
单词 concomitant
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accompaniment〕Something, such as a situation, that accompanies something else; a concomitant.伴随状况:伴随发生的事物,如一状况;伴随状况美国传统〔associate〕Following or accompanying; concomitant.跟随的或陪伴的;相伴的美国传统〔attendant〕An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant.伴随物:伴随的事物或情况;伴随物美国传统〔collateral〕Coinciding in tendency or effect; concomitant or accompanying.附属的:在倾向或效果上相协调一致的;附属的或随从的美国传统〔concomitance〕A concomitant.伴随物美国传统〔concomitant〕Concomitant with the rapid economic growth, the volume of exports rocketed.随着经济的迅速发展出口量猛增。英汉大词典〔concomitant〕Any increase in students means a concomitant increase in money for the university.学生的增加意味着大学经费也要随之增加。剑桥高阶〔concomitant〕But the concomitant of political power is compromise.但是与政治权力相伴而生的是妥协。外研社新世纪〔concomitant〕Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.更擅长贸易的文明见证了其财富的随之增长。外研社新世纪〔concomitant〕Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.比较擅长贸易的文明其财富也随之增长。柯林斯高阶〔concomitant〕Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.耳聋常随老年而出现。朗文当代〔concomitant〕Disease is a concomitant with poor sanitation.疾病是不讲卫生所造成的。英汉大词典〔concomitant〕Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.上年纪后记忆力自然会随之衰退。剑桥高阶〔concomitant〕Overpopulation may be an inevitable concomitant of capitalism.人口过剩也许是资本主义的必然产物。外研社新世纪〔concomitant〕The drug's risks increase with the concomitant use of alcohol.毒品和酒精一同使用危险会增大。韦氏高阶〔concomitant〕The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press.故意篡改引文的权利并不是新闻自由的产物。柯林斯高阶〔concomitant〕This approach was concomitant with the move away from relying solely on official records.这种方法是随着不再单纯依靠官方记录的做法而产生的。柯林斯高阶〔concomitant〕This approach was concomitant with the move away from relying solely on official records.这种方法是随着摆脱单纯依靠官方记录的做法而产生的。外研社新世纪〔necessary〕Hunger and disease are necessary concomitants of war.战争势必伴有饥饿和疾病。英汉大词典〔parallelism〕Philosophy The doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration.【哲学】 并行论:一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学说美国传统Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.记忆力减退是与老年相伴出现的。剑桥国际The spread of Arabic outside the Arabian peninsula was concomitant with the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.阿拉伯语向阿拉伯半岛以外扩散是伴随着七、八世纪伊斯兰教的传播出现的。剑桥国际

