种合成树脂或塑料制品美国传统〔Gilsonite〕A trademark used for a natural black bitumen employed in the manufacture of acid, alkali, and waterproof coatings.硬沥青:适用于制造酸、碱和防水服的一种天然黑沥青的商标美国传统〔LEAST〕Exports of manufactured goods are now at an all-time low. 工业品的出口量现在处于历史最低水平。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕Systems of this type have been used in car manufacture. 这种系统已经用于汽车制造。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕The car was designed, developed, and manufactured in collaboration with Honda. 这款车是与本田公司联手设计、开发和生产的。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕The firm now employs 640 people in the manufacture of frozen foods. 该公司现在雇用了640名工人生产冷冻食品。朗文写作活用〔PVC〕A common thermoplastic resin, used in a wide variety of manufactured products, including rainwear, garden hoses, phonograph records, and floor tiles.聚氯乙烯:一种普通热塑树脂,广泛用于产品加工,包括雨衣,花园浇水用的胶皮管,留声唱片,和地板砖美国传统〔SELL〕The company manufactures and delivers paper and paper products. 这家公司生产并运送纸张和纸制品。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕The company manufactures the low-tech parts in Mexico, and then assembles here. 该公司在墨西哥生产低技术含量的部件,然后到这里来装配。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕The company specializes in the manufacture of high quality writing instruments. 这家公司专门生产高质量的书写工具。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Researchers in Stanford and Princeton collaborated to manufacture a completely new waterproof textile. 斯坦福大学与普林斯顿大学的研究者合作生产一种全新的防水面料。朗文写作活用〔article〕The finished article takes two months to manufacture.制造这个成品耗时两个月。牛津搭配〔assembler〕One that assembles, as a worker who puts together components of an item being manufactured.装配工:装配的人,如将生产的部件装配在一起的工人美国传统〔assembly〕The putting together of manufactured parts to make a completed product, such as a machine or an electronic circuit.组装:将生产的部件装配在一起使之成为一个完整产品,如机器或电子线路板美国传统〔attest〕The number of old German cars still on the road attests (to) the excellence of their manufacture.在马路上仍可以看到相当数量的老款德国车,这表明其制造工艺十分精良。剑桥高阶〔best〕Their new drug was effective and safe, and, best of all, it was very cheap to manufacture.他们的新药有效又安全,最令人高兴的是生产成本很低。麦克米伦高阶〔billet〕A small, usually rectangular bar of iron or steel in an intermediate stage of manufacture.坯段:制造过程中的一小条铁或钢,通常为长方形的坯段美国传统〔borax〕An anhydrous sodium borate used in the manufacture of glass and various ceramics.无水硼砂:无水硼钠化合物,用于制造玻璃和各种陶瓷美国传统〔brewery〕An establishment for the manufacture of malt liquors, such as beer and ale.啤酒厂:制造麦芽酒类的工厂,如啤酒和麦酒美国传统〔carboxymethylcellulose〕A derivative of cellulose whose sodium salt is used in the manufacture of processed foods as a stabilizing and emulsifying agent and in medicine as a laxative.羧甲基纤维素,纤维素胶:一种纤维素衍生物,其钠盐在加工食品的制作过程中用作稳定剂和乳化剂,也在医药中用作通便剂美国传统〔change〕The plant has changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries.这家工厂已改产蓄电池。英汉大词典〔chemical engineering〕The branch of engineering that deals with the technology of large-scale chemical production and the manufacture of products through chemical processes.化学工程:工程学的分支,与大规模化学生产技术及通过化学途径加工产品有关美国传统〔civet〕The thick, yellowish, musky fluid secreted by one of these mammals, used in the manufacture of perfumes.