
单词 yolk
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFT〕Slice the eggs in half, then scoop out the yolks into a bowl. 把鸡蛋切成两半,然后挖出蛋黄放入碗内。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕Beat the egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of water and blend them into the white sauce. 给蛋黄加两大汤匙水搅打,再搅拌到白色调味汁里。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕Combine the egg yolks and the cream, and cook over a low heat. 把蛋黄和奶油混合,再用小火烧。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Break an egg into a bowl and separate the white from the yolk. 在碗里打入一个鸡蛋,把蛋清和蛋黄分开。朗文写作活用〔aioli〕A rich sauce of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil used especially to garnish fish and vegetables.蒜泥蛋黄酱:一种用蒜泥、蛋黄、柠檬汁和橄榄油配制起来的调味汁,尤其用作鱼和蔬菜的配料美国传统〔bind〕Add an egg yolk to bind the mixture together.加个蛋黄使混合料凝结在一起。牛津高阶〔bind〕Add an egg yolk to make the mixture bind.加个蛋黄使混合料凝结。牛津高阶〔blastoderm〕The layer of cells that develops on the surface of the yolk in an avian or reptilian egg and gives rise to the germinal disk from which the embryo develops.胚盘:鸟蛋或爬行动物卵的蛋黄表面的细胞层,胚盘由此形成,胚胎从胚盘发育美国传统〔béarnaise sauce〕A sauce of butter and egg yolks that is flavored with vinegar, wine, shallots, tarragon, and chervil.鸡蛋黄油酱:一种加有醋、酒、冬葱、龙蒿、细叶芹的鸡蛋黄和黄油的调味汁美国传统〔candied〕Beat the egg yolks with the candied sugar.将蛋黄和砂糖放在一起打散。外研社新世纪〔chalaza〕Biology One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell.【生物学】 卵黄系带:鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一美国传统〔curdle〕The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle.调味汁不能煮沸, 否则蛋黄会凝结。外研社新世纪〔curdle〕The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle.调味汁不能煮沸,不然蛋黄会凝结的。柯林斯高阶〔deepen〕This spice is used particularly in poultry feed to deepen the colour of egg yolks.这种香料尤用于家禽的饲料中,以加深蛋黄的颜色。柯林斯高阶〔deutoplasm〕The nutritive substances or yolk in the cytoplasm of an ovum or other cell.滋养质:卵细胞或其他细胞的细胞质中的卵黄或营养物质美国传统〔double〕One of the eggs had a double yolk.其中一个鸡蛋是双黄的。韦氏高阶〔dribble into〕She dribbled the oil into the beaten egg yolks.她给打好了的蛋黄滴油。21世纪英汉〔egg〕Beat in two of the egg yolks (=the yellow part) .把其中两个蛋黄打进去。朗文当代〔embryonic membrane〕Any of the membranous structures closely associated with or surrounding a developing vertebrate embryo, including the amnion, chorion, allantois, and yolk sac.胚膜:任何与发育中的胚胎相关或包围胚胎的膜状结构,包括衣胞、绒膜胚囊、尿膜和卵黄囊美国传统〔fold into〕Fold the cream into the egg yolk mixture.把奶油调入打好的蛋黄液中。外研社新世纪〔fold〕Fold the cream into the egg yolk mixture.把奶油调入蛋黄液中。柯林斯高阶〔food〕Blend the egg yolks, lemon juice and herbs in a food processor.用食品加工机将蛋黄、柠檬汁和香草混合在一起。牛津搭配〔gadget〕Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks from whites.你见过这种很有用处的小装置吗——它是用来把蛋黄和蛋清分开的。剑桥高阶〔goodness〕All the goodness of an egg is in the yolk.蛋的营养在蛋黄里。朗文当代〔heterolecithal〕Having the yolk unevenly distributed throughout the egg.异卵黄的:卵子中卵黄分布不均匀的美国传统〔hollandaise sauce〕A rich, creamy sauce made of butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice or vinegar.荷兰式沙司:由黄油、蛋黄和柠檬酱或醋制成的一种浓烈的奶油状酱美国传统〔isolecithal〕Having the yolk evenly distributed throughout the egg.均匀卵黄的:卵黄均匀地分布于卵的各处的美国传统〔mayonnaise〕A dressing made of beaten raw egg yolk, oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and seasonings.