
单词 loving
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Christian〕Showing a loving concern for others; humane.人道的,友好的:对他人的爱和关心;人道的美国传统〔LOVE〕Her husband was loving and supportive throughout her long illness. 在她长期患病期间,丈夫给了她很多关爱和支持。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕I was feeling rather fragile, and in need of tender loving care. 我感到心里非常脆弱,需要体贴入微的关爱。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕She was a devoted wife and a very loving mother. 她是一位尽心的妻子、慈爱的母亲。朗文写作活用〔NEVER〕I'll never, never stop loving you. 我将永远永远爱你。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕His own domestic situation did not correspond very closely to his ideal of a loving, equal partnership. 他自己的家庭情况与他那种相亲相爱、平等共处的理想不是很相符。朗文写作活用〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕She is an outgoing, unselfish, and loving person. 她是个性格外向的人,不自私,有爱心。朗文写作活用〔TLC〕Tender loving care.亲切的照料美国传统〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Small children need firmness combined with loving care. 对待小孩子要严格和关心相结合。朗文写作活用〔about〕Loving and sharing – that's what marriage is about.爱和分享,那就是婚姻的真谛。麦克米伦高阶〔above〕He will be remembered above all as a loving husband and family man.他首先是作为一个深情的丈夫和喜欢家庭生活的人而被人所铭记。麦克米伦高阶〔act〕Mike played the loving husband in front of the children but it was all an act.迈克在孩子面前表现得像个很爱妻子的丈夫,但那都是假装的。朗文当代〔act〕Smith always acted the loving husband.史密斯总是做出一副深情丈夫的样子。外研社新世纪〔affectionate〕Having or showing fond feelings or affection; loving and tender.爱的:充满或表示喜欢的感情的,表示深情的;喜爱的和温柔的美国传统〔background〕She had been lucky, growing up with such a loving family background.她很幸运, 在这样一个充满关爱的家庭背景下长大。外研社新世纪〔bhakti〕The devotional way of achieving salvation, emphasizing the loving faith of a devotee for a deity and open to all persons irrespective of sex or caste.守贞专奉:得到灵魂拯救的虔诚方式,强调信徒对神的挚爱忠诚,并向所有性别和社会等级的人公开美国传统〔bitter〕Loving relationships can turn bitter.爱能转化为恨。牛津搭配〔by〕I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature.拥有一个天性仁爱的贤妻,我当然很幸运。柯林斯高阶〔cannot help something〕I can't help loving you.我情不自禁地爱上了你。韦氏高阶〔caress〕To touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner.抚爱:充满爱意地轻触或抚摸美国传统〔care〕She will need lots of tender loving care.她需要多多的细心呵护。牛津搭配〔cocoon〕She was surrounded by the cocoon of a loving family.她生活在一个充满爱的家庭里,受到了层层保护。朗文当代〔come〕I don't know how it came about that we stopped loving each other.我不知道我们怎么就不相爱了。麦克米伦高阶〔course〕My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic.我能给吉尔的最大帮助就是对他忠诚、关爱他并且永远满怀同情之心。柯林斯高阶〔courtship〕They had a passionate courtship and a long, loving marriage.他们经历了轰轰烈烈的恋爱及长久恩爱的婚姻。剑桥高阶〔depart this life〕In loving memory of my dear husband, who departed this life on 5 May, 2008.深切怀念我亲爱的丈夫,他于2008年5月5日辞世。剑桥高阶〔difference〕There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.喜欢一个人和爱一个人有天壤之别。牛津高阶〔draw〕She draws strength/inspiration from her loving family.她从充满爱的家庭中获得力量/灵感。韦氏高阶〔dutiful〕Tom was a loving and dutiful son.汤姆是个有爱心的孝顺儿子。麦克米伦高阶〔environment〕He grew up in a loving environment.他在一个充满爱的环境中长大。韦氏高阶〔epitaph〕The epitaph reads “In loving memory of John Gray: husband, father, soldier.” 碑文写道:“深情纪念约翰·格雷:丈夫、父亲、军人。”韦氏高阶〔epitomization〕She epitomizes a loving mother.她是慈母的典型。21世纪英汉〔feng shui〕It's good feng shui to have a loving animal in your home.家里养宠物风水好。剑桥高阶〔fond〕We said a fond farewell to each other (= we said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.