香猫香,麝猫香:这些哺乳动物分泌的粘稠、黄色有麝香味的液体,用于香水的制作美国传统〔clean room〕The microchips are manufactured in a clean room.这些微芯片是在无尘室里生产的。韦氏高阶〔coppersmith〕One that works or manufactures objects, especially utensils, in copper.铜匠:加工或制造铜制品尤其是铜器皿的人美国传统〔deliver〕Most manufactured goods were delivered to country areas by rail.大多数工业品由铁路运送到农村地区。英汉大词典〔design〕A graphic representation, especially a detailed plan for construction or manufacture.设计图:一种图形表示,尤指用于建筑或制造业的详细方案美国传统〔differ〕Though ingredients differ, the basic process of manufacture remains the same.尽管配料成分有别,但是基本的制作工序不变。英汉大词典〔early〕Henry Ford was a pioneer during the early days/years of car manufacture.亨利·福特是早期汽车制造业的先驱。剑桥高阶〔encase〕When nuclear fuel is manufactured, it is encased in metal cans.核燃料制造出来后使用金属罐封装。外研社新世纪〔equivalent〕Those less-known companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices.那些不太出名的公司生产同样的产品,价格却更便宜。韦氏高阶〔evolve out of〕This method of manufacture evolved out of a long process of trial.这种制造方法是在长期试验过程中逐步形成的。21世纪英汉〔ferrous oxide〕A black powder, FeO, used in the manufacture of steel, green heat-absorbing glass, and enamels.氧化亚铁:一种用于生产钢、绿色吸热玻璃及瓷漆的黑色粉末,FeO美国传统〔flatter〕A die plate for flattening metal into strips, as in the manufacture of watch springs.扁条拉模:一种用来拉平钢条的模板,如用于生产手表发条的模板美国传统〔floor〕The area of a factory where the product is manufactured or assembled.制造产品之处:工厂中生产或安装产品的区域美国传统〔forefront〕The new factory could put the town back at the forefront of steel manufacture.这家新工厂能使这个城镇恢复炼钢重镇的地位。牛津搭配〔formic acid〕A colorless caustic fuming liquid, HCOOH, used in dyeing and finishing textiles and paper and in the manufacture of fumigants, insecticides, and refrigerants.甲酸,蚁酸:一种无色有刺激性气味的液体,HCOOH,用于染和加工纺织品和纸张,也用于制熏蒸剂、杀虫剂和致冷剂美国传统〔freeze〕To prohibit further manufacture or use of.禁止进一步生产或使用…美国传统〔given the go-ahead〕The company received/got the go-ahead to manufacture the new drug.公司得到了生产这种新药的许可。韦氏高阶〔glasswork〕The manufacture of glassware or glass.玻璃或玻璃器制造美国传统〔goods〕Britain's leading exporter of manufactured goods (=things that are made not grown) 英国主要的工业品出口商朗文当代〔handling〕A special licence is required for the manufacture or handling of any dangerous chemical.生产或销售危险化学品必须获得特殊许可证。朗文当代〔hatter〕One whose occupation is the manufacture, selling, or repair of hats.制帽人,帽商,修帽工:以制作、出售或修补帽子为职业的人美国传统〔high〕We manufacture products of high quality.我们生产高质量产品。韦氏高阶〔hydrobromic acid〕A clear, colorless or faintly yellow, highly acidic and corrosive aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide, HBr, used in the manufacture of bromides.氢溴酸:一种纯净、无色或淡黄色的由溴化氢溶于水生成的强液体酸,HBr,用于制备溴化物美国传统〔hydrogen bromide〕An irritating colorless gas, HBr, used in the manufacture of barbiturates and synthetic hormones.溴化氢:一种有刺激性的无色气体,化学式为HBr,用于制造巴比妥酸盐和合成荷尔蒙美国传统〔hydrogen chloride〕A colorless, fuming, corrosive suffocating gas, HCl, used in the manufacture of plastics.氯化氢:一种无色,易蒸发,腐蚀性令人窒息的液体化学式HCl,用于生产塑料美国传统〔hydrogen iodide〕A corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, HI, used to manufacture hydriodic acid.碘化氢:一种腐蚀性的无色窒息性气体分子式为HI,用于生产碘氢酸美国传统〔inappropriate〕They manufacture goods that are inappropriate for their economy.他们制造不适合他们经济的商品。文馨英汉〔incredible〕The glass elements require an almost incredible precision in manufacture.