“consumer goods”例句

单词 consumer goods
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RICH〕Consumer goods are a symbol of prestige in an affluent society. 消费品是富裕社会里地位的象征。朗文写作活用〔abundant〕Cheap consumer goods are abundant (= exist in large amounts) in this part of the world.在这个地区,大量的低廉消费品充斥其间。剑桥高阶〔appetite〕We get into debt to indulge our appetite for consumer goods.我们纵容自己对消费品的需求,结果负债了。牛津搭配〔consumer goods〕The choice of consumer goods available in local shops is small.当地商店可供选择的消费品很少。柯林斯高阶〔consumer goods〕The choice of consumer goods available in local shops is small.当地商店中可供选择的消费品很少。外研社新世纪〔demand〕Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.一般来说,大宗消费品都供过于求。牛津搭配〔hike〕The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.日用消费品的费用上涨了两倍。21世纪英汉〔import〕Most of their oil revenues are used to finance imports of consumer goods.他们的石油收益大都用于进口生活消费品。牛津搭配〔open up〕As the market opens up, people will spend more money on consumer goods.随着市场的开放, 人们会花更多的钱购买消费品。外研社新世纪〔pinch〕Rising prices for consumer goods pinch the pocketbooks of workers' families.消费品涨价使工人家庭的经济利益大受影响。英汉大词典〔producer goods〕Goods, such as raw materials and tools, used to make consumer goods.生产用品:用于制造消费用品的产品,如原料和工具美国传统At the market, you can barter for souvenirs with Western consumer goods such as jeans and lipstick.在集市上你可以用牛仔裤或口红等西方日用品与当地人交换纪念品。剑桥国际Cheap consumer goods are abundant (=exist in large amounts) in this part of the world.这地方有大量的廉价消费品。剑桥国际Design protection is primarily of importance for consumer goods such as mobile phones.设计保护对移动电话之类的消费品是很重要的。牛津商务In a recession people are reluctant to splash out on consumer goods like TVs, dishwashers, etc.在经济萧条时期,人们很不愿意花钱购买类似电视机、洗碟机之类的消费品。剑桥国际Prices for consumer goods are going up. 消费品价格在上涨。译典通Shoppers crowded into downtown stores, snapping up once-rationed consumer goods. 顾客们拥入市中心的商店,抢购曾是计划供应的消费品。译典通The tourists were bargaining/haggling for cheap consumer goods in the covered bazaar.游客们正在有顶棚的集贸市场为买到便宜的商品讨价还价。剑桥国际There has been a steady increase in the demand for consumer goods.消费品的需求稳步增长。牛津商务Unilever, the world's largest consumer goods company 联合利华,世界上最大的消费品公司牛津商务

