
单词 deflate
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIR〕He woke up aching all over - somehow his airbed had deflated in the night and there was nothing to cushion him from the cold ground. 他醒过来浑身疼痛—不知怎么的,他的充气床垫在夜里跑了气,这使他直接躺在了冰冷的地面上。朗文写作活用〔AIR〕The balloon gradually lost altitude as we deflated it and came in to land. 我们给气球放了气,它就渐渐降低高度,落到了地上。朗文写作活用〔cut〕To deflate the self-importance of.使…有自知之明美国传统〔deflatable〕His rebuff thoroughly deflated me.他的断然拒绝使我心灰意懒。21世纪英汉〔deflatable〕One sharp remark is enough to deflate her.一句尖锐的话足以使她泄气。21世纪英汉〔deflatable〕They deflated the tires slightly to allow the truck to drive under the overpass.他们稍微放掉车胎的气以让卡车在跨线桥下行驶。21世纪英汉〔deflated〕After losing the game, Kelly felt pretty deflated.输掉这场比赛后,凯利非常沮丧。麦克米伦高阶〔deflated〕Britain's other hopes of medals were deflated earlier in the day.英国另外的夺牌希望在那天早些时候受到了打击。柯林斯高阶〔deflated〕Her criticism left me feeling a bit deflated.她的批评使我感到有点儿泄气。剑桥高阶〔deflated〕Like any actor he can be self-centred but I think I've worked out how to deflate him.跟其他演员一样,他有时也会以自我为中心,但我想自己已经找到了如何挫他锐气的办法。柯林斯高阶〔deflated〕We deflate the tyres to make it easier to cross the desert.我们把轮胎放了气,以便穿越沙漠时更容易一些。柯林斯高阶〔deflated〕When it returns to shore, the life-jacket will deflate and revert to a harness.返回岸上后,救生衣就会瘪掉,恢复成背带状。柯林斯高阶〔deflated〕When she refused I felt deflated.当她拒绝时我感到灰心丧气。柯林斯高阶〔deflated〕When she refused, I felt deflated.她拒绝时, 我感到很沮丧。外研社新世纪〔deflate〕Deflated prices mean that farmers are getting less for their products.农产品价格下跌意味着农民从中获得的收益将变少。韦氏高阶〔deflate〕All the criticism had left her feeling totally deflated.所有这些批评使她彻底失去了信心。牛津高阶〔deflate〕Britain's hopes of a medal were deflated earlier.英国的夺牌希望在早些时候受到了打击。外研社新世纪〔deflate〕He deflated the dinghy and folded it up.他把橡皮艇的气体排空, 然后把它叠好。外研社新世纪〔deflate〕He has worked to deflate popular myths about investing.他尽力揭穿目前流行的投资神话。韦氏高阶〔deflate〕He was self-centred but I knew how to deflate him.他这人只顾自己, 但我知道怎么对付他。外研社新世纪〔deflate〕It seemed best to deflate the fellow.看来最好是杀一杀那家伙的傲气。英汉大词典〔deflate〕Losing the contest deflated my ego.竞赛的失利使我灰心丧气美国传统〔deflate〕Peter's comments completely deflated the boy's confidence.彼得的评论彻底挫伤了这个男孩的自信。麦克米伦高阶〔deflate〕She was deflated when Fen made no comment on her achievement.芬没有提到她的成就使她很泄气。朗文当代〔deflate〕Simkin hoped to find a way to deflate his opponent's argument.西姆金希望能找到击破对手论点的办法。朗文当代〔deflate〕The balloon deflated overnight.气球在一夜间就瘪掉了。英汉大词典〔deflate〕The balloon deflated slowly.气球慢慢瘪掉了美国传统〔deflate〕The birthday balloons deflated after a few days.几天后,这些生日气球就都瘪了。韦氏高阶〔deflate〕The failure left him deflated.失败使他灰心丧气。英汉大词典〔deflate〕The harsh criticism left him utterly deflated.严厉的批评使他彻底地灰心丧气了。韦氏高阶〔deflate〕The life-jacket will deflate automatically.救生衣会自动放气。外研社新世纪〔deflate〕The party's ambitions have been deflated by the two recent by-election defeats.最近的两次补选失利使该党的雄心受到了不小的打击。剑桥高阶〔deflate〕They were totally deflated by losing the game.他们输掉比赛后彻底丧失了信心。剑桥高阶〔deflate〕We deflate the tyres to make it easier to cross the desert.我们将轮胎放掉一些气, 使穿越沙漠容易一些。外研社新世纪〔deflation〕The act of deflating or the condition of being deflated.放气,瘪掉:抽气的动作或缩小的状态美国传统〔establishment〕The Prince loves to deflate Establishment airs.那位王子喜欢放下权贵的架子。英汉大词典〔flat〕Deflated. Used of a tire.漏气的:泄了气的。用于指轮胎美国传统〔flat〕A deflated tire.漏气轮胎美国传统After he'd heard the news, he had a deflated look about him.听到消息后,他一脸沮丧。剑桥国际Her criticism left me feeling very deflated (= having had my confidence reduced).她的批评令我灰心丧气。剑桥国际I was quite deflated by her lack of interest in my suggestions.他对我的建议兴趣不大,令我感到十分气馁。剑桥国际If the boat starts to deflate, come back to shore.如果船开始漏气,回到岸边来。剑桥国际If the government deflates the economy, that will cause a reduction in the country's economic activity, which will lead to lower prices.如果政府紧缩经济,那将减少国家的经济活动,从而导致物价降低。剑桥国际The discovery that he has been involved in illegal trading has seriously deflated his reputation.他曾参与不法交易的这一发现严重降低了他的声望。剑桥国际The government raised interest rates in an attempt to deflate the economy.政府提高了利率试图紧缩通货。牛津商务The party's ambitions have been rather deflated by the two recent by-election defeats.这个政党的野心由于受到最近两次特别选举的失败的打击而减小了不少。剑桥国际This tyre is too hard--you need to deflate it a bit.这个轮胎太硬,你需要放掉点气。剑桥国际