这些玻璃元件的制造精度要求之高几乎难以置信。牛津搭配〔ingrain〕Yarn or fiber dyed before manufacture.生染的纤维:生产前就染了色的纱线或纤维美国传统〔instrumentation〕The study, development, and manufacture of instruments, as for scientific or industrial use.仪表制造:为科学或工业用途研究,开发和制造仪器美国传统〔intermediate〕Chemistry A substance formed as a necessary stage in the manufacture of a desired end product.【化学】 中间产物:在生产预计的最终产品的必需阶段中形成的物质美国传统〔laboratory〕A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured.药厂:用于生产药品和化学物质的地方美国传统〔latten〕Brass or an alloy resembling brass, hammered thin and formerly used in the manufacture of church vessels.黄铜片:黄铜或类似黄铜的合金,用锤子锤成片状,过去用于制造教堂中的器具美国传统〔lightweight〕The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。柯林斯高阶〔line〕An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水线,生产线:运行的有序系统,可进行连续生产或产品生产所有或各个阶段的生产装配美国传统〔manufactural〕A knot of politicians manufactured public opinion.一群政客假造舆论。21世纪英汉〔manufactural〕It is manufactured by machinery.这是机器制品。21世纪英汉〔manufactural〕It is manufactured in Germany.这是德国制造的。21世纪英汉〔manufactural〕They can manufacture rags into paper.他们能用破布造纸。21世纪英汉〔manufactural〕This steel is manufactured from Swedish iron.这种钢材是用瑞典的铁炼制的。21世纪英汉〔manufactured housing〕Manufactured homes considered as a group.人造房屋:作为人造房屋的总称美国传统〔manufacturer〕A person, an enterprise, or an entity that manufactures something.制造商:制造某物的人、企业或实体美国传统〔manufacture〕A product that is manufactured.制成品:被制造过的产品美国传统〔manufacture〕According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.根据控方意见,官员们精心编造了事情经过。柯林斯高阶〔manufacture〕Cost will determine the methods of manufacture.成本将决定生产方法。朗文当代〔manufacture〕Diabetics don't manufacture enough insulin.糖尿病患者体内胰岛素分泌不足。麦克米伦高阶〔manufacture〕He manufactured an alibi about his car breaking down.他编了一个汽车抛锚的借口。麦克米伦高阶〔manufacture〕He said the allegations were manufactured on the flimsiest evidence.他说这些指控都是凭空捏造的。外研社新世纪〔manufacture〕He said the allegations were manufactured on the flimsiest evidence.他说这些指控都是凭空捏造的。柯林斯高阶〔manufacture〕If the media can manufacture stories like this, who are we supposed to believe? 如果媒体能编造这样的故事,我们还能相信谁呢?朗文当代〔manufacture〕Oil is used in the manufacture of a number of fabrics.石油被用来生产多种纺织品。剑桥高阶〔manufacture〕She insisted that every scandalous detail of the story had been manufactured.她坚持认为报道中每一个骇人听闻的细节都是捏造出来的。剑桥高阶〔manufacture〕The amount of recycled glass used in manufacture doubled in five years.用于制造业的回收玻璃数量5年里翻了一番。剑桥高阶〔manufacture〕The car is manufactured in Ashton-under-Lyne.这款车是在阿什顿安德莱恩生产的。外研社新世纪〔manufacture〕The company is engaged in the manufacture of computer hardware.这家公司生产计算机硬件。麦克米伦高阶〔manufacture〕The date of manufacture of the clock has been authenticated.钟表的生产日期已得到认证。牛津搭配〔manufacture〕The firm manufactures women's clothing.那家公司制造女装。麦克米伦高阶〔manufacture〕The first three models are being manufactured at the factory in Ashton-under-Lyne.最初的3种型号在阿什顿安德莱恩的工厂生产。柯林斯高阶〔manufacture〕The officers manufactured an elaborate story.官员们精心编造了一个故事。外研社新世纪〔manufacture〕The report notes a rapid decline in manufactured goods.报告指出工业产品数量迅速下滑。剑桥高阶〔manufacture〕They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials.他们生产一类被称作热塑材料的塑料。外研社新世纪〔manufacture〕They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials.他们生产这类被称为热塑材料的塑料制品。