
单词 主教练
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOB〕Shula was promoted to head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals in 1991. 1991年舒拉被擢升为辛辛那提猛虎队的主教练朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Don Shula became the youngest head coach in NFL history. 唐·舒拉成为了美国橄榄球联盟历史上最年轻的主教练朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Hughes, who was Mott's assistant, will now become head coach. 休斯曾任莫特的助手,现在要当主教练了。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Noll, an assistant coach with the Colts, was hired by the Steelers as head coach. 小马队副教练诺尔被钢人队聘为主教练朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The Hong Kong Rugby Union has saddled Simpkin with the post of national coach to the ailing team. 香港橄榄球联合会把这支积弱球队的主教练职位推给了辛普金。朗文写作活用〔autonomy〕Each of the managers enjoys considerable autonomy.每个主教练都享有相当大的自主权。外研社新世纪〔bandy〕Many names have been bandied about in the press as the manager's replacement.报上传着许多人的名字,说是要接替主教练的位置。朗文当代〔bench〕The manager benched one of his most popular players.球队主教练把最受欢迎的球员之一换下了场。韦氏高阶〔bizarrely〕The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.这场比赛也因球队主教练怪异的举动而尽人皆知。柯林斯高阶〔bizarre〕The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.这场比赛也因球队主教练的怪异举动而引人注目。外研社新世纪〔call〕The runner was called out at home plate, and the manager came out to argue about the call.跑垒员在本垒被罚下,球队主教练站出来对这一判罚进行争辩韦氏高阶〔carry sb away〕The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.主教练警告年轻队员不要受一时情绪的左右。剑桥高阶〔change over〕The manager changed them over at half time, sending Matthews forward and bringing Hughes back.主教练在中场换人, 让马修斯上, 替换下了休斯。外研社新世纪〔consider〕The manager might not consider me for the World Cup team.主教练可能不会考虑让我进入世界杯球队的。外研社新世纪〔cope〕He coped quite well as manager while still captaining the team.他是球队的主教练,同时兼任队长,干得相当好。朗文当代〔crash〕The head coach was dismissed following a crash-and-burn 5–2 defeat in Atlanta on Tuesday.周二在亚特兰大以2:5的比分遭遇惨败后, 主教练被解雇。外研社新世纪〔departure〕The team has struggled since the departure of its head coach.自从主教练辞职以后,这个球队一直在苦苦挣扎。韦氏高阶〔disagreement〕Bowen resigned from the club following a disagreement with the head coach.鲍恩在与主教练发生争执后辞去了俱乐部的职务。麦克米伦高阶〔disregard〕They disregarded his position as head coach.他们不把他主教练的身份当回事。外研社新世纪〔draft into〕The manager will make a special plea to draft the player into his squad as a replacement.主教练会特别请求把这名选手招入他的球队做替补球员。外研社新世纪〔draft〕The manager will make a special plea to draft the player into his squad as a replacement.主教练将特别要求抽调这位运动员到他的队里做替补。柯林斯高阶〔dugout〕The manager was expelled from his dugout for protesting at the decision.主教练因为对判罚提出异议而被逐出教练席。外研社新世纪〔early〕The chances of Francis eventually becoming manager of England are perhaps higher. It is early days, of course, and he has yet to win anything.弗朗西斯最终成为英格兰队主教练的几率可能更高。当然,现在这样说为时尚早,他还没赢过呢。柯林斯高阶〔ease up on〕The manager does not intend to ease up on his players for some time.主教练在一段时间内并不打算放松对球员的要求。外研社新世纪〔ease up〕The manager does not intend to ease up on his players for some time.主教练并不打算在一段时间内放松对队员的要求。柯林斯高阶〔encouragement〕Liverpool left for Spain with some words of encouragement from manager Gerard Houllier.主教练杰勒德·霍利尔讲话鼓劲之后, 利物浦队开赴西班牙。外研社新世纪〔envious〕Scots rugby chiefs have cast envious eyes across the Irish Sea for a few years now.苏格兰橄榄球队主教练这几年一直想效仿爱尔兰海彼岸爱尔兰队的做法。外研社新世纪〔excitable〕The British football manager is a gung-ho, excitable, rather colourful personality.