
单词 昂贵
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕Taylor is alleged to have used public money to buy expensive presents for her friends. 泰勒被指控利用公款给朋友购买昂贵的礼物。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕The house is on West Boston Avenue, Detroit's most expensive residential area. 这所房子位于底特律最昂贵的居住区,西波士顿大街。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕My mother could never resist expensive perfumes. 我母亲从来都抵挡不住昂贵香水的诱惑。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Most people have to make major purchases on credit. 大部分人购买昂贵商品得分期付款。朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕The room was full of stylish furniture and expensive paintings. 房间里摆满了别具风格的家具和价格昂贵的画作。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕Consumers are tired of paying a high price for what is an increasingly inferior service. 服务越来越差,消费者已不愿意支付昂贵的费用了。朗文写作活用〔afford〕I'm not sure how they are able to afford such expensive holidays.我不大清楚他们怎么能负担得起这么昂贵的度假。麦克米伦高阶〔amused〕Toddlers don't need expensive toys and games to keep them amused.蹒跚学步的幼儿不需要什么昂贵的玩具和高档的消遣就能够玩得很开心。剑桥高阶〔anaemic〕Their decor was expensive but rather anaemic.他们的装潢昂贵但了无生气。麦克米伦高阶〔a〕It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts.这是一个购物者不理会昂贵的丝绸衣服而热衷于更实用礼物的圣诞节。柯林斯高阶〔bait and switch〕A sales tactic in which a bargain-priced item is used to attract customers who are then encouraged to purchase a more expensive similar item.诱饵销售法:一种用廉价商品来吸引顾客,然后煽动他们购买更昂贵的类似产品的销售策略美国传统〔benefit〕He's had the benefit of an expensive education and yet he continues to work as a waiter.他接受过昂贵的教育,但却继续做一名服务员。剑桥高阶〔big-ticket〕We just can't afford the big-ticket items right now.现在我们还买不起昂贵的物品。麦克米伦高阶〔civil〕The matter would be better dealt with in the civil court rather than by an expensive criminal proceeding.这事最好在民事法庭处理,而不要进行昂贵的刑事诉讼。剑桥高阶〔coated〕Inkjet printers give their best results on costly coated paper.喷墨打印机在昂贵的铜版纸上打印效果最佳。外研社新世纪〔copycat〕At the market you can buy affordable copycat (= very similar) versions of expensive perfumes.你可以在市场上买到廉价的冒牌昂贵香水。剑桥高阶〔cost〕I didn't get it because it cost too much.因为那东西太昂贵我没买。牛津高阶〔declaim〕She declaimed against the high rents in slums.她激烈抨击贫民窟中昂贵的房租。21世纪英汉〔delicacy〕Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy.熏鲑鱼被认为是一道昂贵的珍馐。柯林斯高阶〔do a runner〕They were arrested after doing a runner from an expensive restaurant.从一家昂贵的餐馆逃单之后不久,他们就被逮捕了。剑桥高阶〔dry〕He went to an expensive clinic to dry out.他到一家费用昂贵的诊所戒酒瘾。牛津高阶〔equipment〕Skiing gear can be expensive.滑雪用具有时会很昂贵牛津高阶〔expensively〕I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment.因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。柯林斯高阶〔expensive〕Requiring a large expenditure; costly.费用浩大的:须要大笔开支的;昂贵美国传统〔expensive〕Rolls Royces are very expensive.劳斯莱斯汽车价格昂贵剑桥高阶〔expensive〕Wine's so expensive in this country.葡萄酒在这个国家非常昂贵外研社新世纪〔fantastically〕He has just sold his fantastically expensive Mayfair home.他刚卖掉他在伦敦西区高级住宅区梅费尔的那幢极其昂贵的住宅。外研社新世纪〔furnished〕The villa was expensively furnished throughout.这幢别墅全部配上了昂贵的家具。牛津搭配〔fur〕Loren arrived wearing an expensive-looking fur.洛伦来了,身上穿着看起来很昂贵的毛皮大衣。麦克米伦高阶〔give for〕The natives give these valuable furs for trade goods such as guns and radios.土著人用这些昂贵的皮毛来交换诸如枪和收音机这样的商品。21世纪英汉〔gloss〕The table was glossed to give it an expensive look.为使这张桌子看上去昂贵,桌子擦得发亮。21世纪英汉〔heat〕The house was cheap to rent, but the heat was expensive.房子租金虽便宜但供暖价格昂贵美国传统〔humbled〕There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.