
单词 弹钢琴
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MUSIC〕The recording features Norman Simmons on piano and Henry Johnson on guitar. 这首乐曲中诺曼·西蒙斯弹钢琴,亨利·约翰逊弹奏吉他。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕I'm learning how to play the piano, and I try to practise every day. 我在学弹钢琴,尽量每天都练习。朗文写作活用〔accomplishment〕Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments.弹钢琴是她的多项才艺之一。朗文当代〔age〕He started playing the piano at an early age.他幼年开始弹钢琴牛津高阶〔also〕She sings beautifully and also plays the flute and piano.她歌唱得好,还会吹长笛和弹钢琴朗文当代〔amusement〕I play the piano just for my own amusement (= to entertain myself, not other people).我弹钢琴纯粹是自娱自乐。剑桥高阶〔amuse〕He plays the piano only because it amuses himself.他弹钢琴只是为了自娱。英汉大词典〔beer〕He played piano in a beer hall for pocket money.他在一个啤酒馆里弹钢琴, 赚点零花钱。外研社新世纪〔best〕Miss Blockey was at her best when she played the piano.布洛基小姐弹钢琴的时候发挥了她的最好水平。柯林斯高阶〔both〕Emma and Jane both play the piano.埃玛和简二人都会弹钢琴外研社新世纪〔can〕Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?牛津高阶〔can〕I can't play the piano.我不会弹钢琴外研社新世纪〔can〕If you keep practicing, you'll be able to play the piano someday.如果坚持练习,你总有一天能学会弹钢琴的。韦氏高阶〔can〕She can play the piano.她会弹钢琴韦氏高阶〔can〕She’d love to be able to play the piano.她很希望能弹钢琴牛津高阶〔consummate〕He plays the piano with consummate skill.他弹钢琴技艺娴熟。韦氏高阶〔cup〕You must cup your hands while playing the piano.弹钢琴时你必须拱着手掌。英汉大词典〔do〕Do you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?韦氏高阶〔do〕So you play the piano, do you? 这么说你会弹钢琴,是吧?韦氏高阶〔do〕You play the piano, don't you? 你会弹钢琴,不是吗?韦氏高阶〔early〕He learnt to play the piano at an early age.他早年就学会了弹钢琴牛津高阶〔either〕Jackie could play the piano and sing, whereas I couldn't do either.杰基会弹钢琴也会唱歌,而我两样都不会。麦克米伦高阶〔electrify〕She would sit at the piano and sing, electrifying us all.她边弹钢琴边唱歌,使我们大家兴奋不已。朗文当代〔entertainment〕She played the piano for our entertainment.她弹钢琴给我们助兴。英汉大词典〔fashion〕I can play the piano, after a fashion.我会弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎。牛津高阶〔fond〕Anita is fond of playing the piano.阿妮塔喜欢弹钢琴麦克米伦高阶〔gifted with〕She is gifted with a talent for playing the piano.她有弹钢琴的天赋。韦氏高阶〔imaginary〕As she listened, she played an imaginary piano on her knees.她边听边在膝盖上作弹钢琴状。朗文当代〔learn〕He is learning how to play the piano.他正在学习怎样弹钢琴英汉大词典〔learn〕He is learning to play the piano.他在学习弹钢琴外研社新世纪〔learn〕I'm learning to play the piano.我正在学弹钢琴剑桥高阶〔leave〕He left off playing the piano to answer the door.他停止弹钢琴,应门去了。牛津高阶〔listen to〕We are listening to him playing the piano.我们在听他们弹钢琴21世纪英汉〔love〕Bert loves playing the piano.伯特很喜欢弹钢琴麦克米伦高阶〔natural〕She is a natural on the piano.她天生擅长弹钢琴英汉大词典〔phenomenon〕They said the six-year old pianist was quite a phenomenon.他们说那个弹钢琴的六岁小孩子着实是个天才。牛津同义词〔piano〕Do you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?麦克米伦高阶〔piano〕I play the piano.我会弹钢琴剑桥高阶〔piano〕I taught myself how to play the piano.我自学了弹钢琴外研社新世纪〔play〕A woman was playing the piano.一位女士正在弹钢琴外研社新世纪〔play〕Can you play the piano?你会弹钢琴吗?外研社新世纪〔play〕He's learning to play the piano.他在学习弹钢琴朗文当代〔plonk〕I really enjoy plonking away on the piano.我很喜欢咚咚咚地弹钢琴玩。剑桥高阶〔plunk〕I really enjoy plunking away on the piano.我很喜欢咚咚咚地弹钢琴玩。剑桥高阶〔point〕This website is an excellent beginning point for any pianist.这个网站对任何弹钢琴的人都是一个非常好的入门。牛津搭配〔pound〕Who is pounding the piano?谁在砰砰砰地乱弹钢琴?21世纪英汉〔practise〕I practise (playing) the piano every day.我每天练习弹钢琴英汉大词典〔practise〕She diligently practised her piano every day.