我们深情告别,答应给彼此写信。剑桥高阶〔gentle〕Joe is such a gentle, loving boy.乔是个非常温和可爱的男孩子。麦克米伦高阶〔go on your merry way〕She just goes on her merry way, loving men and then breaking their hearts.她仍在继续她的游戏,与男人恋爱然后再伤他们的心。韦氏高阶〔growth〕A loving home is essential for a child's personal growth .一个充满关爱的家庭是孩子的个人成长所必需的。朗文当代〔inner〕Loving relationships will give a child an inner sense of security.亲昵关系会给予孩子内心一种安全感。柯林斯高阶〔inscription〕The painting had an inscription that read, “To my loving wife.” 这幅画题有“赠予爱妻”的献词。韦氏高阶〔into the bargain〕He's intelligent, funny, a loving husband, and an excellent cook into the bargain.他聪明诙谐,疼爱妻子,而且厨艺也很不错。剑桥高阶〔lock〕A moment later they were locked in an embrace (=holding each other very tightly in a loving or friendly way) .过了一会儿,他们紧紧地拥抱在一起。朗文当代〔lock〕They were locked in a loving embrace.他们甜密地紧紧拥抱在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔lovely〕Full of love; loving.可爱的:充满了爱的,有爱意的美国传统〔love〕I've been retired for a year now and I'm loving every minute of it.如今我退休已有1年了,我正享受着生命中的每一分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔lovingly〕Jim was a most loving husband and father.吉姆是个非常体贴的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。柯林斯高阶〔lovingly〕The children there were very loving to me.那里的孩子都很爱我。柯林斯高阶〔lovingly〕The house has been restored with loving care.此屋已被悉心修复。柯林斯高阶〔loving〕A child needs two loving parents.孩子需要慈爱的双亲。英汉大词典〔loving〕A child needs two loving parents.孩子需要慈爱的双亲。麦克米伦高阶〔loving〕At breakfast that morning, they were very loving to Tom.那天上午早餐时,她们对汤姆侍候得很周到。英汉大词典〔loving〕He still had a loving relationship with his daughter.他同女儿依然亲近。外研社新世纪〔loving〕He's a very loving child.他是个非常有爱心的孩子。剑桥高阶〔loving〕He's very loving and affectionate with his sister.他很爱他的妹妹,和她很亲匿。朗文当代〔loving〕I'd like to play this next song for the Berger family in loving memory of Jim Berger.我想把接下来这首歌送给伯杰一家, 作为对吉姆•伯杰的深切缅怀。外研社新世纪〔loving〕Jim was a most loving husband and father.吉姆深爱着他的妻子和孩子。外研社新世纪〔loving〕She chose the present with loving care.她满怀爱意精心挑选了这件礼物。牛津高阶〔loving〕She is a very loving person.她是个非常有爱心的人。外研社新世纪〔loving〕She looked after her little sisters with loving care.她关心备至地照看她的小妹妹们。英汉大词典〔loving〕She's very loving.她很有爱心。剑桥高阶〔loving〕Show him plenty of understanding and loving kindness.对他表示了充分的理解和怜爱。麦克米伦高阶〔loving〕The children there were very loving to me.那里的孩子都很爱我。外研社新世纪〔loving〕The house has been restored with loving care.这所房子已被悉心修复。外研社新世纪〔loving〕The old house has undergone a loving restoration.这座旧房子已经过精心修复。韦氏高阶〔loving〕To my dear departed Grandad in loving memory.深切缅怀我已逝的祖父。外研社新世纪〔loving〕What that child needs is plenty of loving care .那孩子所需要的是很多的关爱。朗文当代〔nurturance〕The providing of loving care and attention.抚育,抚养美国传统〔obedient〕He has reached his potential as a faithful, loving, sometimes obedient, dog.他已经挖掘出自己身上那种小狗般忠诚、可爱、时而温顺的潜质。外研社新世纪〔omnipotent〕How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering? 慈爱、万能的主怎么会允许疾病、战争和苦难的存在?剑桥高阶〔ours〕Ours is a stable and loving relationship.我们的关系稳定而恩爱。外研社新世纪〔permanence〕A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence which they need.充满爱意的家庭氛围会给孩子带来他们所需的稳定感和安定感。剑桥高阶〔philoprogenitive〕Loving one's own offspring or children in general.爱儿童的:爱自己子女或爱所有孩子的美国传统〔placement〕The agency has overseen the placement of hundreds of children in loving homes.这家服务机构已经监管了几百名孩子在爱心之家的安置。