蛋黄酱:一种用生蛋黄、油、柠檬汁或醋加调味品制成的酱美国传统〔microwave〕Never microwave a whole egg without pricking the yolk with a toothpick to break the outer membrance.若在微波炉中煮整蛋时,务必先用牙签将蛋黄外膜刺破。21世纪英汉〔nourishing〕Most of these nourishing substances are in the yolk of the egg.大多数营养成分集中在蛋黄中。外研社新世纪〔nourishing〕Most of these nourishing substances are in the yolk of the egg.这些营养物质中的大部分在蛋黄里。柯林斯高阶〔parablast〕The nutritive yolk of a meroblastic egg.卵黄,蛋黄:不完全裂卵的营养卵黄美国传统〔scrambled eggs〕Eggs with the yolks and whites beaten together and cooked to a firm but soft consistency.炒蛋:蛋黄和蛋清搅拌在一起,煎硬但要有松软的黏稠性美国传统〔separate〕Separate the eggs(= separate the yolk from the white).把蛋黄和蛋清分开。牛津高阶〔separate〕You can get a special device for separating egg whites from yolks.你可以买一种把蛋白与蛋黄分开的专用器具。剑桥高阶〔stir〕Stir the egg yolks into the mixture.将蛋黄搅拌至混合料中。剑桥高阶〔vegetal pole〕The portion of an egg opposite the animal pole that contains most of the yolk.植物性极,卵黄极:与动物性极相对的、含有大部分卵黄的那部分卵美国传统〔vitellarium〕A group of glands that secrete yolk around the egg in those invertebrates, such as worms, whose eggs do not contain yolk.卵黄腺:一些脊椎动物中在卵周围分泌卵黄的一组腺,如其卵不包含卵黄的虫子美国传统〔vitelline〕The yolk of an egg.卵黄美国传统〔vitellin〕A protein found in egg yolk.卵黄磷蛋白:存在卵黄的一种蛋白质美国传统〔vitellogenesis〕Formation of the yolk of an egg.卵黄生成作用美国传统〔vitellus〕The yolk of an egg.卵黄美国传统〔whisk〕In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar and the yolks.用另一只碗把剩余的糖和蛋黄搅打均匀。外研社新世纪〔whisk〕In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar and the yolks.用另外一只碗把剩下的糖和蛋黄搅打均匀。柯林斯高阶〔whisk〕Using a whisk, mix the yolks and sugar to a smooth paste.用打蛋器将蛋黄和糖打成均匀的糊状。外研社新世纪〔whisk〕Using a whisk, mix the yolks and sugar to a smooth paste.用打蛋器将蛋黄和糖打成均匀的糊状。柯林斯高阶〔white〕Separate the white from the yolk.把蛋清和蛋黄分开。外研社新世纪〔whole〕Add three whole eggs plus two additional yolks.加三个完整的鸡蛋,再加两个蛋黄。麦克米伦高阶〔work into〕Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon.用木勺把油逐渐混入蛋黄。外研社新世纪〔work in〕Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon.用木勺将油慢慢掺到蛋黄中。柯林斯高阶〔yellow〕Chiefly Southern U.S. The yolk of an egg.【多用于美国南部】 蛋黄美国传统〔yolk stalk〕A narrow ductlike part that connects the yolk sac to the middle of the digestive tract of an embryo.卵黄柄:连接卵黄囊和胚胎消化道中部的狭窄的管状部分美国传统〔yolk〕I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.我喜欢煮得嫩些的鸡蛋,这样蛋黄还是溏心的。剑桥高阶〔yolk〕Only the yolk contains cholesterol.只有蛋黄含有胆固醇。柯林斯高阶〔yolk〕Only the yolk contains cholesterol.只有蛋黄才含胆固醇。外研社新世纪〔yolk〕Separate the yolks from the whites.将蛋黄从蛋清中分离出来。剑桥高阶〔yolk〕Separate the whites from the yolks.将蛋清和蛋黄分开。牛津高阶Have you seen this handy little gadget--it's for separating egg yolks from whites.你看到过这个小巧的玩意儿吗----它是用来把蛋黄和蛋清分开的。剑桥国际I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.我喜欢稍稍煮过的鸡蛋,这样蛋黄是溏心的。剑桥国际I used three egg yolks in this pastry.这个点心中我用了3颗蛋黄。剑桥国际If you want to make your own marzipan you'll need sugar, egg whites or yolks and ground almonds.如果你想自制杏仁蛋白糊,就需糖,蛋白或蛋黄,还有磨碎的杏仁。剑桥国际Separate the yolks from the whites.将蛋黄从蛋清中分离出来。剑桥国际Stir (= Mix) the egg yolks into the mixture.将蛋黄搅拌进混合物中。剑桥国际You can get a special device for separating (= dividing) egg whites from yolks.你可以买一种专用器具把蛋白与蛋黄分开。剑桥国际

