
单词 无尽
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(to) no end〕We've had no end of trouble finding somewhere to live.我们想找个地方住,却遇到了无穷无尽的麻烦。韦氏高阶〔COLOUR〕In the fall, the woods are full of countless shades of brown, yellow and orange. 秋天,树林里到处是深浅不一的褐色、黄色和橙色,多得无穷无尽朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕What is the source of Armstrong's seemingly inexhaustible wealth? 阿姆斯特朗那似乎无穷无尽的财富是哪里来的呢?朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕The variations of color that a human eye can see are infinite. 人眼所能辨识的色彩变化是无穷无尽的。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕With renewed fighting for control of the capital, there seems to be no end to the region's agony. 争夺首都控制权的战斗又爆发了,那个地区似乎有着无尽的苦难。朗文写作活用〔a pearl of great price〕Inexhaustible patience is a pearl of great price.无尽的耐心是难能可贵的。剑桥高阶〔acne〕Acne is the curse of adolescence.粉刺带给青春期无尽的烦恼。剑桥高阶〔ad infinitum〕This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.这个循环周而复始, 无穷无尽外研社新世纪〔bane〕Spots can be the bane of a teenager's life.粉刺会给青少年带来无尽的烦恼。柯林斯高阶〔bane〕Spots can be the bane of a teenager's life.粉刺可能会给青少年带来无尽的烦恼。外研社新世纪〔bottomless〕The problem is we don't have a bottomless pit of resources.问题是我们没有无穷无尽的资源。外研社新世纪〔boundless〕His reforming zeal was boundless.他有无穷无尽的改革热情。外研社新世纪〔boundless〕We were filled with boundless joy.我们心中充满了无尽的欢乐。韦氏高阶〔chaos〕Often Chaos The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe. 常作 Chaos 混沌世界:一些宇宙起源论认为的在有序宇宙形成以前的未成形物质和无尽空间的混乱状态美国传统〔conjure〕Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless salads.节食似乎总是让人联想到无穷无尽地天天吃色拉。朗文当代〔endless〕There is endless work to do on the house.家务事无穷无尽,永远做不完。韦氏高阶〔end〕There was no end to her patience.她的耐心无穷无尽英汉大词典〔eternity〕It seemed an eternity before the doctor appeared.医生来到之前这段时间长得似乎无穷无尽英汉大词典〔eternize〕To protract for an indefinite period.无穷无尽地延伸美国传统〔grant〕We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.我们想当然地认为洁净水的供应无穷无尽而不予以珍惜。牛津高阶〔inexhaustible〕The world's supply of oil is not inexhaustible.世界上的石油供给并非无穷无尽韦氏高阶〔infinite〕Obviously, no company has infinite resources.很明显, 没有哪家公司拥有的资源是无穷无尽的。外研社新世纪〔infinity〕The quality or condition of being infinite.无限:无穷无尽的性质或者状况美国传统〔innumerable〕He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies.他编造了数不清的借口, 说了无尽的谎言。外研社新世纪〔insatiable〕Nothing, it seemed, would satisfy his insatiable curiosity.看起来什么都无法满足他那无尽的好奇心。剑桥高阶〔interminable〕From the hilltop we saw the interminable thickets below.从山顶上我们看见底下是漫无尽头灌木丛。英汉大词典〔lay〕He's laid up no end of trouble for himself.他自找了无穷无尽的麻烦。英汉大词典〔limitless〕The possibilities were almost limitless.可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。牛津高阶〔merry-go-round〕With his first book came the endless merry-go-round of publicity and interviews.随着他第一本书的出版,接踵而来的是一连串无尽的宣传和采访活动。剑桥高阶〔permutation〕The permutations are endless.排列方式是无穷无尽的。外研社新世纪〔perpetuity〕Time without end; eternity.无绝期,无尽美国传统〔representation〕The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽牛津高阶〔represent〕Can you represent infinity to yourself? 你能想象什么是无穷无尽吗?英汉大词典〔richness〕An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete.一枚奥运金牌能给运动员带来无尽的财富。柯林斯高阶〔saunter〕He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.他悠闲地走过,仿佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。牛津高阶〔stare〕His party was staring into the abyss.他的政党正面临无尽的深渊。牛津搭配〔stretch〕Endless summer days stretched out before us.无尽的夏日在等待着我们。牛津搭配〔supply〕The nation's fuel supplies will not last forever.这个国家的燃料供应不会无穷无尽朗文当代〔unending〕I do not recall any formal training, just endless work and an unending stream of people!我想不起有过任何正式培训, 只有做不完的工作和无穷无尽的人流!外研社新世纪〔universe〕Behind his eyes was a whole universe of pain.他眼神中隐藏着无尽的痛楚。柯林斯高阶〔unrestrained〕There was unrestrained joy on the faces of the people.人们的脸上洋溢着无尽的欢乐。柯林斯高阶〔untold〕Their policy of high unemployment caused untold misery for millions.他们的高失业率政策造成了数百万人无尽的痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔wisdom〕The last government, in its infinite wisdom, decided not to introduce the measure.上一届政府,以其无尽的智慧,决定不采用这项措施。麦克米伦高阶〔yesterdays〕When you have a broken heart there is no tomorrow, only endless yesterdays.当心已破碎, 明天便不再, 只有无尽的昨日。外研社新世纪A deal was first suggested in January but endless wrangles followed.一笔交易最初于1月份提出,但接下来便是无穷无尽的争论。剑桥国际He approached every task with a boundless zest.他以无穷无尽的热情处理了每一项任务。剑桥国际He has given me endless love all his life. 他一辈子给了我无尽的爱。译典通The cars zipped by endlessly. 无穷无尽的车呼啸而过。译典通The journey seemed endless. 这旅程仿佛是无穷无尽的。译典通The new government has promised an end to the food shortages and interminable queues for basic household items.新政府答应结束食品短缺及为购买基本家庭用品长无尽头的排队。剑桥国际The small child tried to work out exactly how many snakes were hidden amongst the endless convolutions in the pattern.小孩试图找出到底有多少条蛇藏在图中无尽头的盘旋结构中。剑桥国际There seemed to be an inexhaustible supply of champagne to drink.看起来有无穷无尽的香槟酒供饮用。剑桥国际With the immigrants struggling to learn a strange tongue he was unfailingly patient.和努力学习一门陌生语言的移民们一起,他有无穷无尽的耐心。剑桥国际