韦氏高阶〔positive〕Work on the positive, creating loving relationships.致力于有利的一面, 努力营造友爱的关系。外研社新世纪〔positive〕Work on the positive, creating beautiful, loving and fulfilling relationships.致力于好的方面,努力营造美好的、友爱的、令人满意的关系。柯林斯高阶〔revitalize〕They revitalized their relationship and brought a new dimension of loving into their lives.他们恢复了关系,并且给他俩各自的生活带来了爱的新内容。英汉大词典〔shine〕Loving shines in her eyes.她的眼睛流露出爱情。21世纪英汉〔smother〕Her husband was very loving, but she felt smothered.丈夫对她百般宠爱,但这让她觉得不自在。牛津高阶〔somewhere along the line〕I don't know what went wrong with our relationship, but somewhere along the line we just stopped loving each other.我不知道我们的关系出了什么问题,只是不知从什么时候开始我们已不再相爱了。剑桥高阶〔surround〕As a child she was surrounded by her large, loving family.她小时候拥有一个温馨的大家庭。韦氏高阶〔tactile〕The children are very tactile with warm, loving natures.小孩子说话时喜欢用上热烈、表达喜爱的肢体触碰。柯林斯高阶〔tender loving care〕What he needs is some tender loving care.他需要的是一些悉心呵护。外研社新世纪〔tender〕He felt tender and loving towards / toward her.他对她满心柔情蜜意。牛津搭配〔tender〕She was tender and loving with her new child.她对自己刚出生的孩子呵护备至、关爱有加。韦氏高阶〔tender〕Their garden is in need of a little tender loving care.他们的花园需要点精心照料。麦克米伦高阶〔tender〕What he needs now is a lot of tender loving care(= sympathetic treatment).他现在需要的是充分的关心和爱护。牛津高阶〔tender〕What you need is some tender loving care.你需要的是体贴入微的关怀。剑桥高阶〔thickly〕I will go on loving James through thick and thin no matter what happens.不管发生什么,不管经历多少艰辛,我都会一直爱着詹姆斯。柯林斯高阶〔top〕In 1998 the group topped the charts with the song 'Don't Stop Loving Me'.1998 年该演唱组合凭借一首《不要停止爱我》而名列排行榜榜首。朗文当代〔voyage〕The first year of a loving relationship is a voyage (= period) of discovery.谈恋爱的第一年是彼此了解的阶段。剑桥高阶〔warmly〕She was a warm and loving mother.她是一位热情慈爱的母亲。柯林斯高阶〔warm〕She was a warm and loving mother.她是一位热情慈爱的母亲。外研社新世纪〔world〕There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them.喜欢一个人和爱一个人完全不是一回事。牛津高阶A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence which they need.一个充满爱的家庭气氛给孩子他们所需要的稳定感和永恒感。剑桥国际He is a very loving father. 他是个非常慈爱的父亲。译典通He smiled fondly (=in a loving way) at the children.他对孩子们柔情地笑了笑。剑桥国际He's a very loving child (= one who shows his affection for people).他是个富有爱心的孩子。剑桥国际How could I tell him the brutal truth--that I had stopped loving him and that's why I had left him.我如何能告诉他这严酷的事实----我离开他的原因是我不再爱他。剑桥国际I don't know what went wrong with our relationship, but somewhere along the line (= at an unknown moment during the relationship) we just stopped loving each other.我不知道我们的关系到底怎么了,但不知什么时候起我们已不再喜欢对方了。剑桥国际I had very attentive and loving parents.我的父母对我关爱备至。剑桥国际Love is the radical of lovely, loveliness, and loving. love是lovely, loveliness及loving的词根。译典通People who have been abused as children often find it difficult to establish stable, loving relationships as adults.孩子时受到虐待的人们经常发觉作为成人,自己很难建立稳定的恋爱关系。剑桥国际She gave her husband a loving look. 她深情地看了看丈夫。译典通She gave the child a loving caress. 她疼爱地抚摸著孩子。译典通This is in loving memory of my dear husband, who departed this life on May 5, 1978.谨以此深情纪念我亲爱的丈夫,他于1978年5月5日辞世。剑桥国际We said a fond farewell to each other (=We said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write.我们深情地相互道别,答应给对方写信。剑桥国际What you need is some tender loving care.你所需要的是温情的关怀。剑桥国际You just need some loving care (= that showing affection) and you'll soon feel well again.你只需悉心照料,就会马上康复。剑桥国际