柯林斯高阶〔manufacture〕Vitamins cannot be manufactured by our bodies.维生素不能由人体来生成。牛津高阶〔manufacture〕We import foreign manufactured goods.我们进口国外制成品。柯林斯高阶〔manufacture〕We need better regulations governing the manufacture of farm vehicles.我们需要更完善的规章来管理农用运输车的生产。外研社新世纪〔manufacture〕We're developing new methods of paper manufacture.我们正在开发新的造纸方法。韦氏高阶〔marginal〕Relating to commodities thus manufactured and sold.与在这种情况下生产和出售出的商品有关的美国传统〔mark〕An inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin.标签:物品上的印记、名称、邮戳或封印,表明所有者、质量、制造者或其来源美国传统〔marque〕A model or brand of a manufactured product, especially an automobile.汽车型号,汽车牌子:制成品的型号或牌子,尤指汽车美国传统〔mass production〕The manufacture of goods in large quantities, often using standardized designs and assembly-line techniques.大规模生产,大量货物的生产:常指使用标准化设计或流水作业技术进行的大批量生产美国传统〔material〕Higher raw material costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods.原材料成本的提高推高了很多制成品的价格。牛津搭配〔mfd.〕Manufactured.制造的美国传统〔milling〕The operation of cutting, shaping, finishing, or working products manufactured in a mill.加工,轧制:将制造厂中生产的产品切割、整形或修整的运作美国传统〔mintage〕Coins manufactured in a mint.硬币:在铸币厂铸造的硬币美国传统〔mint〕A place or source of manufacture or invention.制造所,来源:制造或发明的场所或来源美国传统〔mint〕A place where the coins of a country are manufactured by authority of the government.铸币厂:在政府的授权之下铸造一国所使用的硬币的地方美国传统〔montan wax〕A hard, white wax obtained from lignite and used in the manufacture of polishes, paints, and phonograph records.褐煤蜡:从褐煤中提取出的硬质白蜡,用于生产上光剂、漆料和照片蜡片美国传统〔nepheline〕A mineral of sodium-aluminum or potassium-aluminum silicate, occurring worldwide in igneous rocks and used in the manufacture of ceramics and enamels.霞岩:硅酸铝钠或硅酸铝钾矿石,见于全世界范围内的火成岩中,用于生产陶瓷和搪瓷制品美国传统〔nigrosine〕Any of a class of dyes, varying from blue to black, used in the manufacture of inks and for dyeing wood and textiles.苯胺黑:蓝黑色染料的一种,用于墨水的生产制造和木料及织物的着色美国传统〔optical〕The company manufactures microscopes, telescopes, and other optical instruments.这家公司生产显微镜、望远镜以及其他光学仪器。韦氏高阶〔organic〕Organic chemicals are used in the manufacture of plastics, fibres, solvents and paints.有机化学物用于生产塑料、纤维、溶剂和油漆。剑桥高阶〔output〕An amount produced or manufactured during a certain time.产量:在某一时间内生产或制造出的数量美国传统〔output〕To produce or manufacture (something) during a certain time.定期生产:一定时间内生产或制造(某物)美国传统〔overrun〕The exceeding of estimated costs for product development and manufacture covered by contract.预计价值的超额:用于改进和生产产品的花费超过合同里提到的预计费用美国传统〔packing〕The processing and packaging of manufactured products, especially food products.食品加工:对生产出来的产品的生产过程和包装,尤指食品产品美国传统〔pastel〕A drawing medium of dried paste made of ground pigments and a water-based binder that is manufactured in crayon form.粉蜡笔:一种干糊状的绘画材料,由彩色底料和水基胶粘土制成粉笔状美国传统〔perilla〕The oil from the seeds of this plant, widely used in the manufacture of paint, varnish, and artificial leather and as a substitute for linseed oil.紫苏油:从此种植物种子里炼出的油,广泛用于制造油漆、光亮漆和人造革,并可做蓖麻油的代用品美国传统〔pharmaceutical〕The company manufactures pharmaceuticals.这家公司生产药品。韦氏高阶〔plant〕A building or group of buildings for the manufacture of a product; a factory.工厂:制造某一种产品的一座或一群建筑;工厂美国传统〔poultry〕Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds.多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。