她每天勤奋地练习弹钢琴牛津搭配〔relaxation〕I play the piano for relaxation.我弹钢琴自娱。朗文当代〔rheumatism〕I can't play the piano any more because I have rheumatism in my fingers.我不能再弹钢琴了,因为手指患了风湿病。剑桥高阶〔rusty〕I haven't played the piano for ages—I may be a little rusty.我很久没有弹钢琴,可能会有点生疏。牛津高阶〔satisfaction〕Playing the piano was one of his greatest satisfactions.弹钢琴是他最大的乐趣之一。英汉大词典〔save〕She couldn't play the piano to save her life! 她一点也不会弹钢琴麦克米伦高阶〔stick at sth〕You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not going to stick at it.如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴剑桥高阶〔stick to sth〕You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick to it.如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴剑桥高阶〔teach〕The young man taught himself to play the piano.那青年自学过弹钢琴英汉大词典〔tender (young) age〕He was playing the piano at a tender age.他小小年纪就在弹钢琴了。韦氏高阶〔the〕Did you play the piano as a child?你小时候弹钢琴吗?外研社新世纪〔the〕I play the piano.我弹钢琴文馨英汉〔the〕Nico is learning to play the piano.尼科在学弹钢琴剑桥高阶〔the〕She played the piano,and I played the violin.她弹钢琴,我拉小提琴。21世纪英汉〔tolerably〕I play the piano tolerably well, though I have no particular talent for it.虽然我在弹钢琴方面没有特别的天赋,但是我弹得还算可以。剑桥高阶〔vamp〕He vamped on the piano while she sang.她演唱时,他弹钢琴作即席伴奏。英汉大词典〔work〕Learning to play the piano isn't easy. You have to work at it.学弹钢琴不容易,你非得下功夫不可。牛津高阶〔world〕She is in a world of her own when she is playing the piano.她在弹钢琴时思想高度集中。英汉大词典A child who can play the piano at the age of two would be called a phenomenon. 两岁能弹钢琴的孩子会被称作神童。译典通Andy and Steve are both very musical, but only Steve plays the piano. Andy plays the guitar.安迪和斯蒂夫都很有音乐才能,但是只有斯蒂夫弹钢琴。安迪弹吉他。剑桥国际He is a natural on the piano. 他天生擅长弹钢琴译典通He plays the piano and fiddles (=plays VIOLIN) a bit.他偶尔弹弹钢琴拉拉小提琴。剑桥国际He seems to do everything brilliantly--piano playing, skiing, tap-dancing.他似乎能出色地做每件事----弹钢琴,滑雪,跳踢蹋舞。剑桥国际I can't play the piano anymore because I have rheumatism in my fingers.我无法再弹钢琴了,因为我的手指患了风湿症。剑桥国际I play the piano just for my own amusement (=to entertain myself not other people).我弹钢琴只是为了自己取乐。剑桥国际I play the piano tolerably well, though I have no particular talent for it.虽然我对弹钢琴没有特别的天赋,但是我的钢琴弹得还勉强可以。剑桥国际I play the piano, but not very well.我会弹钢琴,但不是很好。剑桥国际I really enjoy plonking away on the piano (= playing, usually not very well, by hitting the keys hard).我很喜欢丁丁冬冬地弹钢琴来消遣。剑桥国际I tried to learn to play the piano but I never really got a feel for it.我努力学习弹钢琴,但从未真正找到过感觉。剑桥国际I was playing on the piano when the telephone rang. 我正在弹钢琴,电话铃响了。译典通It's useful for a piano player to have a broad span (= distance between the thumb and the little finger when the hand is spread).对弹钢琴的人来说,具有宽阔的指距是非常有用的。剑桥国际My mother always told me that in the long run (= in the distant future) I would be glad I didn't give up the piano.我母亲总是对我说,将来我会为我没有放弃弹钢琴而高兴的。剑桥国际Nico is learning to play the piano.尼科在学弹钢琴剑桥国际She likes playing the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴译典通She played the piano for our entertainment. 她弹钢琴为我们助兴。译典通She plays the piano like a robot -- perfectly but without any feeling.她弹钢琴像是一个机器人----完全正确但没有任何感情。剑桥国际She practises the piano every day after school and she's getting much better at it.她每天放学后练习弹钢琴,现已有了很大进步。剑桥国际Steve only plays the piano, he doesn't write music for it.斯蒂夫只弹钢琴,他并不作曲。剑桥国际Steve only plays the piano/(fml) plays only the piano, and no other instruments.斯蒂夫只弹钢琴,不弹其它乐器。剑桥国际