这位英籍足球队主教练干劲十足、情绪容易激动, 个性十分鲜明。外研社新世纪〔faith〕As manager, he was not prepared to keep faith with (= keep a promise to) the players who had failed him.作为主教练,他不打算对令他失望的球员守信。牛津搭配〔fear〕The Italian manager must have put the fear of God into his team.这位意大利主教练一定是威胁过他的队员。朗文当代〔fling〕Will this be his last fling as Scotland manager?这是不是他在苏格兰队主教练任上的最后疯狂?外研社新世纪〔gave him the hook〕The manager gave him the hook.主教练换下了他。韦氏高阶〔gracious〕Croatia's coach was gracious in defeat, accepting that the better team had won.克罗地亚的主教练很豁达大度地面对失败, 承认那支更棒的球队赢得了比赛。外研社新世纪〔grass〕Not one to let the grass grow under his feet, Sanchez had a busy time in his first weekend as Northern Ireland manager.桑切斯不愿虚度光阴, 当上北爱尔兰队主教练的第一个周末就非常忙碌。外研社新世纪〔hell〕The manager took a hell of a lot of money out of the club.主教练从俱乐部拿到了很多钱。柯林斯高阶〔hitter〕In the seventh inning, the manager inserted Trammell as a pinch hitter (= a player who hits instead of another player after the other player has appeared in the game).在第七回合中,主教练把特拉梅尔作为代打换上场。剑桥高阶〔ingenuous〕The manager was ingenuous enough to concede that the other team played better and should have gone through.主教练非常坦率地承认, 另一支球队打得更好, 本应该进入下一轮。外研社新世纪〔keynote〕Not upsetting the team was certainly the keynote of the manager's message.主教练所表达意思的主旨肯定是不要让队员们难过。外研社新世纪〔knife〕The knives are out for the manager following England's reversal on Sunday.周日英格兰队被逆转后, 公众批评的矛头指向了主教练外研社新世纪〔magnanimous〕The team's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.球队主教练在胜利后很大度,称赞了失利的对手。剑桥高阶〔manager〕He will be the club's caretaker manager until a new manager is appointed.在任命新的主教练之前,他将是俱乐部的代理教练。牛津搭配〔manager〕The Arsenal manager refused to comment after the match.赛后, 阿森纳的主教练拒绝作出评论。外研社新世纪〔masterstroke〕The manager pulled a masterstroke by switching Joe Cole into central midfield.主教练出了个妙招, 把乔•科尔换到中场。外研社新世纪〔mere〕The team manager has been quick to clamp down on the merest hint of complacency.球队主教练很快就消除了自满的小苗头。柯林斯高阶〔motion〕His job as England manager begins in earnest now his World Cup campaign is in motion.世界杯的征战开始, 他作为英格兰队主教练的工作也就真正开始了。外研社新世纪〔motion〕His job as England manager begins in earnest now his World Cup campaign is in motion.现在世界杯足球赛的征战工作已经展开,而他作为英格兰队主教练的工作也真正开始了。柯林斯高阶〔motivated〕Never let it be said that the manager doesn't know how to motivate his players.绝对不要让人说这位主教练不知道如何激励他的队员。柯林斯高阶〔motivate〕Never let it be said that the manager doesn't know how to motivate his players.永远不要成为别人口中那个不知如何激励自己队员的主教练外研社新世纪〔name〕Quinn has been named as the new team manager.奎因被选定为球队新的主教练朗文当代〔name〕The England manager will be naming a new captain, to replace the injured David Beckham.英格兰队主教练将任命新队长,接替受伤的大卫·贝克汉姆。柯林斯高阶〔name〕The England manager will be naming a new captain.英格兰队主教练将会指定一位新队长。外研社新世纪〔neck〕The manager was getting it in the neck every week despite winning most of his games.主教练每个星期都挨训, 尽管大多数比赛他都赢了。外研社新世纪〔objection〕Some managers have recently raised an objection to the PFA handling these negotiations.一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议。外研社新世纪〔objection〕Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations.一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议。柯林斯高阶〔objective〕Managers should set specific performance objectives for their teams.主教练应该为自己的球队制定明确的进取目标。朗文当代〔overage〕She had to leave the youth team when the coaches discovered she was overage.她不能呆在青年队了,因为主教练发现她已经超龄。