柯林斯高阶〔prefabricate〕To manufacture (a building or section of a building, for example) in advance, especially in standard sections that can be easily shipped and assembled.预制:预先制造(如,建筑或建筑的一部分),尤指用能简易装运和安装的标准部件美国传统〔preservative〕Nitrates are used as preservatives in food manufacture.硝酸盐在食品加工业中被用作防腐剂。外研社新世纪〔preservative〕Nitrates are used as preservatives in food manufacture.硝酸盐在食品加工业中被用作防腐剂。柯林斯高阶〔printmaking〕The artistic design and manufacture of prints, such as woodcuts or silk-screens.版画制作:版画,如木刻或纸网印刷的艺术设计与制作美国传统〔produce〕To manufacture or create economic goods and services.大量生产:生产或制造有经济价值的产品或劳务美国传统〔prohibitionist〕One in favor of outlawing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.禁酒主义者:支持将生产和销售烈性酒视为非法的人美国传统〔prohibition〕The forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.禁酒:由法律禁止生产、运输、出售和占有烈性酒美国传统〔pyroxylin〕A highly flammable nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of collodion, plastics, and lacquers.焦木素,木棉:一种极易燃的硝酸纤维素,用于制造股棉,塑料和漆美国传统〔quality control〕A system for ensuring the maintenance of proper standards in manufactured goods, especially by periodic random inspection of the product.质量控制:一种用来确保生产出的产品保持合乎规定水平的系统,尤指通过定期对产品进行随意的检查美国传统〔raw material〕An unprocessed natural product used in manufacture.原料:供生产用的未经加工的自然材料美国传统〔residual oil〕The low-grade oil products that remain after the distillation of petroleum, used in adhesives, roofing compounds, and asphalt manufacture.残油:在石油蒸馏以后残留下来的低品质的石油产物,用于制造粘合剂、屋面粘合材料以及沥青美国传统〔rival〕The company manufactures paper that rivals the world's best.这家公司生产的纸张可与世界顶级产品媲美。韦氏高阶〔salter〕One that manufactures or sells salt.盐工;盐商:制盐或卖盐的人美国传统〔saturate〕The films manufactured by Hollywood are saturated in the cinemas all over the world.在全世界电影市场上充斥着好莱坞的影片。21世纪英汉〔save-all〕A receptacle for catching the waste products of a process for further use in manufacture.省费器:一种在制造过程中用来承接废弃物以备将来之用的容器美国传统〔shift〕The toy industry is undergoing a seismic shift as more products are manufactured overseas.因越来越多的产品在海外生产,玩具行业正经历一场巨大的变革。牛津搭配〔size〕Any of a series of graduated categories of dimension whereby manufactured articles, such as shoes and clothing, are classified.尺码:按尺寸分等级的一系列分类方法,从而对制作的物品(如鞋和衣服)进行分类美国传统〔slenderize〕We manufacture undergarments that tone and slenderize.我们生产健体塑身内衣。剑桥高阶〔slopwork〕The manufacture of inexpensive, low-quality, ready-to-wear clothes.廉价成衣的制作:生产廉价的、质量低劣的、现成的服装美国传统〔sodium chloride〕A colorless or white crystalline compound, NaCl, used in the manufacture of chemicals and as a food preservative and seasoning.氯化钠:一种无色或白色晶体状化合物,Nacl用于化学品的生产并用作食物防腐剂和调味品美国传统〔sodium cyanide〕A poisonous white crystalline compound, NaCN, used in extracting gold and silver from ores and in dye manufacture.氰化钠:一种有毒的白色晶体状化合物,NaCN,用于从矿石中提取金银或用于印染工业美国传统〔spandex〕A synthetic fiber or fabric made from a polymer containing polyurethane, used in the manufacture of elastic clothing.氨纶:一种由含聚氨脂聚合物制成的合成纤维或纤维物质,用以制造弹性衣物美国传统〔specification〕The equipment will be manufactured to your specifications.这个设备将按照你要求的规格进行生产制造。韦氏高阶〔spec〕We want the machine manufactured to our own spec.我们要求这台机器按我们自己的规格来制造。牛津高阶〔spermicide〕Although most condoms contain spermicide, there are some manufactured without.