专门做这些菜的餐馆既有毫不起眼的也有价格昂贵的。柯林斯高阶〔idle〕Valuable machinery is left to lie idle for long periods.昂贵的机器长期处于闲置状态。麦克米伦高阶〔kind〕Certain kinds of medical care are more expensive than others.某些医疗保健服务比其他的保健服务要昂贵些。朗文当代〔kitsch〕Most of his clients had appeared to have cornered the market in expensive kitsch.他的大部分客户看上去 已经垄断了昂贵的媚俗作品市场。外研社新世纪〔lend〕She lent me her very expensive coat.她把她那件极昂贵的外套借给了我。麦克米伦高阶〔lucky dip〕Choosing a dry cleaner can be like a horribly expensive lucky dip.选择干洗店就如同一次代价非常昂贵的冒险。外研社新世纪〔luxury〕Something expensive or hard to obtain.精美昂贵的物品:昂贵或难得之物美国传统〔mint〕They cost a mint, but they are well worth the money.它们价格昂贵,但是很值得花这笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔mostly〕They have mostly invested their money in expensive real estate.他们已把钱主要投资到昂贵的房地产业了。柯林斯高阶〔much〕She wore an expensive suit and diamonds, which was a bit much for such a casual restaurant.她身穿昂贵的外套,戴着钻石首饰,在这样随意的餐馆显得过分了。剑桥高阶〔notoriously〕He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriously at a premium.他主要在纽约市工作, 那儿的住房出了名地昂贵外研社新世纪〔nouvelle cuisine〕Dining out here is easy, with everything from a hamburger to hyperexpensive nouvelle cuisine on your doorstep.在这里出去吃饭很方便, 从汉堡包到极其昂贵的新式烹饪菜肴, 家门口都应有尽有。外研社新世纪〔outfit〕She was wearing an expensive new outfit.她穿着一身昂贵的新衣裳。牛津高阶〔partiality〕He has a partiality for expensive suits.他偏爱昂贵的西装。剑桥高阶〔pay〕We may pay dearly for our arrogance.为某物付出昂贵的代价麦克米伦高阶〔peerage〕Burke's Peerage, the expensive handbook for aristocrats who are vague about their ancestors《伯克贵族名册》, 供不知自己祖先是谁的贵族们使用的昂贵手册外研社新世纪〔persuade〕He would not let himself be persuaded into buying the more expensive stereo.他不会让自己被忽悠去购买更昂贵的音响。韦氏高阶〔precious〕Of high cost or worth; valuable.昂贵的:价钱或价值很高的;值钱的美国传统〔pricey〕Medical insurance is very pricey.医疗保险十分昂贵外研社新世纪〔primarily〕Bone marrow transplants are a controversial procedure, primarily because of the high costs involved.骨髓移植是一项具有争议的手术,主要是因为其价格昂贵麦克米伦高阶〔private school〕He attended Eton, the most exclusive private school in Britain.他上的是伊顿公学,英国最昂贵的私立学校。柯林斯高阶〔prohibit〕The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。牛津高阶〔prohibit〕The high cost prohibits the widespread use of this dictionary.这本词典因价格昂贵而影响其广泛使用。21世纪英汉〔rack〕He wears expensive but off the rack shoes.他穿的鞋子虽是现买的,价格却非常昂贵英汉大词典〔reason〕The reason these cars are so expensive is that they are largely built by hand.这些汽车如此昂贵的原因是由于它们大部分是由手工制作的。麦克米伦高阶〔rental〕The apartment rentals are very high.公寓租费昂贵英汉大词典〔rent〕Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world to rent space in.香港是世界上地租最昂贵的城市之一。英汉大词典〔replace〕Halogen lamps give excellent service, but the bulbs are expensive to replace.卤素灯很耐用,但要换灯泡却非常昂贵牛津搭配〔road〕Road tolls can make driving expensive.道路通行费会使开车变得很昂贵牛津搭配〔run〕Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run.有时昂贵的药物或其他治疗方法从长远来看可能是比较划算的。柯林斯高阶〔sable〕The sable brushes cost a fortune.貂毛笔价格昂贵外研社新世纪〔self-defeating〕This is a lot of trouble, and expensive, and for the tourist nations self-defeating.这意味着大量的麻烦事和昂贵的费用,对旅游国来说不啻是自拆台脚。英汉大词典〔semiprecious stone〕A gem, such as an opal, that has commercial value but is not as rare or expensive as a precious stone.半宝石:具有商业价值但不如宝石罕见或昂贵的宝石,例如蛋白石美国传统〔simulate〕Cadets are using football rattles to simulate gunfire because blank ammunition is too costly.空包弹太昂贵了, 军校学员不得不用足球比赛时助威用的响板来模拟枪声。外研社新世纪〔spoil〕He spoils the children with expensive toys.他用昂贵的玩具宠坏了孩子们。