剑桥高阶〔pass on sth〕He passed on the chance to be head coach and took a job in Florida.他放弃了成为主教练的机会,而是去佛罗里达找了一份工作。剑桥高阶〔pinch-hit〕The manager sent in Jones to pinch-hit for the pitcher.主教练派琼斯上场代替击球以对付投手。韦氏高阶〔plank〕There are four planks supporting an England manager: the players, the FA, the press and the public.英格兰队主教练受到以下四类人员的支持:运动员、足球协会、媒体和公众。外研社新世纪〔praise〕The French manager led the chorus of praise for the German team.法国队的主教练首先对德国队唱起了赞歌。牛津搭配〔pull〕The manager didn't pull his punches at half time.主教练在半场休息时毫不客气地批评了球员。外研社新世纪〔qualm〕The manager has no qualms about dropping players who do not perform well.主教练对放弃那些表现不好的队员未感到不安。朗文当代〔quit〕He is quitting as manager of the England team.他将辞去英格兰队主教练的职务。麦克米伦高阶〔rage〕The manager raged at the umpire.主教练朝裁判员大发雷霆。韦氏高阶〔relief〕Last night's unexpected win will bring much-needed relief to the team's manager.昨晚出人意料的获胜给这个队的主教练带来了适时的安慰。麦克米伦高阶〔remonstrate〕The Everton manager remonstrated angrily with the referee.埃弗顿队主教练愤怒地向裁判抗议。朗文当代〔replace〕The team's manager was replaced last season.球队的主教练上个赛季被撤换了。韦氏高阶〔reprimand〕The manager earned himself a severe reprimand for criticizing the referee.主教练因批评裁判而受到严重警告。牛津搭配〔respected〕He's one of the most respected managers in the game.他是这个运动项目最受尊敬的主教练之一。朗文当代〔review〕The team manager's position will be reviewed at the end of the season.球队主教练的位置将在赛季末作重新考虑。朗文当代〔say〕It said a lot for the manager that the team remained confident despite losing (=it showed that he is good) .球队虽败自信犹在,这清楚地说明了主教练的厉害。朗文当代〔senior〕The Dragons head coach praised his senior players in the 23-16 win.龙队主教练称赞队里老队员在这场23比16的胜仗中的表现。剑桥高阶〔shuffle〕The manager shuffled the batting order.主教练更换了击球手的上场次序。韦氏高阶〔signal〕The United manager was to be seen frantically signalling to McClair.一会儿可以看到曼联主教练拼命地朝麦克莱尔示意。柯林斯高阶〔spur〕The manager said that the team's win on Saturday would be a spur to even greater effort this season.主教练说球队周六的胜利将会激励全队在本赛季中有更好的表现。剑桥高阶〔striker〕The club's new manager is a former England striker.俱乐部的新任主教练以前是英格兰队的前锋。剑桥高阶〔substitute〕The manager brought on another substitute in the final minutes of the game.比赛还剩下最后几分钟时,主教练又换上了一位替补队员。剑桥高阶〔suggest〕It has been suggested that the manager will resign if any more players are sold.有提议如果再有球员被卖掉,主教练就会辞职。朗文当代〔swap〕The football managers agreed on swap deals involving their star players.足球队主教练就明星球员的交换达成了一致。牛津搭配〔switch〕The team's manager made a shrewd tactical switch.该队主教练对战术作出了高明的调整。牛津搭配〔tale〕He was in the middle of telling me a long tale about how he once met the Redskins' manager.他正在大谈特谈,告诉我他有一次怎么遇上了红人队的主教练朗文当代〔talking-to〕The team manager said: 'Tony has had a good talking-to and regrets his action'.球队主教练说:“托尼挨了一顿狠批,现在已经后悔自己的所作所为了。”柯林斯高阶〔talk〕That's fighting talk (=brave and confident words) from Italy's manager.那是意大利队主教练的豪言壮语。朗文当代〔team〕The manager has chosen his dream team for the World Cup.主教练选定了他的世界杯梦之队。牛津搭配〔tenure〕During his tenure as head coach, the team won the championship twice.在他担任主教练期间,球队两次赢得冠军。韦氏高阶〔touchline〕The manager shouted advice from the touchline.主教练在边线上大声指点着。麦克米伦高阶〔tradition〕They decided to break with tradition and appoint a Swede as the England manager.他们决定打破传统,任命一名瑞典人担任英格兰队的主教练朗文当代〔ultimate〕My experience as player, coach and manager has prepared me for this ultimate challenge.当球员、教练和主教练的经历锻炼了我,使我能够应对这一终极挑战。柯林斯高阶〔unload〕Rumor has it that the manager wants to unload him. Maybe he'll be traded to another team.有传闻说球队主教练想把他弄走,也许他将被转会到另一个球队。韦氏高阶