虽然多数避孕套含有杀精剂,但也有一些是不含的。柯林斯高阶〔spin〕To shape or manufacture by a twirling or rotating process.旋转制造:用扭转或旋转的方法成形或者制造美国传统〔subminiaturize〕To make subminiature, especially to manufacture or design (electronic equipment) in subminiature size.使…超小型化:使超小型化,尤指超小型尺寸来制造或设计(电子设备)美国传统〔telephony〕The technology and manufacture of telephone equipment.电话学:电话装置的技术和制造美国传统〔tensile〕Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength.有些材料可以制造成抗拉强度大的产品。柯林斯高阶〔textile〕A cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric.纺织品:布料,尤指编织所制成的布料;纺织品美国传统〔thing〕The substance is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and drugs, among other things.这种东西除了别的以外还用于生产化妆品和药品。朗文当代〔thread〕A thin strand, cord, or filament of natural or manufactured material.细丝:天然或人造细绳、细线或细纤维美国传统〔trade〕Global trade in manufactured goods has increased dramatically.全球制造业贸易增长迅猛。麦克米伦高阶〔trade〕The country's trade in manufactured goods has expanded in the last ten years.该国的工业品贸易在最近10年里扩大了规模。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The factory was turned over to the manufacture of aircraft parts.这家工厂转产飞机部件。牛津高阶〔twister〕One that twists, as in the manufacture of rope or yarn.旋转者,如在绳子或纺线的生产中美国传统〔uintaite〕A natural black bitumen used in the manufacture of acid, alkali, and waterproof coatings.硬沥青:用来制造酸、碱和防水涂层的天然的黑色沥青美国传统〔unbleached〕Our natural range is manufactured from 100% unbleached cotton.我们的自然系列是用100%的原色纯棉布制作的。外研社新世纪〔value-added tax〕A tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer.增值税:根据产品在生产和供应的各个阶段对产品或原料中所增加的估定市场价值而加征的一种销售税,但最终被转价到消费者身上美国传统〔virgin wool〕Wool that has not previously been used in manufacture.初剪羊毛:以前没有被加工过的羊毛美国传统〔viscose〕A thick, golden-brown viscous solution of cellulose xanthate, used in the manufacture of rayon and cellophane.粘胶液:一种粘胶性的金棕色溶液,含有黄原酸纤维素,用于制造人造纤维和玻璃纸美国传统〔watermark〕A translucent design impressed on paper during manufacture and visible when the paper is held to the light.水印:制造过程中压在纸上的半透明设计,纸张对光时可辨美国传统〔waterproof〕Designed to be completely waterproof, the lights are manufactured from heavy duty plastic.为了彻底防水,这些灯具均采用重型塑料制成。柯林斯高阶〔web〕A large continuous roll of paper, such as newsprint, either in the process of manufacture or as it is fed into a web press.卷筒纸的一卷:在制造过程中或已进入新闻出版网的一大卷连续不断的纸,如新闻纸美国传统〔zein〕A prolamine protein derived from corn, used in the manufacture of various plastics, coatings, and lacquers.玉米醇溶蛋白:从玉米中提炼出的醇溶谷蛋白,用于制造各种的塑料、涂层和漆美国传统Abbott Laboratories discovers, develops, manufactures and sells health-care products.美国雅培公司发明、开发、制造和销售保健产品。牛津商务All products with this batch number (= that were manufactured at the same time) have been recalled.这一批号的(同时生产的)所有产品均已全部回收。牛津商务Conifers are an important source of timber for building and the manufacture of paper and furniture.针叶树是建筑、造纸和家具的重要木材来源。剑桥国际Engineers completely redesigned the way the car's body was manufactured.工程师彻底重新设计了汽车车身的生产方法。牛津商务Gum arabic is used as a glue, in ink and in the manufacture of sweets and the gum is extracted from the acacia tree.阿拉伯树胶被当作胶水使用,用在墨水和糖果的生产中,这种胶是从金合欢属树中提取的。剑桥国际He didn't want to go to the party so he manufactured an excuse about being ill.他不想去参加晚会,所以编造了一个生病的借口。剑桥国际He works for a company that manufactures car parts.