
单词 人很多
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕I was now far behind the others and knew I couldn't catch up. 我现在已经落后别人很多,知道自己赶不上了。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕There are so many people without jobs that companies receive hundreds of applications to each advertisement. 没有工作的人很多,公司一登招聘启事就会收到数百封求职信。朗文写作活用〔about〕I hope she hasn't caught flu. There's a lot of it about .我希望她没得流感,最近得流感的人很多朗文当代〔attendance〕There was a large attendance at the meeting.到会的人很多英汉大词典〔attend〕The meeting was well attended.出席会议的人很多英汉大词典〔bar〕The public bar was crowded.酒吧间里人很多朗文当代〔cleverly〕His many admirers describe him as clever: his enemies as too clever by half.崇拜他的人很多说他聪明;恨他的人则说他聪明过了头。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕A large entry is attracted.被吸引来参加比赛的人很多英汉大词典〔finger〕He's a man with fingers in a lot of pies.他这个人很多事情都插手。外研社新世纪〔grade〕Many people apply for these positions, but only a few make the grade.应聘这些职位的人很多,但只有少数人能成功。韦氏高阶〔hundred〕There were hundreds of people at the pool today.今天游泳池里人很多剑桥高阶〔jaywalker〕The trouble with driving in the city is that there are so many jaywalkers.在城市中开车的麻烦,就是不守交通规则横越马路的人很多文馨英汉〔lay on〕If a lot of people want to come, more coaches will be laid on for them.如果想来的人很多,那就要为他们提供更多的大巴。韦氏高阶〔many〕Many are called, but few are chosen.召来的人很多,选中的却寥寥无几。英汉大词典〔mass〕There were masses of people in town today.今天城里人很多剑桥高阶〔military〕There were many military present but only a few civilians.出席的军人很多,平民很少。韦氏高阶〔nod〕There were a number of applications, but he was expected to get the nod.提出申请的人很多,可他有希望给挑中。英汉大词典〔pool〕During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.冬季来游泳的人很多,泳池人满为患。柯林斯高阶〔reassurance〕She found reassurance in the high attendance at her lectures.来听她讲座的人很多,这使她感到很欣慰。牛津搭配〔sickness〕There's a lot of sickness around this winter.今年冬天患病的人很多剑桥高阶〔thing〕The funny thing is that the rest of us have known that for years.滑稽的是,那个情况我们其余的人很多年以前就知道了。柯林斯高阶〔visitor〕The museum has many visitors.这家博物馆参观的人很多英汉大词典San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer. 夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多译典通There was a large attendance at the party. 参加聚会的人很多译典通There was a well-read copy of Hello! magazine on the table.桌子上有一本《你好!》杂志,这本杂志读的人很多剑桥国际There was no shortage of candidates (= there were a lot) for the post.适合这个职位的人很多牛津商务There were a lot of people at the meeting last night.昨晚出席会议的人很多剑桥国际There were lots of (= many) people at the meeting last night.昨晚参加会议的人很多剑桥国际There's masses of people in town today.今天城里人很多剑桥国际

