“discharge of”例句

单词 discharge of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Environmentalists had been drawing unwelcome attention to the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear power-stations. 环保主义者呼吁人们关注核电站放射性废料排放的问题,这是有些人不想看到的。朗文写作活用〔arc〕Electricity A luminous discharge of current that is formed when a strong current jumps a gap in a circuit or between two electrodes.【电学】 电弧,弧光:当强电流在回路裂缝或两电极间跃升时形成的辉光放电美国传统〔barrage〕A rapid, concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small arms.齐射式的攻击:一阵急促的、目的集中的弹火,如轻武器的火力美国传统〔bowel movement〕The discharge of waste matter from the large intestine; defecation.大肠运动:从大肠中排泄废物;排便美国传统〔broadside〕The simultaneous discharge of these guns.舷炮齐射:这些枪炮的同时开火美国传统〔brush discharge〕A faintly visible, relatively slow crackling discharge of electricity without sparking.刷形放电:微弱可见的,缓慢地发出噼啪声的放电,但不冒火花美国传统〔cannonade〕An extended, usually heavy discharge of artillery.炮轰:连续的、通常是重型的火炮射击美国传统〔diabetes〕Any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive discharge of urine and persistent thirst, especially one of the two types of diabetes mellitus.多尿症,糖尿病:一种新陈代谢失调症,以排尿过多和持续的口渴为特征,尤指糖尿病的两种类型之一美国传统〔discharge of〕The ship is being discharged of it's cargo.这条船正在卸货。21世纪英汉〔discharge〕She assisted them in the discharge of their duties.她协助他们履行职责。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕The discharge of the cargo will take two days.卸货需要两天时间。英汉大词典〔discharge〕The damage was caused by accidental discharge of a hunting rifle.破坏是因猎枪走火造成的。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕The factory was charged with the illegal discharge of pollution into a stream.工厂被指控向河中非法排放污染物。韦氏高阶〔discharge〕Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.成千上万条鱼被附近工厂排出的有毒化学物质毒死。剑桥高阶〔discharge〕You will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties.你有责任高效履行自己的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔diuresis〕Excessive discharge of urine.多尿,利尿美国传统〔diuretic〕A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine.利尿剂,利尿药物:一种物质或药物,趋向增加排尿美国传统〔diuretic〕Tending to increase the discharge of urine.利尿的:趋向增加排尿的美国传统〔drain〕Medicine A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material.【医学】 引流管:插入伤口或体腔,以便排出液体或脓状物的装置,如管子美国传统〔effluent〕A discharge of liquid waste, as from a factory or nuclear plant.废物:废水的排出,尤指从工厂或核电站排出的美国传统〔ejaculation〕An abrupt discharge of fluid, especially of seminal fluid.射精:突然排放液体,尤指排放精液美国传统〔enuresis〕The uncontrolled or involuntary discharge of urine.遗尿:无法控制或非自觉地排尿美国传统〔evacuation〕Discharge of waste materials from the excretory passages of the body, especially from the bowels.排泄:从人体通道排出废物,尤指从肠部美国传统〔exercise〕The discharge of a duty, function, or office.履行职责:任务、责任或职责的履行美国传统〔fart〕A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.屁:从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体美国传统〔flow meter〕An instrument for monitoring, measuring, or recording the rate of flow, pressure, or discharge of a fluid, as of a gaseous fuel.流量计:一种用于监视、测量或记录汽态燃料等液体的流量、压力或排放的仪器美国传统〔flux〕Medicine The discharge of large quantities of fluid material from the body, especially the discharge of watery feces from the intestines.【医学】 不正常的排便:从体内大量排出液体物质,尤指从肠中排出水样粪便美国传统〔friendly fire〕Discharge of a military weapon that injures or kills an ally.友善的炮火:射出的炮火伤及或杀死同盟美国传统〔gun〕A discharge of a firearm or cannon as a signal or salute.鸣放:鸣放火器或大炮作为信号或表示敬意美国传统〔hemorrhage〕Excessive discharge of blood from the blood vessels; profuse bleeding.出血(尤指大出血):血液从血管中大量排出;大量流血美国传统〔lochia〕The normal uterine discharge of blood, tissue, and mucus from the vagina after childbirth.产后排泄,恶露:生产后子宫内血、组织及阴道粘液的正常排泄美国传统〔maturation〕Production or discharge of pus.脓的产生和排放美国传统〔practicable〕We aim to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the discharge of pollutants.我们的目标是在最大可行的程度上减少污染物的排放。牛津搭配〔pyorrhea〕A discharge of pus.脓病,脓溢美国传统〔responsible〕Liable to be required to give account, as of one's actions or of the discharge of a duty or trust.负责的,有责任的:易于被要求作出陈述的,如要求对自己的行为或责任或职责的履行美国传统〔salvo〕A simultaneous discharge of firearms.齐射:火器的同时发射美国传统〔shot〕The firing or discharge of a weapon, such as a gun.射击:一件武器,比如一支枪的开火或发射美国传统〔show〕The discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina indicating the start of labor.现血(见红):表明分娩开始的从阴道中排放出的血色粘质美国传统〔spermatorrhea〕Involuntary discharge of semen without orgasm.遗精:没有性高潮的无意识射精美国传统〔steatorrhea〕Excessive discharge of fat in the feces.脂肪痢:面部脂肪的过多分泌美国传统〔suppuration〕The formation or discharge of pus.化脓或流脓美国传统〔thunderbolt〕A discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder.雷电,霹雳:伴有雷声的闪电美国传统〔thunder〕The crashing or booming sound produced by rapidly expanding air along the path of the electrical discharge of lightning.雷声:沿闪电放电的路径迅速膨胀的空气所发出的爆裂声或隆隆声美国传统〔unsanitary〕Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.把未经处理的污水排放到海里既不卫生也不安全。柯林斯高阶〔unsanitary〕Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.把未经处理的污水排放到海里, 既不卫生也不安全。外研社新世纪〔volley〕A simultaneous discharge of a number of missiles.齐射:一定数目枪弹的同时射击美国传统She is competent in the discharge of her duties. 她善于履行职责。译典通The athletes discussed the discharge of energy that occurs in a race.运动员们讨论了比赛中的能量释放问题。剑桥国际The evidence pointed to an accidental discharge of the gun.证据表明为意外走火。剑桥国际Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.附近一家工厂排放的有毒化学物质造成成千上万的鱼儿死亡。剑桥国际