他在一家生产汽车部件的公司工作。剑桥国际Imprecision in the manufacture of components has been a major problem with this engineering project.部件制造的不精确是此工程项目的主要问题。剑桥国际In certain areas of aircraft engine manufacture Rolls Royce is now out in front.在制造飞机的某些领域,罗尔斯 • 罗斯处于领先地位。牛津商务Lactose is used in the manufacture of baby foods.乳糖用于制造婴儿食品。剑桥国际Many companies now use robots for the welding involved in car manufacture.现在许多公司使用机器人来做汽车生产中的焊接工作。剑桥国际Maybe in the near future, human beings will be able to manufacture cyborgs. 也许在不久的未来,人类将有能力制造机器侠。译典通Mercedes were pioneers during the early days/years (= the beginning time) of car manufacture.梅塞德斯牌汽车是汽车制造业早年的先驱。剑桥国际Most components are manufactured on-site.大多数部件在主营业地生产。牛津商务New orders for costly manufactured goods are falling.对昂贵制成品的新订单正在减少。牛津商务Oil is used in the manufacture of a number of fabrics.石油被用于几种纤维的生产中。剑桥国际Organic chemicals are used in the manufacture of plastics, fibres, solvents and paints.有机化学物质用于生产塑料、纤维、溶剂和油漆。剑桥国际Our products are manufactured to our zero-defects standard.我们的产品是按零瑕疵标准生产的。牛津商务She insisted that every scandalous detail of the story had been manufactured.她坚持认为故事中每一个骇人听闻的细节都是杜撰出来的。剑桥国际She prepares animal hides for use in the manufacture of walking shoes.她制作缝制轻便鞋的皮革。剑桥国际The manufacture offered to repair or replace any defective products.工厂承诺修理或更换任何有缺陷的产品。牛津商务The UK's deficit in manufactured goods fell slightly in the last three months.英国在制造加工产品上的亏损在过去的三个月里略有下降。剑桥国际The amount of recycled glass used in manufacture doubled in five years.近5年里,生产过程中所使用的回收玻璃数量翻了一番。剑桥国际The bikes are of home manufacture. 这些自行车是本国制造的。译典通The company manufactures a wide range of heavy machinery.这公司生产各种重型机械。牛津商务The company manufactures cars. 这家公司制造汽车。译典通The company manufactures pharmaceuticals.这家公司生产药品。剑桥国际The company manufactures pulp and paper products.这个公司制造纸浆和纸产品。剑桥国际The company struck out the first time it tried to manufacture personal computers.这家公司首次试图生产个人电脑的努力失败了。牛津商务The company's speciality (= best skill) is the manufacture of high-performance cars.这家公司最擅长生产高性能的汽车。剑桥国际The country's trade in manufactured goods has expanded in the last ten years.在过去的十年中,这个国家的工业品贸易扩大了。剑桥国际The number of old German cars still on the road attests (to) the excellence of their manufacture. [T; I + to] 仍在街上行驶的旧式德国汽车的数量足以证明其工艺的优良。剑桥国际The plant manufactures 500 000 cars annually.这家工厂每年制造 50 万辆车。牛津商务The plant changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries last year. 这家工厂去年已改产蓄电池。译典通The report notes a rapid decline in manufactured goods.报告指出了工业产品的迅速减少。剑桥国际The standard costing system is helpful in creating a budget for a project to design, develop and manufacture a new product.标准成本制度有助于为新产品设计、开发和制造项目编制预算。牛津商务The vehicles are manufactured under licence from Toyota.这些车辆的制造获得了丰田的许可。牛津商务They combine technological know-how with high-quality manufacture.他们将专业技术和优质生产结合起来。牛津商务They have a contract to manufacture one million TV sets.他们签有一份生产 100 万台电视机的合同。牛津商务This country imports many foreign manufactures. 这个国家进口许多外国产品。译典通We manufacture convenience foods for the retail and catering markets.我们为零售和餐饮市场生产方便食品。牛津商务We need to exploit the synergy between university research and commercial manufacture.我们需要发挥高校科研与商业生产的协同作用。牛津商务

