
单词 保质
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TIME〕Are you sure these yoghurts are ok? Have you checked the expiry date? 你肯定这些酸奶没问题吗?有没有查看过保质期?朗文写作活用〔be past your sell-by date〕There's plenty of time to have a baby. I'm not past my sell-by date yet.还有足够的时间生孩子。我还没有过“保质期”。剑桥高阶〔carry〕All our products carry a full 25-year guarantee.我们的所有产品都有整整25年的保质期。麦克米伦高阶〔expiry〕Eggs must be marked with an expiry date that is ten days from the date of packing.鸡蛋应该标明保质期为自包装之日起十天。朗文当代〔goods〕A 'use by' date must be stamped on all perishable goods.易腐产品都应标明保质期。牛津搭配〔irradiate〕It's safe to eat foods that have been irradiated to prolong their shelf life.食用经过辐射杀菌处理、延长了保质期的食品是安全的。柯林斯高阶〔keep〕Perfume doesn't keep indefinitely, you know.你知道香水是没法无限期保质的。麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕The sauce will keep for two weeks in the fridge.调味汁放在冰箱里可保质两周。麦克米伦高阶〔pass〕The bacon has passed its sell-by day.熏咸肉已经过了保质期。外研社新世纪〔past〕The milk is past its expiration date.牛奶已经过了保质期。韦氏高阶〔prolong〕Additives are used to prolong the shelf life of packaged food.添加剂用来延长包装食品的保质期。韦氏高阶〔shelf life〕Fresh fruit has a very short shelf life.新鲜水果的保质期很短。剑桥高阶〔shelf life〕Rice has a long shelf life.大米的保质期长。韦氏高阶Canned food usually has a shelf life of two years or more.罐头食品的保质期通常为两年或更长时间。牛津商务The flour is not yet past its best-before date.面粉尚未过保质期。牛津商务This cheese has good keeping qualities.这种乳酪保质期长。剑桥国际This type of apple doesn't get mealy inside--it has a long shelf-life.这种苹果里面不会变得又干又粉----它的保质期很长剑桥国际We mark each packet with a sell-by date.我们在每一个包上标上保质期。牛津商务