牛津搭配〔squander〕They squandered the profits on expensive cars.他们把利润挥霍在昂贵的汽车上了。朗文当代〔stripped-down〕This camera is a stripped-down version of the more expensive model.这款相机是那款昂贵一些的机型的精简版。麦克米伦高阶〔supply〕It was a spacious room amply supplied with expensive furniture.那是一间宽敞的屋子,昂贵的家具应有尽有。牛津搭配〔that〕It was quite an expensive hotel, and not particularly comfortable at that.那是一家收费昂贵的宾馆,而且不怎么舒适。英汉大词典〔treat〕Bob treated us all to dinner at an expensive restaurant.鲍勃在一家昂贵的餐馆里请我们大家吃晚餐。麦克米伦高阶〔two〕Small houses are very expensive there, but in Ireland they are two a penny.小住宅在那里价钱昂贵,而在爱尔兰却相当便宜。英汉大词典〔upper class〕The upper classes usually send their children to expensive private schools.富人阶层一般把孩子送往学费昂贵的私立学校。剑桥高阶〔verisimilitude〕At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is costly.要使电脑动画的视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵柯林斯高阶〔wall〕High costs have finally driven a number of universities up against the wall.昂贵的费用最终把一些大学推上绝境。英汉大词典〔weigh〕The high price of property weighs heavily on many businesses.地产价格昂贵困扰着许多企业。麦克米伦高阶〔white elephant〕A rare, expensive possession that is a financial burden to maintain.累赘之物:罕有而又昂贵的财产,保管或维持起来是个财政负担的东西美国传统〔wire up〕Security experts wired up dozens of expensive plants to the main alarm system at his mansion.安防专家用电线把数十株昂贵植物都连接到了他大楼的主报警系统。外研社新世纪〔wreckage〕He surveyed the wreckage of his expensive equipment.他查看了一番他那昂贵装备的残骸。牛津搭配Fully comprehensive cover is expensive for young drivers.综合保险对年轻驾驶人士而言是昂贵的。牛津商务Going to the cricket match when he should have been at work was an expensive mistake for George--he lost his job because of it.本该工作的时候去看板球赛,这对乔治是一个代价昂贵的错误----他因此丢掉了工作。剑桥国际I don't approve of his cavalier attitude towards expensive equipment.我不赞成他用这样随随便便的态度来对待昂贵的设备。剑桥国际I don't think we'll be going anywhere expensive--Guy's on an economy drive.我想我们不该去任何昂贵的地方----盖伊在实施节约计划。剑桥国际I had some very expensive dental treatment recently--but it was money well spent--it'll save me problems in the future.我最近做非常昂贵的牙齿治疗,不过花得值,这样就不会有后患了。剑桥国际In expensive hotels you can send down for (= order) drinks and meals to be brought to your room.在昂贵的旅馆里,你可以要求把饮料和一日三餐送到你的房间。剑桥国际Restructuring the company could prove expensive.对这家公司进行改组可能会被证明是代价昂贵的。牛津商务She bought an expensive bottle of perfume / aftershave in London.她在伦敦买了一瓶昂贵的香水 / (剃须后涂的)润肤香水。剑桥国际She has finally got the job she wanted, but at great personal cost (=she has had to give up other things that were important to her).她最终得到了想要的工作,但个人代价昂贵剑桥国际She loves expensive clothes and owns at least three pairs of designer jeans.她爱穿昂贵的服装,至少有三条名牌牛仔裤。剑桥国际She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.她说明理由,称她买的昂贵的地毯会比便宜的更耐用。剑桥国际She was wearing one of those Sloaney green jackets.她穿着那种昂贵的传统绿色上衣。剑桥国际That car's got real style, which is no surprise considering how much it cost.那辆车确实十分豪华,考虑到其价格昂贵,这就不足为奇。剑桥国际The island's name has been blackened by the travel writer in his latest book -- he calls it scruffy and expensive.这个岛屿的名声已经被此旅行作家在其最近的书中给败坏了---- 他说它不但脏乱而且昂贵剑桥国际The round trip from France to Australia is very expensive.从法国到澳大利亚的来回旅行非常昂贵剑桥国际The strong dollar has made US goods expensive overseas.强劲的美元使美国商品在海外变得十分昂贵牛津商务The upkeep of a yacht is very expensive. 游艇的维修保养费是很昂贵的。译典通These shoes are extortionately expensive.这些鞋过于昂贵剑桥国际They offered me this expensive wine but frankly I'd rather have had beer.他们为我拿出了昂贵的葡萄酒,但坦白的说,我更乐意喝啤酒。剑桥国际We do not want to get involved in costly legal proceedings.我们不想卷入到昂贵的法律诉讼中。牛津商务

